The book of Revelation, a book filled with references to angels, gives us the end resultthe final defeat of sin, death, and Satan with his fallen angels, and with paradise regained. They carry out war against demonic forces (Daniel 10:13; Revelation 12:78). In relation to other nations, they watch over rulers and nations (Dan. Obeying his own law as if he were a mere creature, and in the attitude of a servant! They Were Involved in the Giving of the Mosaic Law (Gal. 1:13). 31 James Oliver Bushwell Jr., A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion, Vol. WebAngels of Munkar and Nakir: They are the angels who question a person after he passes away and is buried. Dr. Wayne Grudem, Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics: 5 Contemporary Insights. 25:20; Isa. Yet for Mans Infirmity He appointed His Angels to Watch over Us.34, Hebrews 13:2 reads, Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it (NIV). Though the specific reason for Satans appearance is not stated, the questions God asks of Satan makes the reason clear. They are also described as having a lions Col. 2:10). Nevertheless, the Bible teaches that God created the angels and man. However, these popular images of angels are not exactly true. 7:10; Matt. While these Bible verses tell us that God created angels, the Bible also suggests that they dont exist in the same way we do. References to Michael the Archangel appear only in 1 Thess. That angels have greater strength than man is evident from at least two considerations: (1) Specific Statements in Scripture: Scripture specifically speaks of their greater power. 13 Frank E. Gaebelein, General Editor, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, electronic media, 1997. Micheal is said to be the only Archangel because he is the only one mentioned in the Bible, but some also believe that Gabriel is also an Archangel, while others believe there are 3 or even 7 Archangels. In Daniel 8:1516 Gabriel explained to Daniel the succeeding kingdoms of Medo-Persia and Greece as well as the untimely death of Alexander the Great. The use of cherubim in the decoration of the tabernacle and temple may also indicate their guarding function (Ex. Virtues are in charge of removing negative energies on Earth. In Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth (pp. 148:1-5). The angel is identified as God, speaks as God, and claims to exercise the prerogatives of God. This Lamb is alone able to accomplish what no one else in the universe is qualified and able to do. The angel told John in verse 9,Dont do that! We'd love to keep you up to date with what is happening at CARM. Perhaps the answer lies in the aftermath of sin since Gods glory is displayed even more. The name Michael means who is like God? and identifies the only one classified as an archangel in Scripture. When asking for angelic help, though, we should go directly to God with our requests rather than praying to angels. Ryrie suggests three reasons for their superior knowledge: (1) Angels were created as a higher order of creatures in the universe than humans are. Thats something to celebrate! The two women mentioned in this passage are not specifically called angels, but they are clearly agents of God or forces of Satan, like angels, good or evil. They have six wings and a fiery appearance. Regardless, it is vital for faith and practice that we come to the point where we not only recognize our thoughts and ways are far different from His, but that in faith we accept what He has revealed. The Seraphim angels, celestial beings, are the holy angels closest to Gods throne and the presence of God, the holy ghost, and lord of hosts.Out of the entire hierarchy of angels, these spiritual beings are the closest to God within the angelic hierarchy.These specific types of angels encircle his throne and emit an intense, fiery light representing his light, the loving light of God.These angels encircle his throne and emit an intense, fiery light representing his light, the loving light of God. 2:26; Jude 6). The Hebrew word for angel is mal`ach, and the Greek word is angelos. They are mentioned in Isaiah 6:1 to 8 and depicted as having 6 wings. 24:16; Zech. 5:21) in contrast to the evil angels who followed Satan in his rebellion against God (Matt. WebThough theologians have been cautious in their study of angels, watchful. Verse 17 may infer this is a special type of angel (if a special class is intended). and the virgins name was Mary (Luke 1:2627). They can be known as Principalities, Archangels or Angels. . References to an angel of the Lord in Luke 1:11; and 2:8 and Acts 5:19 lack the Greek article which would suggest an ordinary angel. These angels did not keep their positions of authority (ten heauton archen). Wheaton, IL: Crossway. Paul also tells us that the Lord will return from heaven with the archangels call (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Mankind, including our incarnate Lord, is lower than the angels (Heb. It is believed that each one of us has our very own guardian angel protecting and guiding us all our lives. Its important to be open to those messages. They guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24). 2 Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1987, chapter 17, electronic media. 3:7) and lavished Solomons temple (1 Kings 6:26ff). Greg Brown earned his MA in religion and MA in teaching from Trinity International University, a MRE from Liberty University, and a PhD in theology from Louisiana Baptist University. Angels are called mighty ones who do his word (Psalm 103:20), powers (see Ephesians 1:21), and dominions and authorities (Colossians 1:16). Tell Me, if you have understanding. This is true of both the good and evil angels. God alone not angels has the power to perform miracles (Psalm 72:18). The guardian angels are the ones that we, humans, are most familiar with and are the closest to. 22:31) and Elishas servant could not see the host of angels surrounding him until Elisha prayed for his eyes to be opened (2 Kings 6:17). 20:10). Worship of angels was one of the false doctrines being taught at Colossae (Colossians 2:18). They are also known to be keepers of celestial records, which hold the knowledge of God. Fallen angels, or demons, are 10 Angels of God and Their Tasks The names of angels that must be known include: 1. In view of this, the Apostle Paul wrote, Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. Why? The Bible doesnt tell us how many angels God created. Part of the reason for mans creation and for Gods plan of salvation in Christ is to demonstrate the truth of Gods character as wise, holy, just, loving, gracious, merciful, and good. 89:5, 7). 2, Kregel Publications, 1993, p. 8. 40 Greek, diabolos, an accuser, a slanderer, from diabollw, to accuse, malign., 41 Adversary, the Greek antidikos, was used of a legal adversary, an opponent in a lawsuit.. He can communicate messages to us whether were awake or asleep, throughour dreams. They also observe Gods joy when a sinner repents (Luke 15:10).37 Angels are keenly interested in mans salvation in Christ and carefully observe Gods manifold wisdom in the unfolding of His redemptive plan (1 Pet. They cannot be everywhere at once. These wings consist of 2 to cover their faces, 2 to cover their feet, and 2 to make them fly. They are often depicted as human beings with rays of light around them, some of them having halos and crowns, and most of them having feathered wings. Please reload CAPTCHA. However, is this the proper depiction of angels as mentioned in the Bible? By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from HarperCollins Christian Publishing (501 Nelson Place, Nashville, TN 37214 USA) providing information about products and services of HCCP and its affiliates. Your email address will not be published. 20:3). Watchers: Watchers is an Aramaic word which means, vigilant, waking, watchful. Verse 17 may infer this is a special type of angel (if a special class is intended). NEW Upcoming horror movies here! Certainly they are more cheerful and brighter than our long-standing infatuation with movies about demons and evil spirits, along with endless Dracula revivals5, The bookstores abound with books on angels and many claim encounters with angels. The apostle Paul provides a precedent for this in his warning regarding selecting novices for elders in 1 Timothy 3:6-7. 12:7). They are the furthest away from God and work as Gods messengers to humans on Earth. That angels are created beings and not the spirits of departed or glorified human beings is brought out in Psalm 148. 1:14). 5:8)41 and the devil,42 and from his activities as seen in Scripture, it seems only logical that Satan may have argued that God was unloving and that His judgment of Satan and his angels to the lake of fire was unfair and unjust. Holy Bible, New International Version , NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. Just as nothing displays the splendor of a diamond in the light more than a backdrop of black velvet, so nothing could display the glory of Gods mercy, goodness, grace, and love as much as the blackness of mans sin. Learning about these different types of angels can strengthen our faith by reminding us of the vast spiritual support network around us. So having considered the various ways angels minister, we should keep in mind that God does not always deliver us from danger or supply our needs in miraculous ways whether by angels or by His direct intervention. What different types of angels does the Bible talk about?Seraphim. They are shown as serving in the presence of God and have six wings: "Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered Cherubim. They were depicted on the lid or top of the Ark of the Covenant and other aspects of the tabernacle and temple.Archangel. ; 36:8ff. He tells Zechariah, I am Gabriel, who stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:19). In the Tribulation they will be the agents God uses to pour out His judgments (see Rev. First, being the creation of a holy God, they were created perfect without any flaw or sin. Though the problem of evil and Satan baffles the human mind, only Gods Word gives us a reasonable explanation as to the cause, course, and ultimate destiny of evil. Eph 1:20-22; with Eph 2:4-6 and Heb 2:9). 10:21.) Finally, the living creatures are seen several times in Revelation. But can we be any more specific? First Sphere of Angels. John says, I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands (Revelation 5:11). Thus, the term angelos is not only a generic term, pertaining to a special order of beings (i.e., angels), but it is also descriptive and expressive of their office and service. Matt. Elect Angels: In 1 Timothy 5:21, Paul speaks of the elect angels. These are the holy angels who are somehow included in the elect purposes of God. timeout So along came three friends who sought to counsel him, but with friends like these, who needs enemies? Lets discuss the different types of angels as mentioned in the Bible. Some people believe that the Powers keep demons at bay, while St. Paul believed that the Powers were the evil angels. The Bible reveals the moral problem is related to: (1) the fall of Satan and his angels into sin; (2) Satans characterization as the slandering adversary of God; (3) Gods purpose for man to rule on the earth with the loss of that rule through mans temptation and fall into sin; and (4) mans redemption and the recovery of that rule through the sinless God-man Savior who bore the penalty for our sin. 12:7), and (4) as ministers to Gods people (Heb. It originated from something outside of God. They manifest themselves unsought. Angels are powerful and awesome in many ways, but, like us, they are only creatures and servants of the living God who alone deserves our worship. 25:41). And most importantly, what does the Bible say about them? 8-9; 16). Other doctrines, like the incarnation, are beyond our ability to grasp but it is a doctrine explicitly stated in the Bible. This, of course, is the crucial issue. The prince of the Virtues is said to be Raphael, who has the power to heal and relieve pain. Angels are organized; demons are organized; yet Christians, individually and in groups, often feel that it is unnecessary that they be organized. 1:20; 4:11), D. They Were Active During the Early Years of the Church (Acts 8:26; 10:3, 7; 12:11), E. They Will Be Involved in Events Surrounding the Second Advent of Christ (Matt. Q. Gods revelation never aims at informing us regarding the nature of angels. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life, (Gen. 3:24). Others, in keeping with the use of sons of God in Job, believe the term refers to fallen angels who mated with the daughters of men to produce an extremely wicked and powerful progeny that led to the extreme wickedness of Noahs day. Archangel Uriel (Archangel of the North: Essence: Earth) 4. In Ezekiel 10:14, one of the four faces is said to be that of a cherub instead of an ox. So today, from a world that lies under his deception (see John 12:31; 16:11; Eph. 11:15). Angels have inspired all sorts of imaginative stories and depictions, but whats left when we separate fact from fiction? 10:21). Much of what we see or hear about angels in culture is based on speculation, non-biblical sources, or just plain fantasy.
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