164: Preparation for the Court of Oyer and Terminer (May - August 1692), SWP No. was there & they had the Sac't[= sacrament] & after they had done he tooke leave & bid them Stand to their faith, & not own any thing, Martha Tyler saith the same w'th Sarah Wilson & Severall others (on side) These Since the Execucion of Mr. Burro, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Summary George Burroughs was born on January 13, 1917. He took a job as minister of the Salem Village Church in 1680 and his contract was renewed the next year. Ann Putnam, (Reverse) billa vera He denyed that his house at Casko was haunted. Thomas Putnam, The abovs'd Complaint was Exhibited before us this 30'th aprill 1692, (Essex Institute Collection, no. The next day, Margaret Jacobs recanted her testimony against both Burroughs and her grandfather, George Jacobs, Sr. As with the others executed, he was cast into a common, unmarked grave. He denyed that he made his wife swear, that This being about.4.a clock in the after noon, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft Vol. Online Tennessee Death Indexes, Records & Obituaries Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/george-burroughs-3529133. George Burroughs was hangedthe same day as were John Proctor, George Jacobs, Sr., John Willard and Martha Carrier. This article was very interesting in that my wife, Georgina Burroughs, is the 8th generation Grand Daughter of George Burroughs. In September, 1681, Mr. Burroughs wife died, and he had to run in debt for her funeral expenses. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember George Burroughs. He gives an acct of 32 killed and carried away by the Indians: himself escaped to an Island, but I hope Black point men have fetched him of by this time. 30 ), The Complaint of Susannah Shelden against mr burroos which brought a book to mee and told mee if i would not set my hand too if hee would tear mee to peesses i told him i would not then hee told mee hee would starve me to death then the next morning he told mee hee could not starve mee. Tho Som of us Can Remember of Considerable in the House, besides his Liberary which she Sold and Recd the money for; then Lett it out att Intrest and was afterward Recd by another Husband; and not one farthing bestowed upon any Child but her Own: This being matter of fact we Humbly Leave it with your Honours to Consider wheather of what The Honourable Generall Court allowd &c she have not allredy Recd To much And the Children To Little. Putnam stated that Burroughss spirit had to come to her on April 20 and confessed to her that he had bewitched his first and second wife to death, as well as the wife and child of Reverend Deodat Lawson and several soldiers at Eastward. Coincidentally, Thomas Putnam also testified during the trial and used similar language to what was written in the girls testimony: The deposistion of Tho. He answered it was so long since he could not tell: yet Society ), Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland france & Ireland King & queen defend'rs of the faith &ca --, Wee Comand you to Warn & give Notice unto John Pierce and John lane. 072: Elizabeth How Executed July 19, 1692, SWP No. Rebecca Burrows, who came from Virginia that she might enjoy God in his ordinance in N.E., & who joined the church in Roxbury 19, July 1657.. Burroughs was born in Suffolk, England in 1652 and migrated to the settlement of Roxbury in the Massachusetts Bay Colony with his mother when he was a child, although some sources say he first lived in Virginia before moving to Roxbury. 168: A Bill Against Conjurations, Witchcraft, and Dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits (December 1692), SWP No. George Robert Burrows, Circa 1867 - 1947 Burroughs was described in a reading by Frances Hill: "George Burroughs was confident, strong-willed, and decisive, a man of action as well as a preacher, unusually athletic and clever enough to do well in Harvard. Several witnesses testified that they often heard Burroughs bragging about an incident where he lifted a heavy gun with one finger and other incidents where he claimed to have carried heavy barrels of cider by himself, although he always declined to recreate these events. As one of the succession of three ministers who left the Village . He came from the Boston area and was a descendant of Rev. 1691 p. 274. Death . 29. 166: Death Warrants Folder and Census of Prisoners (May - July 1692), SWP No. [11] The gun said to have been used at his trial was for a time located at Fryeburg Academy in Fryeburg, Maine, having been taken there in 1808 for display in the Academy museum, but is believed to have since been destroyed in the Academy fire of 1850. Each of these accused was given a moment to say their last words. Because the executions took place during a heat wave, the bodies had to be buried immediately in a shallow grave at the execution site to prevent them from rotting. Brown {strength & the Gun. & Burroughs, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, vol. Mary Warren, ( Essex Institute Collection, no. enter into a covenant. 3. this deponent saith yt he saw Mr George Burrowswho was lately Executed at Salem lift a gunn of six ffoott Barrell or thereabouts putting the his forefinger of his right hand into the muzell of sd gunn and that he held it out att arms and only wth thatt finger, and further this deponent testifieth thatt about at the same time he saw the said Burrows Take up a full barrll of e molasses wth butt two of his fingers of one of his hands in the bung, and carry itt from ye stage head to the door att the end of the stage wth out letting itt downe & that Liut. TV and Movie Actor. Martha Ingalls Allen was born between 1643 and 1650 to Andrew Allen (or Allin) (1623-1690), one of the original 23 settlers of Andover, and Faith Ingalls (1623-1690) in Andover. 32 ), The Deposition of Ann putnam: who testifieth and saith that on 20'th of April 1692 :at evening she saw the Apperishtion of a Minister at which she was greviously affrighted and cried out oh dreadfull: dreadfull here is a minister com:what are Ministers wicthes to: whence com you and What is your name for I will complaine of:you tho you be A minister: if you be a wizzard; and Immediatly I was tortored by him being Racked and all most choaked by him: and he tempted me to write in his book which I Refused with loud out cries and said I would not writ in his book tho he tore me al to peaces but tould him that it was a dreadfull thing: that he which was a Minister that should teach children to feare God should com to perswad poor creatures to give their souls to the divill: oh. George Burroughs (1917 - 1974) - Gadsden, Alabama Many of the things you point out verify what was passed down in family history. It appears from court records that Burroughss children soon began fighting over the money. Savage says his father probably died in Virginia, and he can feel no doubt that he was the son of that Mrs. [12], Execution of Reverend George Burroughs, 1901 drawing, Genealogy of the Burroughs Family, 1894. *mary webber, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. Aug. 3, 1692. Mary Wolcott in journalism. (Reverse) G. Burroughs . Yours in all humility to serve inWinter Harbor at night } the Lord,the 13 of August, 1676.} BRIAN PENDLETON.. From June through September of 1692, nineteen men and women, all having been convicted of witchcraft, were carted to Gallows Hill, a barren slope near Salem Village, for hanging. According to Mathers account of the trial, in September, two witnesses came forward and offered testimony against Burroughs. On October 17, 1711, the court cleared the name of George Burroughs and over 20 other convicted witches. Death . On August 11, 1676, one-year-old Mercy Lewis and her parents barely escaped an attack by the nearby Wabanaki Indians that resulted in the death of her grandparents, cousins and many other members of the community. As Baker suggests, although the issue was quickly settled, the arrest may have left a bad impression on the Salem villagers and may have set Burroughs up for further trouble in the community. Wheldon, Capt Wormwood testifyed about the Gun & Online Pennsylvania Death Indexes, Records & Obituaries Wee comand you all Excuses set apart to be & personaly app'r at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem on the first Tuesday in August Next There to Testify the Truth on certain Indictments to be Exhibited against George Burroughs & not depart the Court without lycense or leave of s'd Court hereof fail not On penalty of One hundred pounds money to be levied on your Goods Chattels &ca Dated in Salem July 26'th 1692. The tradition is, that they found Mr. Burroughs in his humble home, partaking of his frugal meal; that he was snatched from the table without a moments opportunity to provide for his family, or prepare himself for the journey, and hurried on his way roughly, and without the least explanation of what it all meant.. Upon realizing this, the people of Salem stopped paying his wages to get him to resign. <- Return to List of People Involved in the Salem Witch Trials, Categories Colonial America, Salem Witch Trials. According to the book Biographical Sketches of Graduates of Harvard University, it is not known exactly who Burroughs father was: He was thought by Farmer at one time to be the son of John Burroughs, of Salem; but at another, of Jeremiah Burroughs of Scituate. ), Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of Falmouth w'thin the province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England Clerke -- The Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of Eng- land Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c Diver other Days and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts called wicthcraft & Sorceries -- wickedly and feloniously hath used Practiced & Exercised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex & aforesaid, in Upon & ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem in the County of Essex Singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year aboves'd and Divers other Days and Times as well before as after.was.and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented.also for Sundrey other Acts of witchcrafts by Said George Burroughs .Committed and done ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne and dignity and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made & Provided: George was born on October 23, 1932, in . More Wonders of the Invisible World. 23. He experienced significant heart failure in 2005. I am a member of Colonial Clergy, Flagon and Trencher, Associated Daughters of Early American Witches and the Descendants of Brian Boru though Georges ancestors. His great grandma was Nora Burroughs (Armistead) from New Point, Mathews, Virginia. Three years later, on June 22, 2008, George once again experienced heart failure and passed away at . The top 10 causes of death - World Health Organization Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth in the province of the Massachusets Bay in New England -- Clarke -- The ninth Day of May in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Because most of Burroughs estate went solely to his surviving widow and her children, the children from Burroughs previous marriages, Rebecca Fowle, Jeremiah Burroughs, Charles Burroughs, and Hannah Fox, filed a petition with the court asking for a portion of the restitution: Gentlemen We The Subscribers and Children of Mr Georg Burrough Late of wells, who suffered at Salem in the Trouble There Humbly offer for your Honours Consideration A few Lines Relateing our Case and Circumstances upon account of our mother-in-laws conduct and carriage towards us, after Our Father was Apprehended and Taken Away Our Mother in Law Laide hands upon all she Could secure (the Children were Generally unable to shift for Themselvs) and what she Could Lay hands on was her Own without Any Person but her own Daughtr to share with her, whom she Says Was to bring up but may it Please your Honour to Consider there was Seaven Children more besides That that were to bring up the Eldest of which was but Sixteen years old att That Time; but insteed of shareing in what our father Left and she had Securd were Turnd to shift for Our Selves without Any Thing for So much as A Remembrance of Our father. 129: Roger Toothaker Died in Prison, June 16, 1692, SWP No. George Burroughs, signed by Peter's brothers John and Nathaniel, were sent to the Governor and Council to improve the conditions of Wells, Maine. Sewall , Cle Thomas Evans that he Carried Out Barrels Molossus & Meats &c out of a Canoo whilst his mate.went to the fort for hands to help out with them, Sarah Wilson Confess't that the night before mr Burroughs was Executed that there was a great Meeting of the witches Nigh Sarj't Chandlers that mr Burr. Stories circulated about him, including many that described his tremendous strength so great that some believed it could not be earthly. He was accused of not baptizing most of his children. Thirty-five citizens of Salem Village signed a petition to the court, but it did not move the court. The judges also asked Burroughs when he last took communion, which he couldnt remember, and asked how many of his children were baptized, which he answered only the eldest was, and asked if it was true that he refused to let his second wife, Sarah Ruck Hathorne, write to her father without letting him see the letter first, which he denied. The 30 people who testified against Burroughs at his trial were: Sarah BibberEzekiel CheeverRichard CarrierThomas EvansThomas GreenlitHannah HarrisElizabeth HubbardBenjamin HutchinsonAbigail HobbsElizar KeyserMary LaceyMary Lacey JrMercy LewisAnn Putnam, JrRebecca PutnamEdward PutnamThomas PutnamPeter PrescottRobert MorrellThomas RuckSusannah SheldonMartha TylerMary WarrenElizabeth WardwellMary WalcottSamuel WebberMary WebberSarah WilsonSimon WillardWilliam Wormall. In 1689, George Burroughs and his family survived another raid, but Mercy Lewis' parents were killed and she began to work as a servant for George Burroughs's family. 2, no. 21. On August 19, George Burroughs, George Jacobs, John Proctor, John Willard, and Martha Carrier, were brought by cart to the execution site at Proctors Ledge, near Gallows Hill, where a large crowd, which included Reverend Cotton Mather, had gathered to watch the event. Burroughs moved to Falmouth (now Portland, Maine), in which he lived until it was destroyed by the Wabanaki Confederacy in 1690. From June through September of 1692, nineteen men and women, all having been convicted of witchcraft, were carted to Gallows Hill, a barren slope near Salem Village, for hanging. John Bare Jurat. ), The deposistion of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 5'th of may 1692 at evening I saw the apperishtion of Mr George Burroughs who greviously tortored me and urged me to writ in his book which I refused then he tould me that his Two first wives would appeare to me presently and tell me a grat many lyes but I should not beleve them:then immediatly appeared to me the forme of Two women in winding sheats and napkins about their heads: att which I was gratly affrighted: and they turned their faces towards Mr. Burroughs and looked very red and angury and tould him that he had been a cruell man to them.and that their blood did crie for vengance against him: and also tould him that they should be cloathed with white Robes in heaven, when he should be cast into hell: and immediatly he vanished away: and as soon as he was gon the Two women turned their faces towards me and looked as pail as a white wall: and tould me that they ware mr Burroughs Two first wives and that he had murthered them: and one tould me that she was his first wife and he stabed hir under the left Arme and put a peace of sealing wax on the wound and she pulled aside the winding sheat and shewed me the place and also tould me that she was in the house Mr parish now lives w'n it was don, and the other tould me that Mr Burrough and that wife which he hath now kiled hir in the vessell as she was coming to se hir friends because they would have one another: and they both charged me that I should tell these things to the Magestraits before Mr Burroughs face and if he did not own them they did not know but that they should appere their: thes morning also Mis Lawson and hir daughter Ann appeared to me whom I knew: and tould me that Mr Burroughs murthered them: this morning also appeared to me another woman in a winding sheat and tould me that she was goodman fullers first wife and Mr Burroughs kiled hir because there was sum differance between hir husband and him: also on the 9'th may dureing the time of his ex- amination he did most greviously torment and afflect Mary Walcott mercy lewes Eliz Hubburd and Abigail williams by pinching prick'g and choaking them Being ask'd w[hether] he partook of the Lords supper, he being (as A Facebook post said, "Toxicology report was made public by the MN prosecution revealing the cause of George Floyd's death was a fentanyl overdose." That's not what the county medical examiner . George Floyd death homicide, official post-mortem declares -- putnam aged 40: years and Edward putnam agged 38 years who testifieth and saith. George Burroughs proceeded to quote the Lords Prayer perfectly which was believed to be impossible for a witch to do. He served as minister of Salem Village from 1680 until he left in 1683. 5. Sam: Sewall Esqrs 6, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. at that time Before us *John Hathorne 2 Page 26. During the meeting, John Putnam suddenly had Burroughs arrested for failure to repay his debt to him for Hannah Burroughss funeral expenses. It was an odd trait indeed for a man in a profession that required many quiet hours dedicated to studying that Bible, preparing and giving sermons, and tending to the spiritual needs of his flock.. On May 9, Burroughs was brought to the Salem Village meetinghouse where he was examined by John Hathorne, William Stoughton and Jonathan Corwin, while Reverend Samuel Parris took notes. 2, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. Keyzer: declared: to the Jury of Inquest that the evidence: in this paper is the truth upon oath: Aug'st 3 1692 Mercy Lewis. Robert Calef later said that he had been buried so poorly that his chin and hand protruded from the ground. the Book. we whose names are under written being present with ann putnam at the times above mentioned: saw hir tortured and hard hir refuse to writ in the book also hard hir declare what is above writen: what she said she saw and hard from the Apperishtion of Mr. George Burroghs and from thos which acc[used him] for murthering of them [4] He became the minister of Salem Village (now Danvers) in 1680 (where he would eventually be convicted of witchcraft and hanged). I had not time to copy the letter, persons being to go post to Major Walden; but I hope he hath before this sent the original to you. Elizabeth Hubbard The unhappy animosities arising from this source entirely demoralized the Society, and, besides making it otherwise very uncomfortable to a minister, led to a neglect and derangement of all financial affairs. My husband descends from George Burroughs through the Virginia line of John Burroughs. It he should become apprised of what was going on, his escape into remoter and inaccessible settlements would have baffled the whole scheme. George Burroughs was hanged at Proctor's Ledge in present-day Salem on August 19, 1692. 2, no. [6], Burroughs was arrested on charges of witchcraft on May 4, 1692,[7] based on the accusation of some personal enemies from his former congregation who had sued him for debt. We know that George Burroughs had been residing in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama 35901. Humbly craving continually your prayers and help in this distressed case, so praying almighty God continually to prepare you, that you may be a terror to evil-doers and a praise to them that do well, we remain yours to serve in what we are able. *Joseph Neale He served as a minister in Portland, Maine, for two years, surviving King Philip's War and joining other refugees in moving farther south for safety. Deliberance Hobbs {testimony read 255, 278, 280, v. 2 pp. On April 30, 1692, Capt Jonathan Walcott and Thomas Putnam of Salem Village filed a complaint of witchcraft against George Burroughs, as well as five other people, on behalf of the afflicted girls Mary Walcott, Mercy Lewis, Abigail Williams, Ann Putnam, Jr, Susannah Sheldon, and Elizabeth Hubbard. Tom West sworne ). ), The depotion of Hannah Harres Aiged twenty seven yeares or thareabouts Testifieth and saith that she Lived at the hous of Georg Burros at falmouth & the above said hannah harres many times hath taken notic that when she hath had anny Discorse with the above said burross wife when the above said burros was from hom that apone has Returne he hath often scolded wife and told her that he knew what they said when he was abroad and further saith that upone a time when his wife had Laine In Not above one weak that he fell out with his wife and kept her by Discorce at the Dore till she fell sicke In the place and grew wors at night so that the above said hannah harres was afraid she would dye and thay called In thare Naibours and the a bove said burroses Daughter told One of the women that was thare the cause of her mothers Ellness and the a bove said burros chid his Daughter for telling and the a bove said burros Came to the a bove said hannah harres and told her If that his wif Did otherwise than well she should not tell of It & the abovsaid hannah harres told him that she would not be confined to anny such thing Susan: Sheldon {& 2 Children did accuse him, The Bewitched were so tortured that Authority Wells: Sept: 28th 1691 p 294. 1700.Mather, Cotton. Perhaps Cotton's most self-damning act within the public eye was his publication of the volume The Wonders of the Invisible World, in October, 1692, after the final executions. Mercy Lewis, who lost relatives in one of the attacks on Falmouth, fled to Casco Bay, with a group that included Burroughs and her parents. Mary Walcott. 9, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA. One of these witnesses stated that he was persuaded by others not to testify against Burroughs during the time of his trial but he said he later regretted this and decided to come forward after the fact. Essex County Court Records, Vol. ( Wm Wormall v. Geo. [3] As an American Congregational pastor, he graduated from Harvard College in 1670 with distinguished honors, where he was also considered an outstanding athlete. The next day, Margaret Jacobs was examined, and she implicated George Burroughs. lookt upon her & she fell into a Sus: sheldon testifyed that Burroughs two wives This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. George Burroughs - Wikipedia The act of arresting Burroughs in the distant Wells, Maine required the acting lawmen to be discreet out of fear that Burroughs might be tipped off and escape, according to Upham: It was necessary to be at once cautious and rapid in their movements, to prevent the public from getting information which, by reaching the ears of Burroughs, might put him on his guard. He was also accused of killing his other wives and treating them harshly. or Jona Curwin Esq s, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. that we haveing ben conversant with severall of the afflected persons as maryWolcott mercy lewes Eliz: Hubburt and we have seen them most dreadfully tomented and we have seen dreadfull marks in their fleesh which they said Mr. Burroughs did make by hurting them: but on 9th may 1692 : the day of the Examination of Mr. George Burroughs the aforesaid parsons were most dreadfully tormented during the time of his Examination as if they would have been torn all to peaces or all their bones putt out of joynt and with such tortors as no tounge can express also severall times sence we have seen the afforesaid afflected parsons most dreadfully tormented and greviously complaining of Mr. Burroughs for hurting them and we beleve that Mr. George Burroughs the prisoner at the bar has severall times afflected and tormented the afforesaid persons by acts of witchcraft.. Rates were not collected, and his salary was in arrears.. The Salem Witch Trials: A Reference Guide. He owned that none of his children, but the Eldest George Burroughs (1923 - 1954) - Biography and Family Tree Lewis testified that on several nights in May, Burroughs appeared to her and tortured her and on the second night tried to persuade her to join him as a witch: the next night he tould me I should not see his Two wifes if he could help it because I should not witnes agast him this 9th may mr Burroughs caried me up to an exceeding high mountain and shewed me all the kingdoms of the earth and tould me that he would give them all to me if I would writ in his book and if I would not he would thro me down and brake my neck: but I tould him they ware non of his to give and I would not writ if he throde me down on 100 pichforks.. August 5'th The persons above Named where all every of them sumoned to appeare as above As had happened with his predecessor, the first minister to serve Salem Villages separately from Salem Town, the church would not ordain him and he left in a bitter salary fight, at one point being arrested for debt, though members of the congregation paid his bail. Stoughton *Step. On August 19, 1692, George Burroughs plunged to his death and was buried in a shallow grave. lock & rested it upon his breast One of the witnesses was Thomas Greenlit, who recounted a story about witnessing Burroughs place his finger in the muzzle of a heavy gun and then lifted it up and also placed two fingers in the bung of a full barrel of molasses, lifted it up and carried it around: That about the breaking Out of this last Indian Warr being at the house of Capt Scottows at black point he Saw Mr George Bur- roughs lift and hold Out a gunn of Six foot barrell or thereabouts putting the forefinger of his right hand into the Muzle of sd gunn and So held it Out at Armes End Only with that finger and further this deponent Testifieth that at the Same time he Saw the Said Burroughs take up a full barrell of Malasses wth but two fingers of one of his hands in the bung & Carry it from the Stage head to the Door at the End of the Stage Without letting it downe & that Liut Richard Hunniwell & John Greinslitt & Some other persons that are Since dead Were then present.. She is the first causality of the Salem witch trials. Tennessee: City Death Records, 1872-1923 for Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga(at Ancestry/requires payment) coverage varies by city; includes digitized images of the death certificates or registers Tennessee Death Indexes, 1908-1912 and 1914-1933from the Tennessee State Library and Archives Letter from Fancis Littlefield and others to Governor and Councils. The previous minister, James Bayley, had gotten caught in the middle of the fighting and left after the parishioners failed to pay his salary. In the book, Mather said he preferred not to discuss the case at all but was required to include it by the government of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Hillar, at the Princess-Arms, in Leaden-Hall-Street, over against St. Mary-Ax, and Joseph Collier, at the Golden Bible, on London Bridge. 2, no. I am a descendant of George Burroughs from his daughter Rebecca Fowle. Jurat in Curia, (Reverse) Sarah Viber ag't Not surprisingly, he remarried soon. Yet, upon closer inspection, there were a multitude of factors that brought him under suspicion, and many of these surrounded his spirituality and commitment to Puritanism. Elizer Keiser, Capt. Her fathers name was George Wunder Burroughs and he was a senior official in his Masonic Lodge in Long Beach, Calif. Hi Rebecca! The death of George Floyd, which triggered widespread protests across the US, has been declared a homicide in an official post-mortem examination.
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