I have a 15 year old son with a BAV, Aortic stenosis, Noderate regurgitation and dilatation of his ascending aorta. Also I lift weights . I have almost everyday all day shortness of breath which follows with chest pain and discomfort. Im afraid Ill end up like my Mom. I would defer to Dr. Dietz since youve already contacted him. Hi Larry Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital cardiovascular anomaly, occurring in 1-2% of the population. No stenosis or regurgitation, aorta 27 mm at the time. Alternatively, bicuspid aortic valve symptoms can appear during the first twenty years of life. The aortic valve is between the left lower heart chamber and the body's main artery, called the aorta. The flaps are called cusps. I too am looking for information on effects to performance since I am a Masters racing cyclist with 25 years of racing/riding long events. Young actor receives groundbreaking aortic valve repair Its also clear-cut that patients with significant enlargement of the aorta to greater than 5.0 cm need operation for replacement of the aorta. We were to see them in 3 months. As I restart my resistance (weight training) program what should be my upper limit weights? I recently also did a 24hr EKG (holter) which was fine. She said it could still be 6 months to a year just depending on if there are any more changes to this next echo. I was having chest pain and flew to Thailand to see what the issues were and they found I had GERD and Esophagitis. My primary question relates to sports. Your doctors will be in the best position to offer advice because they will be most familiar with your case. Celebrity. My surgeon says that the aneurism and bav go together. Before 2 years my aorta was 37mm . I have recently had CT scan and MRI scan, following some chest pain experienced on track while doing marathon training. He was very talented at football. Questions about Bicuspid Aortic Valve!! A bicuspid aortic valve: Most people are born with an aortic valve that has three leaflets (a tricuspid aortic valve). There is a readable section related to BAV. Thank you! We dont know what to do. But thats just anecdote. You are a very good man. Aside from the problems with aortic valve stenosis or regurgitation or with enlargement of the aorta, individuals with BAV can also suddenly develop the problem of aortic dissection. Think to report back to let us know how things go for you, personally. I think we should have a choice??? I suspect it had been leaking for a long time, as I felt no different; however, my recovery from long runs took longer than in the past (old age?). By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. I do not know aorta measurements. Aortic replacement. Aortic valve stenosis: Your aortic valve narrows, reducing blood flow through it. In your experience, can patients with BAV go a lifetime without having AVR? The Institute is a unique collaboration of cardiothoracic and vascular surgeons, cardiologists, pulmonologists and basic scientists all working together without the boundaries of departments or specialties. This almost seems like an off the shelf answer and Id therefore be really keen to find out your thoughts? Im wondering if you can advise me. Over time, there will be some patients who develop problems with the prosthetic heart valve or enlargement of some portion of the aorta (that hasnt already been replaced) that requires operation. Thank you for your time. Any guidelines? Approximately 1%-2% of the population are born with an aortic valve that only has two cusps. Bicuspid Aortic Valve with trivial AR. Thanks for the very insightful post, and for taking the time to reply to everyone here. Elite triathletes and heart problems Seven months ago I had emergency AVR due to a BAV that was severely compromised by endocarditis. Bicuspid aortic valve can be found in 1% to 2% of the general population . Since I started running, I lost about 8 kg, my blood pressure decreased from 140/90 to 120/80-70. We see his pediatric cardiologist every 6 months. Im hoping you can help with some guidance. Bicuspid Aortic Valve - Medscape They may also disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart. (bicuspid aortic valve), singer Bret Michaels (atrial septal defect), and even 'Survivor' contestant Whitney Duncan (ASD). I understand its strenuous activity but if Im for example bench pressing it will get harder for me to put it up at the 8th rep.. Celebrities With Endocarditis -- Know Of Any? - Heart Valve Surgery Schwarzenegger was born with a condition known as bicuspid aortic valve, in which the heart's main artery, the aorta, has only two cusps instead of three. I have been feeling better than before the surgery and I feel with better condition on the trails. 1. My Dr. gave me the all clear to go back to my exercise routines. Assuming that 2% of the US population has bicuspid aortic valve disease, that is 6,278,281 people. Bicuspid valves are quite common (1-2 percent of the population). I have found in my case( an athlete with bav)the typical response from doctors is, thats life, you cant do it anymore, be grateful for what you have. "The 1997 heart valve replacement was never meant to be permanent," stated Daniel Ketchell, a spokesman for Arnold. My son is desperate to be able to play sports without any restrictions. Is it right to declared someone having BAV unfit for the post of a chemist? The star's mother, Rita Owens, was diagnosed with heart failure after passing out while teaching art at a New Jersey high school in 2004. I inderstand that my resistance training will likely be severely curtailed from this point forward, but severe restrictions on my endurance training will be a very difficult pill to swallow. I know what theyre saying and after that I know that I have mixed feelings because I feel depressed about not being active like I used to be, but then I feel selfish as I am not being grateful. that suffer from heart valve disease along with a link to the reference story about their heart valve disease and their Twitter handle can be found below: ), the famous American television anchor, suffers from, ), the Olympic Gold Medalist (Soccer) suffered from, ), a comedian and broadcaster, suffers from a. I am followed every 2 years. You already have a cardiologist looking after you. Exercise and sports are usually safe if there is mild aortic root enlargement but no other heart or vascular problems. A faulty aortic valve isn't something you want to have considering that it helps blood flow out of the heart and through the rest of the body. You are correct that we worry about the influence of such activities on the enlarged aorta in those with BAV. While i appreciate you are not my cardiologist and we`ve never met is there anything generic out there that i can look at to gain an idea. A Public Death: Bill Paxton's Death Certificate Points To Surgery's Although bicuspid aortic valves can occur . These operations can sometimes enjoy the benefits of each of the operations you mentioned.and avoid done of the down sides. Have completed an excercise stress test and signed off as ok on reaching level 13. In general, the larger (in diameter) the substitute valve is, the less aortic stenosis it will produce. Hi Dr. Creswell. How are you? There are certainly athletes whove returned to their sports after valve (and aorta) repair/replacement. 5 months ago was diagnosed with severe AR and 5 cm long aneurism (root 3.0 cm, sinusi valsave 4.3cm, ST 3.6cm, ascending aorta 3.6cm) on regular yearly checkout, with no syptoms. Im 53. The doctor said she would see if she could talk about his case with the surgical panel but she said even if he did have surgery he couldnt have a career in sports??? Bicuspid Aortic Valve (BAV) - Frankel Cardiovascular Center Im 39 also diagnosed with BAV when I was 31. My heart rate some time is 100. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) and congenital aortic stenosis are two types of heart defects that may be present at birth. His doctor said his heart look very healthy and no other issues. Bobbie. Not only the degree of aortic regurgitation, but also the degree of enlargement of the nearby aorta, should be taken into consideration when settling on limits for exercise. Yesterday, for example, I spoke with a 71-year old patient who just had aortic valve replacement surgery due to this . Use or viewing of any Baldwin Publishing, Inc. article signifies your understanding and agreement to the disclaimer and acceptance of these terms of use. I found a cardiologist with whom Im quite happy with. Hi. Consensus guidelines suggest restricting activities in athletes with BAV and aortic diameter >4.0 cm. Thank you for the follow-up! I used to do HIIT and moderate to heavy weight 5 days a week before my physical complications. Bicuspid aortic value ppg 24 mmhg A lot of people have it, she told Access Hollywood in 2009. We just dont know. Pathology. Search for heart hospitals that specialize in heart valve treatment. Context Bicuspid aortic valve is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly in the adult population. Aortic dilatation is a common feature of BAV with a prevalence ranging from 20 to 84% , due to differences in assessment techniques, study population, aortic size thresholds, and heterogeneous nature of the . When patients have moderate to severe aortic regurgitation, exercise can often be difficult. I dont train a lot, like 2k bike, 500k run and 100k swim yearly and few competitions sprints and one half IM in a year (32 years old). I am a marathoner with BAV and no other cardiac issues. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808. Like you mention, one theory is related to the aortic blood flow. Barbara Walters - Aortic Valve Replacement. His exercise stress test on 8/5/16 was fine. What activities can I do? We just saw them in January. I would like to get back into it, but obviously I have been having some concerns. Very likely an operation will be needed at some point in the future. Anyway, I will continue with running as much as I can, and now I have an excuse for my lousy performance. That said, the recommendations dont address WHEN that screening should occur. Dr Creswell, The echo in Jan asc aorta Diam 4.2 cm z-score 6.4. Normal LV diastolic function. Today, echocardiography (ultrasound) for screening or diagnostic purposes for some other heart problem is the most common way that BAV is detected. My exercise is limited to 30 minutes of moderate carido, with no weights. Normal pericardium, no pericardia effusion On April 16, 1997, Arnold Schwarzenegger underwent elective heart surgery to replace a defective, congenital aortic heart valve. Your doctor will be in the best position to know all of the relevant information and offer sound advice. What should i do? First, Id encourage you to follow your doctors advice. I do think that aspects of the martial arts are strength-related. In March 2018 he underwent emergency surgery to have this replacement valve replaced. Could you express your opinion on this issue? The procedure was performed at the Cleveland Clinic. We all appreciate it. Thats about as specific as he got. Aortic stenosis, the narrowing of the aortic valve. Perhaps other readers will comment. "Thanks to the team at the Cleveland Clinic, I have a new aortic valve to go along with my new pulmonary valve from my last surgery," he wrote. He is very athletic. Bicuspid aortic valve (aka BAV) is a form of heart disease in which two of the leaflets of the aortic valve fuse during development in the womb resulting in a two-leaflet (bicuspid) valve instead of the normal three-leaflet (tricuspid) valve. Is the biggest risk (from numbness) a over-calcified valve which would cause lack of blood flow? Others won't have symptoms until adulthood, if ever. Here is a link to a diagram that categorizes sports according to their dynamic and static components: http://www.athletesheart.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Classification-of-Sports-300217.png. In addition to being patients, there are many celebrities who, like you, parent a child with CHD as well. Sometimes patients with mechanical aortic valves report that they lose a bit of their top-end athletic performance. This gives a chance for the sternum, which was split during the operation, to heal completely. , Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease, Acquired Valve Disease. Regards For these individuals, provided there is no other relevant heart disease, it may be appropriate to have follow-up echocardiogram and/or CT scanning every 2 years. May 11, 2010 -- Barbara Walters said on Monday that her upcoming heart surgery, a procedure known as an aortic valve replacement, will hopefully correct a problem of which . Perhaps meeting with a heart surgeon now, even if operation is not yet needed, might provide a forum for discussion about the options for surgery, the technical issues, and recovery. Additional types of patients who should ask for a TAVR evaluation include: Bicuspid aortic valve patients who are experiencing symptoms. Ordinarily, race walking is considered to be in the same category of activity as long-distance running. A few hours after helping the woman, she began to experience chest aches, soreness in both arms, nausea and clammy skin. TAVR is a relTively new technology where a new heart valve, shrunk onto a catheter, can be threaded through the bloodstream (usually through a leg artery) to where your current valve sits.and then expanded inside the current valve, pushing it aside. We have decided to wait and watch. Im just going to do my very best to stay the course and have annual echoes to track my valve. My average weekly training plan includes 50k of running (5 days) with 80% done on pulse below 154-152 and only 20% done at pulse about 175-179 bpm. During that first month we recommend ample walking as the best form of exercise. Aortic enlargement in patients whove had valve replacement for BAV can be a vexing problem. So it's got the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and great doctors. The numbness/tingling has me constantly worriedand the slight chest pains have me always thinking is that my BV or Aorta causing issues?. But, three heart valve surgeries! I dont know what to do .. He will be rechecked with an echo, BNP blood test & MRI every 6 months. The issues related to repeat aortic valve surgery, with or without replacement of the aorta, are complicated. When you start seeing changes with regurgitation does it progress quickly? Bicuspid aortic valve: A bicuspid aortic valve only has two leaflets, increasing the risk of circulatory problems and heart conditions. If youre questioning the recommendations youve received, perhaps a second opinion might be helpful. Perhaps that info will give you some basis for discussion with your cardiologist and surgeon regarding the type of valve that is used for your re-replacement. Celebrities with congenital heart disease How much worse does it have to get before it should be replaced? Whether 130 beats per minute is a good cut-off truly isnt known. Hi, my name is Hector and I am 34 years old. Historically, a heart murmur was the most common reason affected individuals were identified. This was 7 months ago. As a consequence, these individuals develop earlier calcification of the valve leaflets, leading to narrowing, or stenosis. Any words you have for us would be greatly appreciated. I am a 23 year old male, have BAV with mild AR. I was shocked. After a 6 month ramp up, will the Porcene valve take the stress of the 5 rep sets? That means it is a congenital heart defect. Consensus guidelines suggest that athletes with mild aortic regurgitation and no other heart problems can participate fully in their sports. My 28, got a BAV with mild stenosis and a aortic root measuring 40mm. Ive starting going to the gym again and doing cardio with weights to tone up. Finally some solid information about exercise and life post AVR, thank you very much for that. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Enlargement of the left ventricle can be an indication that the heart suffers from the aortic regurgitation, even if the regurgitation doesnt produce symptoms like shortness of breath. A bicuspid aortic valve only has two of these leaflets. Thank you so much! We expect the current generation tissue valve to last at least 12-15 years before problems. no tiredness, no dizziness, etc. Given my age and activity level, do you think it would be beneficial, or even prudent, to explore a valve repair surgery as you described above? I asked her about surgery. Hector V. Ive never heard about a mechanical aortic valve becoming loose because of high HR. Kim Kardashian Doja Cat Iggy Azalea Anya Taylor-Joy Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Portman Henry Cavill Millie Bobby Brown Tom Hiddleston Keanu Reeves. Aortic valve regurgitation: Blood leaks back into your left ventricle instead of only flowing into your aorta. Dont see why HIIT should be excluded. Hi Dr Creswell, Best to continue to work towards identifying cause(s) and getting any needed treatment. I wonder if there is also a psychological factor involved. I am 51 and leaning towards a tissue valve because of my activities and that I am a firefighter. is my lack of top end performance indicative of someone with BAV & aortic coarctation? Shes quite the athlete. Many endurance athletes are able to return to their sports after operation for BAV. Specifically, Im wondering about inversions like forearm stand, head stand, and hand stand. And what would moderate weight lifting be defined as? Surgeon Q&A: What is TAVR Valve-in-Valve? running? lessons) 6 weeks later Im still experiencing symptoms that (in the back of my mind) have me thinking about the BV issue. Hi Larry, thanks for doing this website, I wish there were more like it. I am considered elite in my age division. Im 32 years old and didnt expect at all that my aorta would dilate. These differences of opinion may be legitimate. I see Im not alone. Your situation is complicated.and it wont be possible to give a complete answer here without additional information. Bicuspid aortic valve refers to a spectrum of deformed aortic valves with two functional leaflets or cusps which are often unequal in size. In the blog post, I talked about the circumstances when operation is needed.as well as when sports are generally safe. Thank you for what you do and for your responsiveness. At approximately three months I became very ill and was diagnosed with prosthetic valve endocarditis. Some cardiologists tell me that I can run up to 130 beats per minute ; others say theyd prefer I do power walking because pressure always rises while running. Palace Insiders Say Prince William Is Already Furious About Prince Harrys Memoir Leaks, Prince Harry alleges Prince William attacked him over Meghan Markle in a new excerpt from, Scene Stealer: The True Lies of Elisabeth Finch, Part 1, Rupert Murdoch Knees Trump in the Balls While Hes Doubled Over Coughing Up Blood, By BG017/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images/Getty Images. Early after operation, and for perhaps the first month, we typically limit activities that place stress on the shoulders and sternum. The notion is to reduce the number of cycles of heart beat x high blood pressure. Vanity Fair may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Robbie Benson - Actor/Director - Bicuspid Aortic Valve. "I had been doing some work around the house working with a heavy ladder, he told PEOPLE of his activity in the days leading up to his heart attack. Thanks for sharing. While I recovered from surgery just fine, my return to my normal activity levels has been hampered by recurring arrhythmias, muscle atrophy during recovery, medication,and general inability to exert myself like I could prior to surgery. Everyones symptoms are different but I felt compelled to share mine. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Is operation needed? There are just so many causes of shortness of breath, lightheadedness, and chest pain.even besides the heart-related causes. Many patients with surgery for BAV, even if it involves aortic root replacement, lead rather normal lives afterwards. At 4.0 cm, its important to be thoughtful about activities. My son is a baseball player, so that is good. "Listen to the voice inside, the one we all so easily ignore. But I recognize that not all cardiologists or heart surgeons would agree. Anyway, I just wanted to say I found this article particularly informative. My son at 11 months was diagnosed with BAV. Thank you for answering these questions. I lifted weights for many years and spent almost all my life in physically demanding jobs. Yes, as the patient grows, so will the aorta.and eventually you get to the traditional >40 mm cutoff where activity restrictions are advised. With aortic dissection, the aorta can develop a tear on its inside wall, leading to unraveling of its layers, and even rupture. I am playing basketball I am doing 100m and 200m and swimming . Bicuspid Aortic Valve Stenosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment - Healthgrades Mild aortic valve disease without symptoms may only require frequent health checkups. My son is a very active and healthy 14 year old. and my valve is working quite well (mild aortic regurgitation). My resting pulse is 55 and BP 115/82. While my surgeon said that I can do whatever normal healthy person would do my cardiologist gave me some restrictions basically not to raise my HR over 120. I would not want yo distinguish between the various forms of static exercise that you mention. My doctor says i use losartan for decrease my blood presure. I just want to know what things I will see change so that I dont look past the change in my valve and miss my window to get the valve replaced. My aorta diameter is 4.0 cm and has increased by 0.8 cm (from 3.2 cm) in the past 5 years so the diameter is increasing rapidly. Ten years ago (2006), doctors said that there was a worsening of the BAV but still no need to have Aortic replacement. Bicuspid aortic disease occurs when a defect is present in the valve that opens and shuts to allow blood flow from the heart through the aorta. John Ritter - Actor - passed away due to undiagnosed CHD at age 55. Frontiers | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Sievers Type 0 Left ventricle (LV diastolic diameter 54mm|58mm, LV diastolic volume 142ml|167ml, LV systolic volume 39ml|57ml, Ejection fraction 72%|65%); . Do you have any info or recommendations about this? Im 32 years old and back in 09 I discovered I have a BAV. Yes, there are many athlete patients whove had operation for BAV/aortic replacement and returned to a variety of sports. This valve repair option is one that might best be pursued at a center that specializes in this problem. Do you think I should slow down a little bit? This is an unfortunate situation for the athlete patient because the consensus guidelines do not yet recommend operation, yet advise against strenuous sports activities. I suspect (and hope) you will say that the latest recommendations say no restrictions for someone like me but I havent seen yoga specifically mentioned. Miley Cyrus - Singer & Actress - Tachycardia. I have normal aortic size, mildly dilated aortic sinus (39 cm), and trace aortic regurg. Aaron Boone (@AaronBoone), famous baseball player suffered from Bicuspid Aortic Valve. transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), Mick Jagger's Heart Valve Surgery: Top 5 Facts. 2012; 109:1632-1636. Save yourself.. I then played football my last two years of high school as well as playing hockey and throwing shot put for the track team. Thank you to every doc and nurse on my team.". That said, guidelines from the 36th Bethesda Conference suggest that BAV, without enlargement of the nearby aorta or problems with the aortic valve, shouldnt preclude any sports activities.including weight lifting. For some reason I did not receive a notification of your reply, so apologies that I havent thanked you before. Hello Dr. Creswell, In the 2.5 years from surgery, I returned back to riding within the first 3 months and later back to longer, decent training pace rides and racing but feel like I have lost my top end mojo. I am concerned about removing the coronary arteries and re attaching them again etc. Aortic Stenosis Yoga is not included in the classification of sports that is commonly used, but I suspect that yoga would have low to moderate static and dynamic components. what recommend me? I would like to know more about your recovery timeline since you are so much further out from surgery than I amfor instance; how long before you could do long rides again; when could you do tempo efforts; start high heart rate intervals; and finally race again? With so many similar stories, do you know why there is not more statistical data or studies done with regards to sports and BAV and changes in aortic diameter? There are a multitude of patient-specific circumstances that must be considered when deciding if and when operation is needed. My Dr is almost certain that these symptoms are caused by issues that are not cardiac related, and that with at the stage my BAVD is at, it would not produce symptoms. Garth was already familiar with heart diease before her diagnosis because it runs in her family. And of course the problem occurs in everyday, recreational athletes, too. I have read that strength training is beneficial for heart health. Thank you so much. The aortic valve prevents blood from flowing back into the left ventricle of the heart. Athletes with BAV and enlargement of the aorta to greater than 4.5 cm can participate safely only in low intensity sports (eg, golf, bowling, billiards). While it was anticipated that a minimally invasive, transcather device would be used during the procedure, a surgical valve was ultimately used during an open-heart procedure using a median sternotomy. It would be great to know what happens to groups of patients after AVR and aortic replacement that have returned to their various sports. Most patients can resume all of these activities by 2-3 months after operation. We are trying to work out a way for her to continue to play. Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Bicuspid Aortopathy Nomenclature and Its always good that investigators are looking for new solutions to old problems. Problem is, Im getting older (52) now and Im wondering the effect age, and should I be asking for more frequent followups. I can not be on anticoagulant medications on the fire department. Perhaps the doctor could contact the specialist and request an earlier appointment, if that made sense. Males are about twice as . Common symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness and fainting. Needless to say, the diagnosis was quite overwhelming.
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