There are some gamers who claim to be happy if they could get a 10-point Word printout of a game if . You grant yourself and a number of allies, up to your Wisdom 2nd Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feast modifier (minimum of 1), a boon from your deity. fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose, although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing inPerceptive Awareness the space you finish your movement. Jerbeens value privacy, but true isolation fromfriends, families, or loved ones is considered to be the worstpossible fate a jerbeen could suffer.JERBEEN TRAITS Ability Score Increase. you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Corvum are an intelligent race of shrewd ravens and crows. Or perhaps you are a storyteller from another world. you could target. They can reach a respectable old age by bird-folk standards, living around 80 years. There are two main subraces of corvum:increases by 2. dusk and kindled. A creature who has witnessed or heard tales of your ruthlessness makes this saving throw with disadvantage. Storytelling on its own has always been connected to nature. Like this book? While incapable of truehelp you make your own Humblewood adventurer. Scofflaw is a bit strong, but I don't think it's necessarily too strong. You may notice that the weights for birdfolk races aresignificantly lower than for humblefolk of similar size. About Humblewood Humblewood Campaign Setting (PDF) - Hit Point Press - Some races ent forms. On a success, you push them 10 feet away and knock them magical means. They are as often shunned for their world. They are the shortest lived of all the humblefolk races,living just about 40 years. Your Dexterity scoreincreases by 1. You maycast the spell once during this effect without expending any Warding Trick. Even at lv3 you are effective in combat (whilst not the improvised powerhouse youll later be,) with these two very fun features thatll give the flavour to people who havnt watched the video or read p.41-42 of the Humblewood setting book yet: Intimidating Banter At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults and barbs into your fighting style. Number 6 - The Circle of the Land. A creature that run the gamut from graceful yet deadly knaves to bruiserwho fails the saving throw is blinded for a number of rounds thugs. They can help us understand and process experiences in our ownlives through an entirely different lens, and they give you a unique kind of freedom to be whoever orwhatever you want to be, options for which there is no shortage in Humblewoodwhether you are asneaky mapach, a brave little strig, or a cunning corvum with a secret heart of gold, the only limit, asever, is your imagination. Hexbound Teaser v2: An Introduction to Witchcraft (PDF) - Hit Point Press You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk. Humblewood Campaign Setting | Roll20 Marketplace: Digital goods for In the world of Everden, nestled between the mighty Crest mountain range and the vast marshes of the Mokk Fields, lies a mystical forest known as Humblewood that hums with the Great Rhythm of nature. to do so when you finish a long rest. You have advantage onStealth checks made in dim lightand darkness. At 14th level you may choose to change the spell you had previously selected with this feature to another spell Conjure Woodland Spirit. The gods of the night and moon watch over mortal realms even after the gods of light have left to do battle with unspeakable evil. At 6th level, you learn how to use your stance to chainyour attacks together in deadly combination. You may impose a -5 penalty to this attack roll. You gain the following benefits: one damage resistance or immunity ll Increase your Charisma score by 1. Only they can quell the raging flames that have been unleashed upon the land, and restore balance to the realm. No matter which type of bird is being used for visualinspiration for your corvum, it is important that they have at Lumaleast one black feather. Number 7 - The Circle of Spores. It is written using aing with the various fey and elemental Humblewood residents. Strigs reach maturity faster than most birdfolk races,around 15 years. zillow seal beach You have proficiency with improvised weapons, and treat any improvised weapon you handle as if it has the finesse quality. 7 I never really had a plan in life, I tend to just go Thugs are the muscle of a bandit group, and use their with the flow.size and strength to intimidate merchants into giving upwithout a fight. The options are presented here in alphabeticalorder. Forest-dwellers are again being displaced from their homes, seeking refuge in Alderheart, and perch-dwellers are doing what they can to keep themselves safe up in their canopy sanctuaries. Subclass is unplayable (in my opinion) of you don't optimize for it. It lets me pick the race but it then won't let me pick the subclass for the race #6 May 20, 2020. So long as you are in combat, you may choose to use Strength or Dexterity to make Charisma ability checks. When attacked by a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, you can use yourCleric Level Feature reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, as shad- 1st Domain Spells, Eye of Twilight, ows envelop your form. Sharp Mind. You cannot glide while carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield (though you may Given their heightened senses, often raptors appear to be drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread yourdistracted or deep in thought. As varied as the trees in the WoodRAPTOR VULPIN STRIG HEDGE Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 33Raptor STANDARD LANGUAGES Raptors take after smaller birds of prey, like falcons and Language Typical Speakers Scripthawks, but using larger species, like eagles or vultures as a Birdfolk Birdfolk, Birdfolkreference would also work for raptor characters. Maguire Tree Care Inc in Moss Beach, CA | Photos | Reviews | 8 building permits. (1d4) lb.Hedge 2'11" +2d6 30 lb. Maybe they'll have a story of their own to tell you, too. Jerbeens can be found ina variety of places across the Wood, usually forming their owncommunities within birdfolk perches and humblefolk villages.Seldom do they live alone. DnD 5e: Every Bard College, Ranked - CBR The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.ll Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier. As Bards adventure, they gather as many stories from the world around them as they tell. Allies must be able to see you and be within 30 feet to receive the boon. Despite their reserved nature,raptors value personal bonds more highly than societal or evenfamilial ties.RAPTOR TRAITS Ability Score Increase. others affect me. So, without further delay, here is our ranking of every Druid subclass in D&D 5e! Your size is Medium.nities rarely present themselves and are quick to act on them.Mapachs are alert and have a keen awareness of their surround- Speed. arrow-left Your Intelligence score Subrace. Those are a bit rougher. 4 Runner 2 I often crack jokes to lighten the mood. They tend to form Languages. I try to seek out and support ease anywhere but high in the forest canopy, with the wind in others like me who are seen as outcasts. Writing Team: Christopher Pinch, Matthew Grevelyn, et al. Robust Build. these sizes depending on the kind of birdfolk or humble- folk character theyd like to play. We are encouraged by the strong reception of the Model Y in China and are quickly progressing to full production capacity. making it a perfect starting point for new players. You have advantage onDexterity (Stealth) checks made in dimlight or darkness. This ward lasts for as long as you Evocation Lessons. Skulker. I am beyond excited for you all to take your first steps into this world, uncover some of its secretsduring your adventures, experience its stories, and come away with many of your own stories to tell!Leesha Hannigan,Art DirectorTwitter: @LeeshaHannigan Preface 7Introduction about the wood In the far away world of Everden, on the eastern coast of a great continent, lies a vast forest nestled between the mountains and the sea. Up to 90% off at 18,000 locations. You cannot on their roll. In exchange, the spell deals additional necrotic your Bardic Inspiration as an action to grant an ally you candamage to you equal to twice the level at which see within 60 feet of you a number of temporary hit pointsit was cast. You may cast the charm person spell once per long rest. For the duration of the effect,deeper. Homebrew races - Bugs & Support - D&D Beyond Any good rat knows when its Languages: one of your choice4 time to flee a sinking ship. The gallus have an earfor the truth, and are often capable of rooting out liesand dishonesty.GALLUS TRAITS Ability Score Increase. feathered arms to propel yourself upward a distance equal to half your movement speed. Our jobs are time consuming, our lives are hard and complicated, our food is grown in places we will never see and sits on a shelf for our consump- tion wrapped in plastic. Resem- you land. Forest Magic. Birdfolk charactersare not negatively impacted by their lower weight.Random Height and WeightRace Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight ModifierCervan (Grove) 4'8" +2d10 110 lb. The trees are old and powerful, with rare specimens that reach as tall as small mountains. I've only read through it but I was underwhelmed. A creature blinded in this way gets a such thing as a bad saving throw at the end of each of its turns to remove theeffect. When falling you can use yourneighbors and promote the common good. heavier, more muscular builds, standing aroundOccasionally, cervans who survive such traumas are 7 feet tall, and sometimes weighing over 200granted mystical visions. Though primarily oral, a system for writing Birdfolk in pictogramsVulpin was developed long before the founding of Alderheart and has since transformed into a set of abstract glyphs representing Vulpins generally look like foxes, but an alternative visual different sounds. Survivor. Those days are long since gone,but the memory of the sinister vulpin has yet to fade fromthe minds of the humblefolk, who endured great suffering attheir hands. Ive been exists. You cannot glide whilepheasant-like, others are grouse-like, while some resemble carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield (though you maychickens or turkeys. As inveterate jacks-of-all-trades, bards possess a variety see problems from a new angle. A community for discussing the Humblewood campaign for Dungeons and Dragons 5e. A jerbeens home can containseveral generations, including extended family and cousinsliving together under one roof. Contains new races, backgrounds, spells, monsters, magic items, world and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. the overextended Perch Guard for aid, only to see help arriveUnlike the birdfolk, whose shared language, histories, myths, too late, if at all. The first birdfolk race of this list, Gallus resemble a variety offowl ranging from chickens and roosters, to pheasants and turkeys. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Grove cervans stand betweenThe Sight 5 and 6 feet tall, and have light builds, weighing between 130 and 180 pounds. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if youThe gallus are proud of their appearances but not to the point are encumbered.of vanity. Humblewood is an exciting campaign setting for 5th Edition that includes ten original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. They are rarely at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage whenprey, and are quick to turn the tables when finding them- you land. You gain the following benefits:ll You may choose to land your glide in a space occupied by ll You gain proficiency in either the Survival or Nature skill. A creature that has total cover from you is not affected. The most significant variations in physical appear- Alternatively, if the races presented here are too big whenance come down to a characters subrace. In gallus check related to the history of your race, culture, or commu-culture, it is customary to always offer your seat at a table to nity, you are considered proficient in the History skill and addguests. When providing Acrobatics Lessons. These cervans areof purpose. In the same way, some groups of birdfolk, feeling toothat keeps their cities and the denizens within safe. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 37At 14th level, your practice has paid off, granting you the At 6th level you may choose to change the spell youuse of a slightly ki-infused attack. You have an almost unnatural beauty and grace, inspiring admiration in some and jealousy in others. 5 Hustler 3 I like to keep my secrets, and those who try to pry into my life irritate me. Much of this stems ring chaotic alignments over lawful ones.from the fact that vulpins are ambitious. If you would like to contact directly at customer service, you can call on this number also 1-888-280-4331. Size. Decide what your charac- ter believes, or roll on the table below to understand how1 My family has been the subject of ridicule ever they feel.2 since I left my home perch. (1d4) lb.Gallus 3'4" +3d10 55 lb. You can also understand Auran, though youcannot speak it naturally. Moreover, a newly invigorated Bandit Coalition swells in numbers. Printed August 2019. Mapachs are hearty and crafty, and possess a climbing speed, Gallus characters with ostentatious, colorful plumage are which means many members of this family, including polecats,generally better suited to the bright gallus subrace, while those would be good fits.with modest, earth-toned feathers might be better suited to thehuden gallus subrace. There are two main subraces of strigs: swiftand stout. Ability Score Increase. Whether by luck or a guiding presence, you alwaysthe company of those who understand them rather than seem to find your way. You can speak, read,and write Birdfolk and Hedge. Alignment. Preview (PDF) Freebies New in Stock . Any creature that misses you with a meleeattack while you are curled up takes 2d4 pointsof piercing damage from your sharp quills. Only they can quell the raging flames that have been unleashed upon the land, and restore balance to the realm. Most gallus are lawful good. Those who underestimate a bard from the useful pieces of knowledge picked up along the way. It is said that this is a main contributing Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.factor for the close-knit, and exclusive luma districts inlarger cities. Most importantly, all Luma have theFated ability, allowing them to re-roll any attack, skill check, or saving throw each long rest. DnD Best Homebrew Classes (Top 10) | GAMERS DECIDE while in conditions of magical or nonmagical darkness. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. However, the cover of darkness also brings protection Finally, at 17th level, your eyes are able to see the truthfrom predators and shadows within which one can conceal hiding within darkness. Others think of me as weak, but I few dismiss the notion of the Wind-Touched as superstition,2 will prove my worth with hard work and others heap reverence upon those believed chosen. and high charisma means that small songbirds such as chicka- dees, wrens, sparrows, and cardinals would also be a good fit.Gallus A bird-of-paradise could be used as well due to their focus on performance, though they might be better suited for visitors to Gallus characters are usually represented by land fowl of all Humblewood from more tropical regions. Maintaining good grooming is akin to keeping a Wing Flap. go all in. The guardian spirit will damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration die.remain for as long as you concentrate on it, up to 10 minutes. The wind-touched are revered by believers and scrutinizedby skeptics. Number 5 - The Circle of Wildfire. and leader, so shall it be. They seem quite strong to me, maybe too much so. When you hit with one of had previously selected with this feature to another spellthese attacks you may attempt a stunning strike. Roleplaying games are wonderful for many reasons, one being that they can provide a form ofescape, or they can mirror reality. This allows them to support their allies, even when they are a class that isn't traditionally associated with support. They arealso adept at climbing and sneaking. A creature can only 14th Divine Strike (2d8) benefit from this effect if it can see at least one of its allies. Asbase height shown in the previous column. When tragedy leaves it naturally.children in their village orphaned, it is customary for gallusfamilies to take them in. Bite. slow your descent. Should you have access to the proper materials, you canspend 8 hours converting an item you have scroungecraftedin this way into a permanent version, so long as you startthis process before the item falls apart. Their mottled feather patterns, though notas bright or beautiful as others, allow them to easily hide in theforest. Ive got a player who took the bard College of the Road subclass and so far I think its pretty well balanced if not a little OP, but nothing game breaking. If you would fall at least 10 feet in this way, you may fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose,For Personal Gain although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing in the space you finish your movement. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. Your size is Medium.of insight into the world around them, sometimes Speed. not made the choice lightly. Want updates?Join our Discord and chat with us! Languages. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk and Vulpin. Players can adjustof Humblewood. These things disconnect us from the story of nature, from the story of life and the changing of seasons and our connection to the world around us. Found Errors? Any creature dealt damage by your guardian spirit has you are aware of your targets approximate distance and direc-their speed reduced to 0 for the rest of the turn. They even gain the ability to help their allies as a bonus action! This innate bond with nature may alienate you from cityin your close-knit community has taught you how to inspire life, but you will always have a home within the more remoteothers and rally folks to a common cause. Staff Writer, Paul DiSalvo is a writer, comic creator, animation lover, and game design enthusiast currently residing in Boston, Massachusetts. The Native American stories of the trickster Raven, the Medieval fable of the Owl and the Nightingale, or something as obvious and simple as Grimms Fairy Tales are all examples of how the natural world around us has shaped storytelling. (Neutral) Cynicism. Ive done terrible things in the past, you have always felt safer and more at peace with your feet2 and I want to try and make up for them. Central meeting24 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNatural Burrowers. shelter (a cave, a tree hollow, or bramble thicket) somewhere on the forest floor for you and up to five other creatures.5 Theres a warrant out for my arrest.6 I have a bad habit that I picked up on the road. There is two subclasses of Cervan. Size. requires you to climb or otherwise gain height to circumvent it, you can always find a way around, so long as such a path3 Its hard for me to trust people. 5 I picked up many stories during my time on the road, and I have one for every occasion. Your Charisma scoreincreases by 1. Gallus are the most varied of the birdfolk races, rang-ing from just under 4 feet to just over 5 feet tall, and showingmany unique builds. When you perform, you can demon- strate the innate and mystical power of your Charisma. You have proficiencyin the Survival skill. Speed. You cant discern color inArtful and Cunning darkness, only shades of gray. Even though you cant wear armor, you can stillbenefit from the armor class bonus provided by shields solong as you are proficient with them. Traversing the Wood 76Races of the Wood 10 Alderheart 76 The Tenders 123 Ashbarrow 78 Return to Alderheart 124The Birdfolk 10 The Avium 78 Trouble With Tenders 124The Humblefolk 11 Brackenmill 79 An Emergency Session 125 12 The Crest 79 The Scorched Grove 126 Corvum 14 Marshview 79 Approaching the Grove 126 Gallus 16 Meadowfen 79 Reaching the Grove 129 Luma 18 Mokk Fields 81 Ashsnake Attack 129 Raptor 20 Saltars Port 81 Outrunning the Fire 130 Strig 22 Scorched Grove 81 Flee to Alderheart 131 Cervan 24 Talongrip Coast 82 Part 4: Mysteries of the Avium 132 Hedge 27 Winnowing Reach 82 Jerbeen 28 After the Escape 132 Mapach 30 4. The origins of the fire are unknown, but it left the area permanently damaged. As a bonus action you can misdirect an opponent within 5 feet of you. Ability Score Increase. Humblewood, and then go to the forest and see them for your-self. Flames ravage the land and destroy the homes of the humblefolk, stoking a growing resentment against the birdfolk, whose cities have managed to avoid the worst of the fires so far. Whenever you take the attack action against an opponent you have successfully misdirected this turn, or an opponent that is afflicted by a condition, you may make one additional attack against that opponent. You are free to select in the teaching, is often invoked to illustrate this point.these from among the languages offered in other 5e material,but there are several languages which are specific to the Wood. Your unique insight allows unless we do something about it. At 14th level you can select a second favorite trick from among Travelers Tricks you know.36 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodTravelers Trick Options At 14th level you have learned to shore up any weaknesses in your stance. But quit- Captains are the glue that holds each bandit team together,ting the Bandit Coalition isnt so easy. The more compassion we have for animals the better our world will be. Over time, birdfolk culture spread, and the capital city of Alderheart became the most politically influential place in the Wood. Lifters are the specialist thieves of an operation. Anythe type of damage it deals to your choice of either acid, cold, creature who deals damage to an ally with temporary hit pointsfire, lightning, or thunder (chosen when you cast the spell). Cervan Cervans Strig Hedge Hedges Sylvan Strigs usually resemble owls of all kinds. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. I have had an affinity for nature and animals my entirelife, which has been my primary source of inspiration for much of my personal work. Cervans like to antlers or buds visible on their heads, only rarely is a cervanpursue skills independently in order to give themselves a sense born who can grow a full set of antlers. Your Dexterity score increases by 1. The birdfolk are to newly-established birdfolk perches, though many foundwell-defended from outside threats thanks to the Perch Guard, birdfolk architecture to be restrictive for creatures withouta force of soldiers trained in both aerial and ground combat, wings. Gallus value honest work, such asfarming and smithing, and share labor equally between allcommunity members. Swift. You emit heavily obscuringdarkness in a 30-foot radius and lightly obscuring shadows Brutal Brawler50 feet beyond that. Size. Animals connect us to nature and are a conduit for powerful storytelling. Pronghorns generallyvillages are run in accordance with the old cervan teachings, live longer than grove cervans, which is considered a sign ofensuring that work necessary for survival in the most remote Cairiths favor.villages is accomplished, so that all its inhabitants may be kepthealthy and happy. You are proficient with tinkers tools.or on-hand materials is known as scroungecraft, and is a Additionally, you have the ability to construct crude butcultural staple among mapachs. Scofflaw FeaturesImproved Ward Fighter Level Feature At 6th level, you can use your Ward of Shadows feature 3rd Bonus Proficiency, Intimidating Banter,whenever a creature you can see within 30 feet of you attacks a Brutal Brawlercreature besides yourself. Militia Training. Lumas are short-lived reaching adulthood around 20 Languages. Hatred burns in the hearts of those who have lost lives they cherished, and these once peaceful peoples now take up the sword and turn to banditry. What ties them together is their belief that theres noequal to your cleric level. with this moniker.Suggested Characteristics 4 I live in the shadow of my mentor, seeking their approval. Using your feathered arms, you can slow youra raptor. They enjoy the arts and the pursuit of leisure. of life and growth believed to watch over all cervans. Your damage for an unarmed strike is 1d4 piercing damage. You have proficiency in theAcrobatics skill. You can speak, read, and write Bird-folk. Published on June 18, 2019. Beyond the obvious physicalfound in the Wood. In some The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and birdfolk races these wings have grown strong enough to bearunique as the forest itself. Alignment. Despite this they have fairly average lifespans, thethieves. Humblewood is a 5e compatible campaign setting where you get toadventure as birds and other woodland critters. (Good) their feathers. 1 I am incapable of action when Im at great heights.2 I have learned to not let the comments of 2 I lash out at the slightest insult. Age. social situations. But when 10th level hits those improvised weapons become properly scary! . Humblewood is home to a variety of beasts whose size, strength, and abilities can only have grown thanks to the Woods magic. Darkvision. Recent work: 2 oaks 1 pine. The stigma they piercing damage. Hedges who dwell outside of the birdfolk cities preferto live in individual burrows under the great roots of trees.Communities of hedges enjoy living surrounded by nature,near clearings within the forest or lone copses. Scroungecrafting demonstrates creativity, ingenuity, materials into any tool or piece of adventuring gear worth 30and resourcefulness, but is misunderstood by outsiders who gold pieces or less. Furthermore, Hedges can take an action to roll themselves into a ball, increasing their AC to 19. When you select thisoption, choose from the following Fighting Styles:ll Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.ll Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.ll Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. Play as one of the five core humblefolk races: Once a loosely organized confederacy of crime, its ranks have swelled with humblefolk displaced by the spreading fires who have turned to banditry to survive. While I think it comes into its own more at level 7, it doesn't get its best stuff until 10th which may be abit on the late side; it'll depend a lot on what your DM does for a character using improvised weapons if others are getting magic weapons. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 13Gallus one with the wood The gallus commonly dwell in small, familial commu- they also encompass a variety of weights, but most averagenities as opposed to the grand perches of the Wood. Hedges feel most at home when everyone gets along. Languages. Cervans are eminently practicalaway future. It also meant a world full of secrets, hidden dangers, and obstacles for a party of adventurersto overcome. AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File. In addition to Glide, Strigs gain +2 strength, are at their strongest when in a forest. believe theres a better way.5 My friends in the Coalition didnt understand why 5 I am viewed as an oddity, someone for others to I had to leave.