Fingerprinting is located at: Parent University 850 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, CA 93701, Parent Notification and Family Engagement, Parent University 850 N. Blackstone Ave. Fresno, CA 93701. This amended law authorizes school nurses and trained personnel volunteers to use epinephrine auto-injectors to provide emergency medical aid to students suffering, or reasonably believed to be suffering, from an anaphylactic reaction. Department of Transportation | Fares & Passes - Fresno 1. Get the free fresno unified transfer request form - pdfFiller In addition, research shows that integrated education expands post-secondary opportunities for diverse populations and helps to provide greater equality of opportunity. Transfer Students Information | Hoover High School Fresno Unified Student Inter District Transfers in Fresno, CA 2020 - San Joaquin County Office of Education. Quick Links. What is the phone number to my union? Families may request these options by utilizing the Transfer Request Form. The notification shall also inform parents/guardians and/or students of their right to refuse to let the district designate any or all types of information as directory information and the period of time within which a parent/ guardian and/or student must notify the district in writing that he/ she does not want a certain category of information designated as directory information. 48205; E.C 48216; E.C. Google Map. Such insurance may be purchased from or such membership may be taken in, only such companies or corporations as are authorized to do business in California. These include: Therefore, the Board of Education believes that a policy that supports quality education for students in diverse learning settings will have a positive effect on our students who will live and work together in a diverse society. Pension on Higher Salary: Exercise of Joint Option under para 11 (3) and para 11 (4) of EPS-1995 on or before 3rd May 2023. Watch School Choice Video Student records include the students health record. And because of its cross-platform nature, signNow . If my child fails a class or is not making progress, can he/she be retained (held back)? Requires written notification of the purpose of AIDS instruction to parents/guardians of pupils in grades 7-12 and requires the notification to specify that parents/guardians may request that their child not receive such instruction. School Districts Schools. Fresno, CA 93721-2002. Each student so excused shall attend school at least the minimum school day for their grade for elementary schools, and as provided by the relevant provisions of the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education for secondary schools. Students must be treated and their hair/scalp is free from live lice. E.C. Make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent/guardian or eligible student at the last known address of the parent/ guardian or eligible student, unless: The disclosure is initiated by the parent/guardian or eligible student; or. Inter District Transfer Request Fresno Unified School District TRANSFERS OFFICE 4120 N. FIRST STREET FRESNO CA 93726 559 248 7538 FAX 559 248 7481 School Year Requested 20 to 20 NEW RENEWAL FRESNO UNIFIED . E.C. 2000 E Belgravia Ave. 2000 E Belgravia Ave. 93706-4416. Homeless children shall be enrolled with or without a permanent address. What preschool programs are available for my child? All you have to do is download it or send it via email. Procedures shall include the notification to the parent/guardian of the location of all official pupil records if not centrally located and the availability of qualified certificated personnel to interpret records where requested. To be admitted to school, children must be fully immunized in accordance with the law. Fresno Unified School District. Foster youth shall remain at the school of origin, including feeder pattern for the duration of court jurisdiction if it is in the childs best interest. *Future Year Requests: final decision is provided no later than 14 calendar days following the beginning of the school year for which enrollment is sought.Must be renewed annually, beginning on April 1st for the following school year.Please contact the Transfers Department at (559) 248-7538 for TransfersDepartment@fresnounified.orgfor more information. What School Choice options are available for my child? For students who participate in athletics, we. Fresno Unified School District. At each school, the Principal or a certificated designee shall act as custodian of records for students enrolled. Along with the magnet programs listed below a transfer to other neighborhood schools that are outside of the students attendance boundary might be available if there is space. When a student has had a pattern of chronic absenteeism due to illness district staff may require physician verification of any further student absences. High school students, age sixteen (16) and over, may be involuntarily transferred to a continuation. 99.31 (a) (2) shall: An educational agency or institution may disclose an education record of a student in attendance to another educational agency or institution if: The Board of Education of the Fresno Unified School District believes that providing students the opportunity to attend schools with diverse student bodies has inherent educational value. Transfers are free and allow you to transfer for unlimited transfers for 90 minutes on all routes in any direction. The decision of the Governing Board shall be final. Within five (5) working days of the notification, the school district shall determine eligibility, and shall, if eligible, place the student within an additional five (5) days in an instructional program. Give the parent/guardian or eligible student, upon request, an opportunity for a hearing under subpart C. The student is enrolled in or receives services from the other agency or institution; and. In order for students to take medication at school the following conditions must be met: California law allows students with asthma to carry and self- administer their prescribed inhaled asthma medication. If the student does not successfully complete the Truancy Prevention Program or other similar program, the student shall be subject to subdivision (d). If the student attends the following schools parents may discuss participation in the program at the school site: Students are selected for the schools listed below by academic admission criteria: Available seats are proportioned by the percentage of each high school regions elementary population and a random lottery is conducted by high school region of all eligible students to fill seats at Manchester and Yokomi GATE programs. Link opens new browser tab. For that purpose, the Board may use any funds, property, and personnel of the District, and may permit any person licensed as an authorized health care provider and surgeon to administer an immunizing agent to any pupil whose parents/guardians have consented in writing to the administration of such immunizing agent. (559) 457-3000. If the student fails to successfully complete the assigned study program, the student shall be subject to subdivision (c). Parks and Recreation | Activities & Recreational Programs - Fresno The main campus, The Csar E. Chvez Adult Education Center, is located at 2500 Stanislaus Street, in downtown Fresno. While some factors contributing to the diversity in the schools are under the control of the administration, other more powerful factors are due to the communitys economic and demographic conditions. Funding to Other Local Entities | County of Fresno Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the Governing Board of any school district shall cooperate with the local health officer in measures necessary for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in school-age children. Any school district that has decided to withhold a pupils grades, diploma, or transcripts pursuant to Section 48904 shall, upon receiving notice that the pupil has transferred to any school district in this state, notify the parent/guardian of the pupil in writing that the decision to withhold will be enforced as specified in subdivision (a). 5113; A.R. Staff Directory | Fresno Unified Charter Office 601. Refer to Head Lice Guidelines on the FUSD Health Services Website. 5111.13); Be enrolled without a permanent address (Project ACCESS form completed at the Department of Prevention and Intervention); Be enrolled by a caregiver who is not the legal guardian (Caregiver Affidavit form completed at Department of Prevention and Intervention); Be enrolled without the required documents; Be enrolled if living in a foster or group home, with placement papers provided by social services or probation; Maintain original school of enrollment. Phone Number. 46014; and, The student shall be excused for this purpose on no more than four (4) school days per month. Bus tokens may be provided through the Department of Prevention and Intervention; Be provided Title I supplemental services Contact Project ACCESS at 457-3359. Website (559) 457-3441. No student shall be excused from school for such purpose on more than four (4) days per school month. The Board desires to ensure that all students attend school in accordance with the states compulsory education law and take full advantage of educational opportunities provided by the district. Any students entering 7th grade will need to be immunized or have a medical exemption from a California doctor. The Fresno Unified Governing Board believes that all children should have the opportunity to receive appropriate educational services. Transfer Application ;; ATLAS Parent Portal; ATLAS Parent Portal . Parents may contact the school nurse at the school site where their child attends for any questions they may have regarding the information provided on type 2 diabetes. Any other rights and requirements set forth in Education Code 49060- 49078, and the right of parents/guardians to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning an alleged failure by the district to comply with 20 USC 1232g. Contact. Board Policies 5116 and 5116.1 reference specific criteria and conditions for these transfers. Information Technology - Fresno Unified School District In addition, the age by which children are eligible for TK will expand over the next three years as follows: The Governing Board of any school district maintaining one (1) or more kindergartens may, on a case-by-case basis, admit to a kindergarten a child having attained the age of five (5) years at any time during the school year with the approval of the parent/guardian, subject to the following conditions: Any person who is denied registration or whose registration is revoked may request a hearing before the Principal or Superintendent on the propriety of the denial or revocation. I have questions about the school dress code, whom can I contact? Same access to students: Each local educational agency receiving assistance under this chapter shall provide military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as is provided generally to post-secondary educational institutions or to prospective employers of those students. Payroll Questions and Issues If the student needs to go home for an injury or illness, nurse or designee will contact the parent. Find the school closest to your home by clicking here: School Locator. Attendance at religious retreats for no more than four (4) hours per semester. Medications brought to school without following the above guidelines will NOT be given at school. School Districts Schools. Executive Assistant to the Superintendent. It also fosters racial and cultural understanding and tolerance, which are particularly important in a diverse society such as ours. There are two types of transfers in the Fresno Unified School District that may be initiated by parents/guardians: Intradistrict and Interdistrict Transfers. Whom can I contact if I have concerns about my childs school? Ed-Data is a partnership of the California Department of Education, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team/California School Information Services (FCMAT/CSIS) designed to offer educators, policy makers, the legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California. The parents/guardians of a school-age child who are residents in Fresno Unified may request a transfer to another school district. Children whose enrollment would increase an overcrowded condition shall be provided free transportation to a school with adequate space. The American Rescue Plan will deliver $350 billion for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency. If the student transfers, the record may be forwarded to any school receiving the students school records. DeWolf High School and Fresno High School dual enrollment students have also accomplished a 100% pass rate! Is it required for all volunteers to be fingerprinted? The Fresno Unified School Office and Admistration Building are 2 seperate buildings. If an INTER-District Transfer or Release is denied by the FUSD, you may schedule an appointment within 30-days of the denial with the CWA Director by dialing 909-357-5000 ext. Records of these administrative proceedings shall be maintained in a confidential manner and shall be destroyed one (1) year after the decision of the Governing Board, unless the parent/guardian initiates legal proceedings relative to the disputed information within the prescribed period. Appropriate persons in connection with an emergency if the knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a pupil or other persons; Agencies or organizations in connection with the application of a pupil for, or receipt of, financial aid; The county elections official, for the purpose of identifying pupils eligible to register to vote, and for conducting programs to offer pupils an opportunity to register to vote; Accrediting associations in order to carry out their accrediting functions; Organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purpose of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction; and/or. This notice also shall inform parents/ guardians where they can find all related information. This statement shall become a part of the pupils school record until the information objected to is corrected or removed. Fresno Unified School District is soliciting Request for Proposals for Event Planner Services. The Governing Board believes that excessive student absenteeism and tardiness, whatever the cause, may be an early warning sign of poor academic achievement and may put students at risk of dropping out of school. Bullard High School Profile. Phone: 559-457-3416. The only exemption now accepted is a Medical Exemption written by a California doctor for students through CAIR-ME beginning January 1, 2021. Email: Description of fresno unified transfer request INTRA-DISTRICT TRANSFER FORM Transfers Office 4120 N. First Street Fresno, CA 93726 Call for more Information: 559-248-7538 Fax: 559-248-7481 Preparing Career Ready Graduates Intra-District Transfer Links. school day. Bullard High Region | Fresno Unified School District Site based Spanish/English Dual Language Immersion Programs are also available. The parent/guardian having legal custody of a pupil may file a written request with the Superintendent of the District to correct or remove any information recorded in the written records concerning their child, which the parent/guardian alleges to be any of the following: Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a request pursuant to subdivision (a), the Superintendent or designee shall meet with the parent/ guardian and the certificated employee who recorded the information in question, if any, and if the employee is presently employed by the school district. They shall remain at the school of origin for the remainder of the school year or until permanently housed to the extent feasible, continuing a students enrollment in the school of origin for the duration of their homelessness. The Fresno Unified Board retains the authority to grant or deny a request for an interdistrict transfer to Fresno Unified in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy . Students are selected for this program and invited to attend. My school does not provide interpreters for me, whom can I contact? Home hospital instruction is available to students who have been declared to have a temporary disability due to illness, condition or injury. At all school levels, each individual school will assure teacher/office contact when a student has an unexcused absence. Main Office: (559) 248-5600 Attendance: (559) 248-5154 Doctor's Note: (559) 512 . In the absence of an approved Interdistrict Transfer, students are expected to attend a school in the school district in which they reside. In addition to using these Office applications online, students can install up to five . Business and Financial Services Division - Fresno Unified School District If your child has ONE of the following, the student should be kept at home: Upon return to school after any extended illness or communicable disease the student should follow up with the school nurse. Board Office / Chief of Staff Org Chart: Board Policies (559) 457-3736: Campus Culture (559) 457-3674: Charter Office (559) 457-3923: College and Career Readiness . Safeguards to protect the student and the students family from invasion of privacy. Any student is deemed an habitual truant who has been reported as a truant three (3) or more times per school year, provided that no student shall be deemed a habitual truant unless an appropriate district officer or employee has made a conscientious effort to hold at least one (1) conference with a parent/guardian of the student. Address . The decision to revoke the transfer shall be communicated in writing to the parent/guardian. A family emergency shall be considered to exist when unforeseen circumstances cause the need for immediate action, such as may occur in the event of a natural disaster, or when a member of the childs immediate family dies, has an accident, or is required to appear in court. Resident students may participate in the program. Criteria to participate in Short-Term Independent Studies: Education Code requires that students between the ages of 6-18 attend school full-time. Preschool | Fresno Unified Early Learning . After other interventions have been exhausted, students with a pattern of unexcused absences may be referred to a school attendance review board (SARB), in accordance with applicable law, in order to receive intensive guidance and assistance. "I believe it is time to repair the ladder of opportunity for more of our students. The feeder pattern for Bullard High School: Figarden Elementary School; . Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family. (E.C. Whenever any part of the instruction in health, family life education, and sex education conflicts with the religious training and beliefs of the parent/guardian of any pupil, the pupil, on written request of the parent/guardian, shall be excused from the part of the training which conflicts with such religious training and beliefs. First day parents/guardians may submit transfer request applications, DEADLINE to submit transfer request applications for intra-district schools and Magnet Schools, 4120 N. First StreetFresno, CA 93726Phone number: (559) 248-7538Email: STEM related activities and a visit to a two-year college, Visits to a four-year college or university, Exploring career choices through Career Cruising web-based tools, Regional Occupational Program (ROP) courses, 2 period courses designed for juniors and seniors, Visits to a four-year colleges and/or universities, Industry recognized student certifications, Identifying career choices through Career Cruising, Work-based learning experiences that include guest speakers, field trips, job shadowing and internships, Dual enrollment opportunities to earn college credit, Regional areas Roosevelt High School, Sunnyside High School, McLane High School, and Edison High School, Regional areas Fresno High School, Bullard High School, Duncan Polytechnical High School, and Hoover High School, Aspen Meadow Public Charter School (559) 369-2456, Aspen Ridge Public Charter School (559) 374-0080, Aspen Valley Prep Academy Charter School (559) 225-7737, Carter G. Woodson Public Charter School (559) 229-3529, Carter G. Woodson Public Charter School of Multimedia (226-1073), Dailey Elementary Charter School (559) 248-7060, Fresno EOC School of Unlimited Learning (559) 498-8543, Intradistrict Transfers Within Fresno Unified, Interdistrict Transfers Between Districts, Involuntary Transfer to Opportunity or Continuation High Schools, Committed an act enumerated in E.C. School Districts Schools. Those who cause or encourage any person under the age of 18 to stop attending school, or who refuse to comply with court orders that require the child to attend school, may be liable for fines and/or be imprisoned as a result. C.F.R., Title 34, Sec. Benefits Department - Fresno Unified School District Schools, and pre-kindergarten facilities are required to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reports. Any school district requesting such a transfer of a record shall notify the parent/guardian of their right to receive a copy of the record and a right to a hearing to challenge the content of the record. Address: 4498 N Brawley, Fresno, CA 93722. 32210, 32211, Any person who is asked to leave a public school building or grounds may appeal to the Superintendent or designee. 6172; A.B. C.C.R., Title 5, Sec. Mailing Address. receive the senior discount you must register for these classes in person at our Community Education Manchester Center Office or pay by credit card (Visa or . If student does not meet any of the criteria previously stated and desires to attend a Fresno Unified School District school, the Inter-District Transfer Request allows students that reside within the boundaries of a school district other than Fresno Unified School District to attend a school with Fresno Unified School District. Interventions for students with serious attendance problems shall be designed to meet the specific needs of the student and may include, but are not limited to, health care referrals, transportation assistance, counseling for mental or emotional difficulties, academic supports, efforts to address school or community safety concerns, discussions with the student and parent/guardian about their attitudes regarding schooling, or other strategies to remove identified barriers to school attendance. The Governing Board of each school district shall, as a condition for the receipt of school apportionments from the state school fund, adopt rules and regulations establishing a policy of open enrollment within the District for residents of the District. If the waiver indicates that the parent/guardian was unable to obtain the services for their child, then the reasons why should be included in the waiver. State & Federal Programs - Fresno Unified School District General Information. For the protection of a pupils health and welfare, the Governing Board of any school district may require the parent/guardian of a pupil to keep current at the pupils school of attendance, emergency information including the home address and telephone number, business address, and telephone number of the parents/guardians, and the name, address and telephone number of a relative or friend who is authorized to care for the pupil in any emergency situation if the parent/guardian cannot be reached. This will meet the requirements of the Right to Carry law for asthma inhalers as described in section 4 above. School of origin is defined as the school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed, the school in which the child. Parents/Guardians have the right to require a meeting prior to the involuntary transfer to a continuation school. The Governing Board of the district shall notify the parent/guardian of the pupil that they have two (2) weeks or ten (10) school days to supply evidence either that the pupil has been properly immunized, or that the pupil is exempted from the immunization requirement pursuant to Section 120365 or 120370 of the Health and Safety Code. (559)265-3010. transfer, students are expected to attend the school in the attendance area in which they reside. 48204). Students should not be absent from school without their parents/ guardians knowledge or consent, with the following exceptions: When excusing students for confidential medical services or verifying such appointments, district staff shall not ask the purpose of such appointments, but may contact a medical office to confirm the time of the appointment. signNow makes signing easier and more convenient since it provides users with numerous additional features like Invite to Sign, Add Fields, Merge Documents, and so on. Each school district shall adopt procedures for the granting of requests by parents/guardians for copies of all pupil records pursuant to Section 49065, or to inspect and review records during regular school hours, provided that the requested access shall be granted no later than five (5) business days following the date of the request. Cwf1 form pdf: Fill out & sign online | DocHub In the absence of an approved. If you have questions, please contact the Benefits Department at 559-457-3520. All applicants remaining on a waiting list will be assigned if additional space becomes available at the school requested.