I commented out logbook: & history: and deleted the home-assistant db file, and that did not impact the InfluxDb functionality. This sets the default bucket for sensors, individual sensors can also read from a different bucket. The user needs read/write privileges on the database. My approach to cleanup the InfluxDB: This makes it easy to read the battery levels into Grafana. If theres anything you dont want recorded in there, you can use the exclude parameter. You can run it as its own Docker container and manage other containers on the host system. In this blog post I'll elaborate how I managed to get long term data history for my home assistant setup with InfluxDB. Duration or time value to stop range at. There are ways we can get this into Grafana, as it is stored in InfluxDB. Great for a wall mounted display that needs to display realtime stats, like temperatures etc. this is the error I can see attributes, but no battery status . For instructions on how to create a database check the InfluxDB documentation relevant to the version you have installed. If you use the default name of home_assistant for the database, haven't set any . Now that weve got data being recorded into the InfluxDB database, we want to use Grafana to make some nice charts of it all. First off, well grab the docker image that will have the InfluxDB installation. My sensor doesnt report that often, so Ill select 1 hour as the GROUP BY period, or you could set it to auto if you want. Home Assistant comes with a recording component already, however, the more data that your Home Assistant setup records, youll see the limitation of this built-in functionality. USE "homeassistant"; DELETE FROM "C " WHERE "entity_id" = 'tasmota_analog_temperature_2' AND time < '2021-04-04', Here is an additional link explaining some concepts: InfluxDB. For my entry sensor above, Im going to choose battery_entry_sensor. Going to do this during the upcoming weekend. home/not_home), Im struggling to get them to appear. Now for the grafana graphs. Watch on. This first username and password will be the root user, which will have complete access to Grafana. Grafana can be used to read this data and display some very pretty graphs. So at this point Im expecting youve got InfluxDB and Grafana installed and up-and-running. The default InfluxDB configuration doesnt enforce authentication. Click "Select" button to go back to previous window. Needed with token configuration variable. You can learn more about it from their documentation or by using the query builder in the UI. Once it restarts, Home Assistant should start sending data to InfluxDB. Seems like a permission issue which I am not sure how to fix. P.S. InfluxDB, Home Assistant & Grafana - Energy & Power. When I execute the command, Im getting the following result: But after that, the entity is gone. Section 1 - Deploy InfluxDB 2.x in Docker. To the right of that should be a "Filter" frame. Continuing the fridge/freezer example, if it starts to use more power than usual for the day, send an alert. Select the whole query and copy it into clipboard. Search for the InfluxDB add-on in the add-on store and install it. Include all entities matching a listed pattern. How are you storing data collected in your Home Automation? Let me know in the comments below how youve used InfluxDB. You have the option of reviewing your settings and then click "Done" when you're ready to start the container. I am Franck Nijhof, and I have 30 years of programming experience, in many languages. influxdb: On the next screen I chose the "Quick Start" button, since I like that local db metric collection will be setup :-), Section 3 - Setting up access in Influx DB for HomeAssistant and Grafana. Great stuff Ill investigate! You can also configure it to refresh automatically. Which sensors do you want to show in the UI? Any ideas why this would be? Any idea how I could pull data from influxdb and create new sensors in HA please? Together with the fact that the HomeAssistant bucket exists, the InfluxDB is now ready to be used. Another great feature of Grafana are Alerts. In very short time you can create a custom dashboard that includes diagrams or current status numbers for your devices. On the left menu click on the "InfluxDB Admin". My battery sensors all of a sudden show N/A% even though my other sensors are still giving data. Some workarounds include having a HA script write the latest sensor value to Influx every hour although this still might result in empty graphs. I currently declared my energy sensors using the utility_meter . To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. If you scroll through this, you should see entries that are obviously coming from HomeAssistant. Contribute to bestlibre/hassio-addons development by creating an account on GitHub. from http://docs.grafana.org/reference/templating/ One thing you should add to your Home Assistant service is the, The second service is our new InfluxDB service. Once you've installed InfluxDB and got it running, all you need to do is create a database using the influx command to get to the InfluxDB command line: > create database home_assistant. Otherwise we somehow need to link the Home Assistant and InfluxDB networks together. I had to chown it with 472:472. Generally, battery devices will send out their battery devices to the z-wave network once every 24 hours. When you do this query panels will disappear and be replaced with a Flux query. I always get a Connection refused. The influxdb integration makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an external InfluxDB database. Paste the query into the query "A" field in the bottom half of the "New dashboard / Edit panel" window which should still be open. Click the select measurement and this time choose %. Watch on. The cog icon saying "Configuration". That dashboard looks sexy! So, choose your username and password. It has a built-in HTTP API so you don't have to write any server side code to get up and running InfluxDB is designed to be scalable, simple to install and manage, and fast to get data in and out.. On the other hand, MariaDB is detailed as " An enhanced, drop-in . Some devices in Home Assistant will add another sensor to report the battery level. Once your query is built and you see the results in the upper part of the screen, locate and click the "Script Editor" button that's just to the left of the "Submit" button, that you clicked one step before. The more information your smart home has, the smarter it can be. {% endif %}' So states like Home vs Not Home might get a bit tricky. You can then login to Grafana on the downstairs tablet, knowing someone wont be able to access the upstairs dashboard without the correct username and password. Which gives you a nice InfluxDB admin interface for managing your users, databases, data retention settings, and lets you peek inside the database using the Data Explorer. # Ensure the version matches your InfluxDB instance. 2.xx only - Name of the bucket (not the generated bucket ID) within your Organization to read from. (Configure Filter). Youll be able to setup multiple dashboards, and even multiple users. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When you're done click the "Submit" button on the right. port: 3004. That is to be expected. I mentioned that I create template sensors for extracting the battery levels for my devices. When creating a new query, instead of choosing the unit of measurement first, like % or KB/s, select the entity_id you would like to get the attribute for. 2.xx - Defaults to true for 2.xx, otherwise false. InfluxDB is a scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics. Influx had big breaking changes from v1 to v2, so I'm personally avoiding the latest tag. Optional path of a CA certificate to be used during SSL verification. Anything else? I kind of liked the idea of the "whole" supervised HA VM and not just the bare docker deployment. Section 9 - Creating first graph in Grafana. In the "Write" section choose the "HomeAssistant" bucket. Grafana is connecting to the DB without any issue Home Assistant is awesome but it lacks advanced support for showing data, especially over time. The logbook shows last actions, while this gives me insights in the history. The host IP is the IP of the running InfluxDB container. The InfluxDB config should be exposed by a volume mount. Battery percentages over time, see how quickly batteries are used across your sensors to identify which ones are depleting the quickest, Power usage for main appliances like TVs, Fridges, Heaters and Airconditioners, Moisture levels in your indoor plants (I use the, Download rates for applications like Transmission, TV Volume Level (I can see what volume levels my, Humidity Levels in bathrooms to see what time of day people are showering or whos having extra long showers (. Check out some of our other add-ons in our Home Assistant Community Add-ons project. Published by Oliver on 02.05.202102.05.2021. Both are running in docker, both are in the opt_default docker network and have local IPs in the same subnet. In the next blog post, Ill detail how we can use Grafanato further visualize the data, rather than using command line queries. I would like to have an access in order to 'download' the database or a way to make a query outside Home Assistant. Read external InfluxDB in Home Assistant as a sensor - IT-obey! As a habit, Ive always created template sensors to extract the battery levels so I can display them in Home Assistant. The list of entity ids to be included in recording to InfluxDB. In my setup Grafana is in the same Docker network as the InfluxDB database so you can access it directly via the Docker container name (influxdb in this case). First, theres heaps of types of data we can graph now: Now we can take a look at this data over longer periods, for fun and potentially to save money. Click the AND to change it to an OR. Im just missing something important here and I feel dense. There is a much better software for this: Grafana. Wondering if its a DSM6 network kind of issue. I am not sure if HASSIO supports this though. To keep things tidy, Im going to create a new file in the config folder called influxdb.yaml that will hold all of the config for InfluxDB. Exclude all entities matching a listed pattern. Lets drag-and-drop a new Graph. My approach to cleanup the InfluxDB: Execute the query: SHOW TAG VALUES ON "homeassistant" WITH KEY = "entity_id" and create a dashboard of if. Navigate to your InfluxDB installation. Watch your Home Assistant log files for any errors to make sure the connection to InfluxDB is working as expected. InfluxDB is an open source time series database, which makes it useful for recording metrics, events and performing analytics. Add your timezone in the environment variables, so that you'll have proper timestamps in your database entries. Youll then need to setup how Grafana will communicate with InfluxDB. The edge tag will always have the latest and greatest that I have upgraded it to. You can omit if you wish to use your own aggregator, which takes additional/different parameters or want to act on a different column. If that doesnt work, there is something called Portainer. It wont take you long before your Home Assistant database sizes are in gigabytes, and your home automation starts to slow down because of it. Why run HA in a VM but components it needs in containers? But what if we want to do more analysis, combine various metrics and do calculations, so that we can get a more in depth look at whats going on? Jens. name grafana 2018-01-24 15:00:57,596 INFO reaped unknown pid 1578 There is an interesting absence of guides available for this. Click on the "HomeAssistant - Write" token (directly on the name) and a window will open where a long string will be shown. Home Assistant basics II what the heck are automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts? Retrying again in 60 seconds. Home Assistant Community Add-on: InfluxDB, Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server. One question with the docker image: How do you increase the influcdb connection pool? Now were going to make the following adjustments to the graph: Now you should have data on your graph, but something looks wrong? You must configure the influxdb history component in order to create influxdb sensors. Configure Home Assistant to export data to InfluxDB I have done minimal configuration for the InfluxDB that I thought would work, but I miss many of the entities - most importantly I miss all of the temperature sensors, which I wanted to keep in history. Just note that if you ever destroy the container, the updates will be lost. You can pull down the image on your Raspberry Pi by running: Docker should download the image from Docker hub and extract it on your Pi. 2018-01-24 15:01:24,835 INFO success: grafana entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (sta Thanks for reading. Could be a permissions issue. influxdb on port 3004 works but grafana on 3003 dosent give any response at all. Can you give me a hint how to do it? First you need to configuration datasources and set up InfluxDB as a new source. u/hellraiser thank you so much for this detailed tutorial! In this window we'll set connection and display parameters for communication between Grafana and InfluxDB. when an entity doesnt have a unit. This is us setting up Grafana so it knows where to pull our stats from. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd57a5daa931c1379c57e296f4b358ab6e80a1950257bf014de60dba55bd1c20.jpg. Images, code and a full step by step guide on how to use Grafana and integrate it with Home Assistant for beautiful and functional dashboards! Seems like a way to add multiple points of failure. For example, if set to friendly_name, it will be possible to group by entities friendly names as well, in addition to their ids. Under "Query Language" drop-down choose "Flux". Heres where it can get a bit tricky. Will check out your links, thanks! For sensors with a unit of measurement defined the unit of measurement is used as the measurement name and entries are tagged with the second part of the entity_id. Got started with a nice System-Monitor Dash. Or when the sensor wakes? docker: Error response from daemon: Bind mount failed: /path/for/influxdb does not exists. It will allow you to visualize data as well. 2018-01-24 15:01:11,721 INFO success: grafana entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (sta However if there are entries, then you have just verified that your configuration is valid and you're doing OK so far. Go to Synology Docker app and in the "Registry" section search for "InfluxDB" and double-click the top entry. Yes, I saw the repo for connection pool increase. Now lets go and connect it to Home Assistant. In this case this is /var/lib/grafana Click on the "Port Settings" tab. I am stuck though with this error in HASSIO logs, Setup failed for influxdb: Component failed to initialize. USE "<***db_name***>"; DELETE FROM "<***measurement_name***>" WHERE "<***tag***>" = '***tag_value***' AND time < '2021-04-04', Actual query eg: You have several options to get them answered: You could also open an issue on GitHub, in case you ran into a bug, or maybe you have an idea on improving the addon: At this moment our Home Assistant Community Add-ons Discord chat server and GitHub are our only official support channels. The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. If the Home Assistant container is running in host mode or on a different machine you need to forward the 8086 port from the dabase container so that it is available from the outside. You can change the IP address to the IP address where your InfluxDB install is running if needed. What component is it? Something like. If you do, then click on the "Submit" button on the extreme right side of the screen. Port 3004 not works: server not respond Your best bet is to execute the queries from Chronograf to create the database. Thank you! Here it's best if you set the "Local Port" section to 8086. You are better off with a SQL store like MariaDB if you want to do that. Expand Query A to change the query that is building the data. Expand the A query to see how it is built. Youll need to expose the ports to Influx as well (although Im sure you did this, if you can access Grafana). Some research is needed but, first, Ill implement the device tracking for essential components you wrote on. When it did I found it limiting would this be a suitable replacement? The list of domains to be included in recording to InfluxDB. Im wondering though, if you could exclude everything from trying to go into InfluxDB, and then only select the entities you do want to go in. With this Grafana is ready to be connected to InfluxDB so that you can start visualizing the data. I've got a PC where I have multiple VMs for some other stuff and have decided to put HA in a VM there. Lets take a look at some questions you might be able to answer by analyzing your sensor data over longer periods. After a few minutes Home Assistant will start pouring sensor data into your new InfuxDB database. Setting a coarser precision allows InfluxDb to compress your data better. Why use InfluxDB Home Assistant - Home Automation Technology Additionally, you can now make use of an InfluxDB 2.0 installation with this integration. That indentation doesn't look correct, and I think you need to specify the entities explicitly, rather than from a group. Phil, geat guide as always!Have got my NAS operating as a broker and now this using your guides. The influxdb integration makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an external InfluxDB database. Seems like for influxdb its the same. Libraries to import in order to execute your query. Further the sentence says something like: Basically you did a good job, BUT From the Display tab, on the right-hand-side under Stacking & Null value, select Connected for Null value. Click on "Environment" tab. Click on the "Volume" tab. Several other more or less random things :-). u/ShittyFrogMeme I did a small modification to your configuration: adding device_class as a tag_attribute. On the left side choose the seventh icon from the top. - The question mark represents a single character. Click on the "Data" icon. You can do that using the iFrame panel component. In "InfluxDB Details" section under "Organization" enter the one you defined in InfluxDB. You can set it to almost anything else, but then you'll always have to keep that in mind later. USE "home_assistant"; DELETE FROM "kWh" WHERE ("entity_id" = "gas_daily") AND time > "2022-05-30 00:00:00" AND time < "2022-05-30 23:59:59", Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Hey Vince, thanks. The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. Assign a name (for instance HomeAssistant - Write). Then in the Axes tab, lets change the Left Y axes unit from short to Celsius/Farenheit. So now we have the basic understanding of how to create a dashboard in Grafana (dont forget to hit the save button!!). The lines dont seem to match up. Also, do a docker ps -a to see if the old container (which was running before the reboot) is still there, but just not running. Strange, I am not 100% sure if this will work with HASSIO. Ive been pointed in the direction of a bug within Chronograf. Do I have to take special care on anything here? Of course host and port needs to be adapted to where you can reach the InfluxDB database from your Home Assitant host. Click the "Add Folder" button and choose the location on your host filesystem, where Grafana will be storing its persistent data. Ex. is there a way to have some form of binary value for sonos if it is playing or not, my use case: we have sonos multi room audio and i want to find a way of having just a easy to see playing/not playing on my smart home dashboard. influxdb: host: 172.23..2. verify_ssl: false. So the idea is working and values can be deleted, but the UX is not really good. After I noticed that no data was being populated I changed the address in my YAML file to the actual internal ip address. And it can easily be integrated with Home Assistant. Navigate to your InfluxDB installation. Using CLI tool influx you can set csv output format for results: influx -host your_host -port 8086 -database 'your_db' -execute 'select * from your_metric' -format 'csv'. What can we do with it? You also can not dynamically change the timeframe. influxdb:api_version: 2ssl: falsehost: influxdb.exmaple.comport: 8086token: organization: Home Assistantbucket: home_assistanttags:source: HomeAssistanttags_attributes:- friendly_name- device_classdefault_measurement: units, And an example query: https://imgur.com/a/7fpf2Dw. Unfortunately, the process manager inside the container wont display any errors from Grafana. Add a comment. Long term Home Assistant data history with InfluxDB1 Note that the configuration is significantly different for a 2.xx installation, the documentation below will note when fields or defaults apply to only a 1.xx installation or a 2.xx installation. How much light does the living room get in winter months, compared to summer months? Forget Grafana for now, start at the data source. I copied the following docker run command: docker run -d To obtain this, open the UI of your 2.xx installation, the URL at the top will have it after /orgs. If you used the yr.no weather first, which is configured by the example config, if i remember correctly, it . But I just found out something: I have no clue where I could actually check the bucket size :-D I guess that info could come in handy Great write up. Thank you! Might be an issue with the template youre using to extract them. Yeah so you should be able to SSH in on port 22022 to update anything you want. I already learned to do this for now (https://goo.gl/HZZvAJ), but it also looks like you can set up notifications there based on any criteria, so could easily replace lots of automation I have. Once selected, change the SELECT field(value) so it reads field(battery_level). There are a lot of possibilities here, just play around with it a bit. unit_of_measurement: % In the include section, Im specifying which sensors data I want to be sent to InfluxDB. The list of domains to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. Just as I'm typing this, maybe it is possible to fit an array of values in a sensor entity and use that to create a historic graph in HA. Assign a name to the container (Grafana, for instance) and click "Advanced Settings". This adds a yellow line, and the entire graph now has the living room temperature compared to the outside temperature. A addict that is. Go ahead and drag a Singlestat onto your dashboard. If youre using my Docker container, heres how Ive set it up. philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana:latest. To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. It makes me want to switch to hassio. Sensors in HA contain a single value, the query you use to fill that sensor has to return a single value. Well follow the exact steps as above for the outside temperature, but this time selecting the entity ID for the temperature of the living room sensor.