Irish last names you may recognise from around the world are Murphy ( Murchadha in Gaelic) and Walsh (Breathnach in Gaelic). I have some European and native American ancestry, but I claim African American only!!! It is unlikely that the exact origin of the term will ever be known and it is also likely that it has had a number of different iterations, depending on the historical context. Irish slavery is a subject worth remembering, not erasing from our memories. The difference being, that African Americans are one of the oldests ethnic groups in America, and the majority of Irish being relatively new. The Normans originated in France, where black-haired people are not uncommon. What happened to 6 million of them? So, to put the record straight, find out below about the Black Irish. The names and places may change however the game and the crimes remain the same. Remember the sexual abuse of African slaves was the key to keeping the slave population going. They could understand the Irish. Like many ancient lands, Ireland has seen the arrival of settlers, explorers, ancient tribes, and clans of all different nationalities over centuries. There are particular surnames associated with the pre-removal period. The Table shown here gives a listing of the 100 most commonly names found in Ireland and their meanings. as we see them as brothers no matter what skin tone you have. But you lost me where you said Irish slaves were treated worse than African slaves. I watch an old Irish movie years ago and when the old lady washing her clothes in a pan was cursing someone saying what the rass cloth,. And there, my friends, you have the truth of the matter. slaves thus we have Irish names like McFadden, McDonalds ~ I think you will find McDonals is a Scottish name. Famous Sheehans include bass guitarist Billy Sheehan and American writer Susan Sheehan. I have never heard of these Irish. As with the Vikings, these were viewed as a people of "dark intentions" who ultimately colonized much of the Eastern part of the country and several larger towns. But there are many others who have suffered under slavery, the Irish as you mentioned here, also the Scottish, Jews (black, German, French..). Although my name has awarded me a lot of great opportunities because it looks great on paper; Im a 60 tall African American from GEORGIA .I HAD TO KNOW!!!!!!! Until then, Africans were primarily indentured servants, just like the Irish and other white immigrants to the New World. They should be and should have been more like the Cajuns and quit they need to stop trying to corrupt the Cajuns. Walsh Irish spelling: Breathnach Meaning: Welshman. The main difference is that 600,000 people died in a civil war to end Black slavery, not Irish indentured service. A few known facts and a few overstated kernels of truth give a false, gleaming varnish of Truth Exposed when twisted around implications and presumptions based on false logic, when theyre confidently stated as reality, and lead the non-critical reader to unquestioningly believe exactly what the writer has skewed their words to lead them to believe. British Penal Code offenders, Irish Rebels and, the destitute hardly have the power to enter into voluntary servitude (whether some poor actually did or not), it would be like calling your dog a voluntary pet. Fitz means son of and it would often come before the fathers forename. So, in a nutshell, after killing millions in an engineered genocide in Ireland, the ruling class developed a conscience suddenly and Irish people got full human status in Antigua? You were right that African slaves were an expensive commodity, doesnt mean they were valued by being treated well in any capacity. Louisiana is one hundred apologetically AFRICAN roots. There is little evidence to support this theory and it is unlikely that any significant number of Spanish soldiers would have survived long in the war-torn place that was 16th century Ireland. But it seems that your fellow Irish forgot both about the atrocities done to them and working side by side with African slaves. Evidence of last names in Ireland appears from around the early 900s, making it one of the first places in Europe to adopt hereditary surnames. I enjoy being educated, there is so much to learn that I wish our young people were taught, so they would love instead of hating each other. Cole -- a short name that embodies a lot of richness and depth -- has long been associated with the great songwriter Cole Porter. The numbers and the periods have also been exaggerated to make the act look gross and longer. In time, the English thought of a better way to use these women (in many cases, girls as young as 12) to increase their market share: The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men to produce slaves with a distinct complexion. I thought it was funny when he came out with this B.S. Many families, however, integrated into Gaelic society and changed their Norman name to Gaelic and then Anglo equivalents: the Powers, the Fitzpatricks, Fitzgeralds, Devereux, Redmonds. Mary Robinson, the former president of Ireland, is one of the most well-known Irish Robinsons. Chances are, you can find her drinking coffee in some hidden gem cafe in Dublin, planning her next big trip. ? Irish slaves suffered as much as black people did so they married each other?? Sell whatever lies you like, but if you think the Irish were not deeply involved in some of the fiercest fighting of The Civil War (for both sides), then why would any other opinion you hold be deemed worthy of merit? The Irish have, throughout history been very cruel to African Americans so let them the many of them wear the title of red neck like it is their badge of honor. O'Carroll 23. Stick to your own life, quit looking for your next cause celeb. My maiden name is Mc Knight. Blacks do not collectively own a patent on cruel slavery. It is said that the first family of Black were converted to Christianity by Paulinus, the head of the family being Prefect of Lincoln, about 628. This article is not stretching the truth, it is flat-out lying to you. The theory that the "Black Irish" are descendants of any small foreign group that integrated with the Irish and survived is unlikely. And most defintely not at the numbers cited in this article. Saying that she believes Ireland - her homeland - is the most enchanting place she has ever been and is passionate about documenting the Emerald Isle. Thanks for this fascinating post. Black Dutch (genealogy) Black Dutch is a term with several different meanings in United States dialect and slang. If Irish and blacks suffer slavery together, why is it only the blacks that lost their surnames and the Irish somehow retained their surnames and a knowledge of who they were [IRISH]?!? They became very wealthy and powerful at the expense of their foes and rivals. That is sooooo stupid. Working is a choice and they get paid for their work. The large wave of Irish immigrants to the US in the 19th century has no direct lineage with the Barbados group, were granted the status of whiteness very early, and were actively involved in violent attacks on Blacks, Asians and other ethnic groups competing for jobs. No Irish Catholic had the right to own land in Ireland. Poverty is the great enslaver. They can still go back to Ireland and see where they came from and even meet distant cousins. Could they have not read the plight of slaves in the newspaper? Slavery is still happening today and not prevailing with just Blacks. Erm, just a thought, but most Irish of the day would have had some knowledge of English, or been fluent. It seems more likely that "Black Irish" is a descriptive term rather than an inherited characteristic that has been applied to various categories of Irish people over the centuries. Its really amazing to see once you notice it. "X" became the chosen surname of many black nationalists who rejected their slave names. The Irish may have been treated like shit way back when, but nobody sold even one of them. They were INDENTURED SERVANTS as were the very first Africans brought to the colonies that became the USA which meant 1) they entered a voluntary agreement to exchange their time for passage to the USA or for some type of apprenticeship or training, 2) after a period of time their SERVICE ended usually about 7 years. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts. We got our hands on slave ledgers. The word 'Cearmaid' comes from Old Irish and is probably a combination of 'ciar' (black) and 'madra' (dog), thus meaning a 'black dog.' 23. Hardly slavery, its a choice. From 1641 to 1652, over 500,000 Irish were killed by the English and another 300,000 were sold as slaves. ("Defeat of the Spanish Armada", painted by Philip James de Loutherbourg). Blacks who have Irish last names got them from their IRISH slave owners. One can work and but back their freedom, and the other one was considered less then an animal. Famous Reids include actress Tara Reid, TV presenter Susanna Reid, and retired American attorney Harry Reid. Should we question if being enslaved was not as horrific for those who were lighter skinned because the may not have has as harsh living conditions? It derives from the Gaelic word Ciarn, ciar meaning black, and -an being a diminutive suffix. If you didnt have money you had nothing. Doyle is one of the most common surnames in County Mayo. It is claimed that the Spanish married into Irish society and created a new class of Irish who were immediately recognizable by their dark hair and complexion. This article attempts to make little of the term, indentured servitude, but the term has legal and Biblical definitions that give it limitations. Yes. Keiran is an Irish and Scottish name that literally means black or dark. Sad! I know where mine came from. And not just black and Irish, but other races/groups as well. The brits found you in the new world, the so called African Americans are really the native americans- the moors. The truth is African-American is not your true nationality. Although they did suffer as the Africans, they were also afforded certain privileges not afforded to African slaves. Barbados has an enclave on the island, the descendants of Irish slaves who never integrated with others, they speak with a slight Irish accent but as a race they suffer from alcoholism and diabetes and inbreeding.