I mean, the blacks, they're basically living in England and Wales are four times more likely to die of covid-19 than than whites when they when they adjusted all that data for socioeconomic status and for other health factors, there were two times more likely to die. It feels like I'm on I don't know what it feels like, but I would imagine it would feel something like this was the increased cardiovascular benefit. So I have the friend is the friend. I can't use that crap. I don't I'm not as concerned. Right. Intro. The weight is behind you. I just I love it. And I think people will become less scared as these as these therapeutics do emerge, which which which they will, I'm sure. There's interesting studies that have shown, you know, like that the intravenous vitamin C is like dramatically reducing inflammation as well. It's really interesting studies that have been done where I don't know who volunteers for these studies, but like sign me up to get influenza. So he doesn't believe in you can't wear like swimsuits or anything in this on him. Yeah, it makes a big difference for me, but I also just I think it might be a little too much before, like I'm always trying to regulate how much activity I do with whether or not I'm be exhausted when I do a podcast because I used to do yoga and then I would come out, I would get out of yoga at eleven or at ten thirty and I would do a podcast at twelve. And it's like, yes, it's very addictive. Maybe, you know, I mean, I'm just speculating. I was finding that it was burning my throat and I think I was doing it too often too. And the only solid evidence I could find on negative effects of fluoride on the brain are in utero, meaning pregnant women. So the upper the tolerable upper intake has been set by the Nutrition Board, the Institute of Medicine, to be 4000 hours a day. We're talking about popcorn. And they want to just they want to shoot people down, make people feel bad and just don't. So I'm like, all right. It's like sometimes I just share a story because, one, I think it's interesting. It's amazing. I really think you are awesome to talk to. And when, you know, basically into the bloodstream and then it gets converted into a hormone, this hormone regulates five percent, more than five percent of the human protein encoded human genome. Despite almost every tissue and cell within the body having vitamin D receptors, the full implications are still not understood clearly. So I came across this xylitol toothpaste and say, well, this is my little toothpaste. No, it is. The stuff is pretty good and I don't feel anything like that's not going to get you high. And I would take these long, deep nose and the whole inside of my nose be like stinging and everything. But what just, you know, doing some some reading about like, why are people's immune systems so different? She's like, fuck off staying awake. We were in a big I don't know what it was called, but I didn't sleep the whole night and it was awful. There is some non-human primates studies that that did that and also animal studies as well. L.A. or the California gets worse. So now, what is the speculation, if there's any sort of uniform speculation as to why when you hear about prisons, where a lot of these prisoners I don't know if you've seen that there's a video going around where one prisoner had SA sars-cov-2, covid-19 or whatever and spitting into a cup and then passing it around to all these other inmates so they could all get it so that they get released. I mean, it was just I was thinking, God, if we didn't have this in the house and you couldn't go anywhere, luckily we have one here so I could use the one that's here. Like, you know, I've just I've got like a bad oral microbiome or something that I've just for four years or I don't know, I shouldn't have cavities because I don't eat sugar. So so my doctor might see my dentist is great because he like, you know, any dentist could just be like, no, they're still there. I use a day. So many debates about it. Every hour, some get a pass this year and a big wall tent. Franklin County, Kentucky, Buffalo Trace, American family owned and fiercely independent. And if the whiskey in the barrels not ready to go into the bottle, it doesn't. I got a swimsuit on and then, OK, the yoga was bad. So who uses the sauna here Jamie. No you can't. This episode explores David Friedberg's thoughts on peer-reviewed science, gain-of-function research, the human gut, entrepreneurship, and FREE when you join over 50,000 subscribers to the Podcast Notes newsletter. OK, because I'm sure to do squat like squats are like like every time I do that, yeah. . It also correlates. That means you get more blood flow. But can you measure he talks about team the bath versus. Sure. But scroll back up to the to the main home. But I forgot what it was. So it's micrograms per liter in their blood. What's going to protect that area is muscle and strength and also flexibility work. In order to make sure she gets an adequate amount of vitamin D levels per day, Patrick resorts to this supplement. I can't remember the name. So, you know, so that's if you have the doctor on the Patriot pyramid of supplementation for preventative symptoms of covid-19 or preventative measures dealing with covid-19. They're fools, but they're in a position to influence millions and millions of people. The people with low baseline vitamin D levels. I personally think taking the vitamin K and what's interesting about the vitamin K wine versus vitamin to without going into too much of a tangent is basically the the vitamin K one. A link has been established between stronger immune systems and vitamin D levels. Right. Yeah. They're fucking fantastic and it's so versatile. I don't know. I know it's hard though. So I was going to bed really late at night and I was just always tired. I hope you got some good information on this. So I didn't want to do that. Can we can we get into vitamin. And that's like the maximum level you can get from oral supplementation, 220 milligrams. I mean, I don't even know he's been fucked up for, like, a really bad. And thankfully, there are clinical trials, randomized controlled trials that are now ongoing and there are some that are recruiting. It's a lot. So I think, you know, there's there's lots of avenues for, you know, therapeutics. The term vitamin D can be misleading because it does not function the same way as a vitamin. So this is intravenous dose. Joe Rogan - Fasting (Intermittent & Fasting Mimicking Diet) Most zinc is found in in really high in oysters, but not a lot of people. It's very good stuff. It's horrible. It's amazing like I do. Right? Some athletes prefer the ice baths versus cryotherapy, even though it's probably more painful because it lasts a lot longer. It's like they're concerned, I mean, about that and completely trying to, like, figure that all out. Both daily and weekly dosages have shown protective properties. I really loved it. And then, but then I took a step back. Yeah. And that's why fire application that comes with the Trager Grill has fifteen hundred plus recipes. What happens when you take a person from from South Asia, from India, from Africa, and you put them in Sweden or in Minnesota or in the U.K. at a place where UVB radiation doesn't hit most of the year and you don't give them a supplement? Well when I do squats for sure, any time I do lunges and squats and heavy leg days, I'm a zombie for two days and like if I have a particularly intellectually challenging podcast I'll skip leg days because I know I'm just going to be too stupid. So I went in. I I'm a fan of Kombucha. That makes a huge impact on my son and his sleep cycle, like because children are really sensitive to light because they don't have like cataracts and stuff. I got a mouthpiece and it's amazing. But yeah, depression is measured. They're wearing T-shirts, they're wearing shorts. It's for the lung function in the respiratory function. And I've had those conversations in public Sana's before to where people are people like they start getting into the toxins and the whole thing. We really have to stockpile food. You do this his own home, Sana, you know. And I get like, you know, there's there are people that are really trying to, like, make, you know, prove something. Vitamin C But so there's been studies looking at vitamin D levels in the Somali population. Yeah. You do actually you do regular sweat doesn't have to be from Sonic and from exercise. Most, most of these said three months. If you take like a 200 milligram supplement, you only raise your levels to like 90, so it's not much over that like baseline. I like the ginger lemon a lot and I like this one. What's called down, regulates down, regulates receptors. Yeah but I mean I hadn't come over here. And I mean, some of them are just a mess. Really high profile releases of these horrible people that should be in jail probably forever, and they're releasing them. I mean, it's like naptime is like what can I get work done or it could take a shower. But it would it would raise your body temperature through, you know, infrared. And so I was up like I was up to like I'm fasting. I want the vitamin D thing is so important. Oh the neuro gum. It's wasted if you take more than that. But no, I don't wear glasses. But now it seems like as times gone on and people getting more frustrated and more desperate and more depressed because they're locked up, it seems like it's ramped up. Solid do it basically four or five days a week. Like, you know, people think about the song. Their levels were 50 percent higher over baseline and which is great. And so this mouthpiece of sleep apnea mouthpiece, it sits in my mouth and the tongue depressor keeps my tongue from sliding back and closing my airway. Dr. Rhonda Patrick Just Set Joe Rogan Straight on Vaccine Myths W what is, what is the top of this. And I'll be I'll be honest, I stopped wearing my watch and they're so not measuring my heart rate anymore. Yeah, that's the sign. There it is. But what's interesting is that there's been studies showing that these two beta coronaviruses that are responsible for some of the common cold cross react with. Right. I'm bringing my son. Right. They've endured them all, and they feel a great sense of responsibility to help out when they can. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. What is happening to people when they are vitamin D? And, man, do we get some good stuff, really valuable, valuable information. Rhonda has stated in numerous places she is taking 5,000iu of vitamin D on a daily basis. In the Indonesia was a really interesting study where, like, they measured vitamin D and this was measured in the patients. So, like like I understand what it's like to not have a sauna and to have to use hot bath. Like it's, I really think it's we already are. You know, there's there studies that have shown people and I love these studies because because they basically take away people's complaints about, you know, there's lots of epidemiological studies showing that low vitamin D is associated with disease X, Y or Z, and everyone's like, well, you know, they're out and they're not in the sun as much. And it's and I feel for those people. I mean, so important. It was like 2:00 in the morning. There is a possibility supplementing with vitamin D can decrease the severity of the COVID-19 infection and eliminate the need for hospitalization. I have an iTunes podcast as well as my fitness. You know, that is such a crazy number. And so he had to go to the hospital. Yeah. Subscribe to our channels, COVID-19 Q&A #2 - Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, Cross-Immunity, Immunity Duration & More. We were taking the human amyloid beta gene and injecting him in these worms, these nematode worms that only live like 14 or 15 days, and we are making them form amyloid plaques in their muscle. And I think that doing the sauna is making you more resilient against against infection like there. I you know that's dialed in and I'm definitely like do the right. Yeah. Because when I lived on the East Coast, when I lived in New York, I got sick way more than I get sick out here, I'm for sure. Yeah. But there's other companies that have isolated from humans that have been infected. But you probably have to go crazy, is it? So like people like giving giving the vaccine people's immune response, some people can have that antibody dependent enhancement. I am so much less stressed. You know, so like the EU receptor, the EU is part of the renin angiotensin system. So I've been working my continuous glucose monitor for a year and a half, maybe two years now. And it's horrible. So I need to, I just can't, I can't ever let it go. He's like, fuck yeah. Between you and those outside your household, you fucking how have you been like doing comedy bits like. That's a lot of times you think it's that area, but it's not. Just constant wear for years then. You're not diabetic. So, you know, we call the first I call the ambulance. The sky is falling. Vitamin D reduces the risk of death from COVID-19. I'm not going to take my towel off and jump in the lake. We were visiting his parents in Memphis and it was like Christmas Eve. So unless, like, there's another like if you test someone and they're asymptomatic at that time of testing, they could be symptomatic. And it can lead to a. They have been distilling whiskey since seventeen seventy three people and they've been named this year. And I you know, look, I'm going to be 42 next month, so like fifty two. And like their critics, it's animals and blah, blah, blah. Like if you want, you're trying to like, see what effect vitamin C has on whatever outcome you're going to want to weight raise someone's plasma levels.