Section 40:11A-4.1 - Authorization for parking authority to serve as redevelopment entity. 2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40A - Municipalities and Counties Section 40A:14-54 - Firemen in the performance of their duties to have powers of police officers. NJ Chief's of Police (Written & Oral Exams) Department run Promotional Exams McCann Testing IO Solutions IACP & More. Section 40:55D-141 - Development transfer plan element, required inclusions. Section 40:9D-5 - Authority to issue revenue bonds. Section 40:62-127 - Water rates and regulations. Section 40:45-18 - Municipalities with run-off elections; election of councilmen-at-large or commissioners or village trustees with less than majority of votes. 31.03 Chief of Police; Powers and Duties. Section 40:62-128 - Sale of property and distributing system; sale of water to purchaser, Section 40:62-129 - Commission to operate works and manage supply; agreement for, Section 40:62-130 - Organization; commission for acquisition of works dissolved, Section 40:62-132 - Commission cannot incur debts for municipality; appropriations for expenses, Section 40:62-133 - Acquisition of additional property, water rights and waterworks; bonds; proceeds, Section 40:62-133.1 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:62-133.2 - Commission empowered to issue bonds, Section 40:62-133.3 - Issuance of bonds by the commission, Section 40:62-133.4 - Sale of bonds, price, Section 40:62-133.5 - Bond resolution, publication, Section 40:62-133.6 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:62-133.7 - Provisions permitted in bond resolution, Section 40:62-133.8 - Appointment of trustee in event of default, Section 40:62-133.9 - Appointment of receiver, Section 40:62-133.10 - Commission members, State, county or local units not liable on bonds, Section 40:62-133.11 - Commission property exempt from levy, sale, Section 40:62-133.12 - Investment of sinking funds, other moneys, funds, Section 40:62-133.13 - Waterworks public property, bonds exempt from taxation, Section 40:62-133.14 - State shall not alter commission's, bond holders' rights, Section 40:62-133.15 - Agreements between commission and bank or banking institution, Section 40:62-133.16 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:62-134 - Sale of surplus water; laying of pipes; consent required, Section 40:62-135 - Contracts; engineers and assistants. Section 40:55D-96 - Exceptions, permitted, Section 40:55D-97 - Submission of storm water management plan, ordinances; approval, Section 40:55D-98 - Grants for preparation of storm water management plans, Section 40:55D-99 - Technical assistance and planning grants for municipalities from counties and county planning agencies and water resources associations, Section 40:55D-101 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:55D-103 - Manufactured homes on land with title in owner, Section 40:55D-104 - Prohibition of use by municipal agency of discriminatory development regulations to exclude or restrict, Section 40:55D-105 - Review and approval of development regulations by municipal agency; determination of mobile home parks as means of affordable housing, Section 40:55D-106 - Trailers; inapplicability of act, Section 40:55D-107 - Historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-108 - Historic preservation commission funded by governing body, Section 40:55D-109 - Responsibilities of commission, Section 40:55D-110 - Applications for development referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-111 - Issuance of permits pertaining to historic sites referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-112 - "Landmark" as substitute, Section 40:55D-114 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-116 - Development transfers, Section 40:55D-117 - Report; infrastructure plan; amendment of master plan, land use regulations, Section 40:55D-118 - Designation of sending, receiving zones, Section 40:55D-119 - Development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-121 - Review, recommendations by county planning board, CADB, Office of State Planning, Section 40:55D-122 - Recording of transfer; record to assessor; taxation, Section 40:55D-123 - 3-year, six-year reviews; prevention of repeal, Section 40:55D-124 - Repeal of development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-125 - Development transfer bank, Section 40:55D-125.1 - Solid waste facility buffer zone; definitions, Section 40:55D-126 - Sale of development potential, Section 40:55D-127 - Right to bargain for equitable interest, Section 40:55D-128 - Farm benefits rights, Section 40:55D-131 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-133 - Extension of approval; exceptions, Section 40:55D-134 - Extension of project exemption, Section 40:55D-136 - Liberal construction. Section 40:11A-12 - Bonds; powers of authority, Section 40:11A-14 - Securing bonds by mortgage or trust indenture; powers of authority after default; pledge of revenue, Section 40:11A-15 - Real property exempt from levy, Section 40:11A-16 - Bonds; legal investment for banks and trustees, Section 40:11A-17 - Contracts respecting labor and materials, Section 40:11A-18 - Powers of authority pertaining to other governmental agencies, Section 40:11A-20 - Restriction on alteration of powers, Section 40:11A-21 - Municipal and county co-operation, Section 40:11A-22 - Municipal parking authorities, Section 40:11A-22.1 - Parking enforcement officer. Section 40:14A-7 - Sewerage authority a public body corporate; powers. Section 40:56-34 - Assessment set aside; new assessment a lien; refund, Section 40:56-35 - Assessments, payment in installments; delinquent installments, Section 40:56-36 - Separate account for assessments; sinking fund, Section 40:56-37 - Municipality to pay excess over assessments; taxation to meet excess; report to auditor, Section 40:56-38 - Assessments for benefits not affected by annexation or consolidation, Section 40:56-39 - Mortgaged lands officially held treated as other property, Section 40:56-40 - Limitation on proceedings to restrain or review assessment or award, Section 40:56-41 - Former actions not impaired, Section 40:56-41.1 - Farmland or other open space defined, Section 40:56-41.2 - Deferral of payment of assessment against farmland or other open space; exception; duration of deferral; interest, Section 40:56-41.3 - Lien; filing of record, Section 40:56-41.4 - Nonenlargement of time of appeal due to deferral, Section 40:56-41.5 - Burden of cost of local improvement subject to deferral by municipality, Section 40:56-43 - Proceedings deemed a local improvement; procedure in certain cases. Section 40:55D-155 - Review by planning board, governing body after three years. Giovanetti served as a patrol officer on the midnight shift from 2000-07 and as a . Section 40:62-14 - Rents a lien; collection and enforcement, Section 40:62-15 - Referendum; petition; submission by governing body, Section 40:62-16 - Copy of resolution; service, Section 40:62-17 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:62-18 - Notice and conduct of election, Section 40:62-19 - Procedure after adoption, Section 40:62-21 - Contracts to supply light, heat and power, Section 40:62-23 - Municipality serving county or other municipality treated as private corporation, Section 40:62-24 - Municipality serving others deemed public utility; control by board of public utilities; rate structure, Section 40:62-25 - Contracts for supply of light, heat and power; duration, Section 40:62-25.1 - Joint acquisition, maintenance and operation of electrical generation facilities; contracts, Section 40:62-25.2 - Duration of contract; ownership and control of facilities, Section 40:62-25.3 - Bonds or anticipation notes to finance, Section 40:62-25.4 - Construction of act; application of laws on public contracts. Section 40:37A-46 - Creation of authority, Section 40:37A-47 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:37A-47.1 - Legislative determination, Section 40:37A-48 - Appointment of members; terms; vacancies, Section 40:37A-49 - Election of officers; terms; appointment of agents and employees. Section 40:48-2.31 - Discovery of nuisances; written notice to remove or abate, Section 40:48-2.32 - Inspection contracts with volunteer fire companies; agents of municipality, Section 40:48-2.33 - Refusal to permit inspection; continuance of nuisances; penalties, Section 40:48-2.39 - Licensed premises for retail sale of alcoholic beverages; purchase or condemnation; retirement of license, Section 40:48-2.40 - Alcoholic beverage retail consumption licenses; reduction of number, Section 40:48-2.41 - Maximum amount payable for transfer to municipality; limitation on reduction; reissuance, Section 40:48-2.42 - Increase in annual license fees; disposition of proceeds, Section 40:48-2.43 - Indebtedness to finance retirement of licenses, Section 40:48-2.45 - Effect of act upon section 40:48-2.39, Section 40:48-2.46 - Traffic and parking of vehicles in public parking yards and parking places; regulation, Section 40:48-2.47 - Snow and ice removal from private street open to public; penalties; taxation of costs of removal by municipality; lien, Section 40:48-2.48 - Real property of camp meeting association; sanitary sewerage facilities; assessment. Section 40:44-16 - Publication of notice of ward boundaries. Section 40:14B-40.2 - Pilot program to allow county utilities authorities to fund infrastructure improvements. Section 40:52-17 - Refusal to grant, renew license; appeal, Section 40:52-18 - Licensing authority, establishment of rooming and boarding house site licensing board, Section 40:53-1 - Official newspaper designated, Section 40:53-2 - Public notices generally; publication, Section 40:54-1 - Establishment; chapter applicable to libraries established under other laws, Section 40:54-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:54-6 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:54-7 - Rejection of proposition; second election. The Police Promotional class meets TWICE per week. Section 40:11A-7 - Right of eminent domain, Section 40:11A-7.1 - Relocation or removal of public utility facilities. Section 40:52-11 - Operation of rooming, boarding house, license required, Section 40:52-12 - Application for license; fees. Section 40:9D-3 - Responsibilities of local unit relative to provision of broadband telecommunications service. Section 40:66A-21 - Public bodies to pay service charge. Section 40:9D-1 - Definitions relative to provision of broadband telecommunications service. Section 40:65-12.3 - Volunteer snow removal programs. Section 40:62-107.6 - Operation of system; rates, rents, etc. Section 40:47-51 of the Revised Statutes saved from repeal 40A:14-105.1 - Volunteer firemen's song Section 40:55D-52 - Final approval of site plan or major subdivision; extension. Section 40:33-13.6 - Resolution; public inspection; publication, Section 40:33-13.7 - Board of trustees; membership; appointment; vacancies; compensation, Section 40:33-13.8 - Organization of board; officers; term of office, Section 40:33-13.9 - Boards as body public and corporate; powers, Section 40:33-13.9a - Regional library administrators, duties, Section 40:33-13.11 - Proposal of sum required for operation and expenses; objections; determination, Section 40:33-13.12 - Assessment and levy of taxes, Section 40:33-13.13 - Duties of treasurer; annual audit. Section 40:43-66.61 - Prohibition on creation of joint municipal consolidation study commission while proceedings pending. Section 40:48-5a - Contract for collection services between municipality, private entity. Section 40:37A-55.3 - Exercise of rights, powers or duties. Section 40:48C-1.5 - City of second class located in certain counties; imposition of surcharge. Section 40:84-2 - First election; when held. Section 40:55D-163 - Construction of act relative to Burlington County municipalities. Section 40:14B-22a - Municipal authority may charge certain additional fees. with municipal governments, Section 40:54D-44 - Prior obligations unaffected, Section 40:55-21.15 - Municipalities qualified to receive certain state aid; urban growth zones; determination by ordinance; exemption of projects from land use ordinances, Section 40:55-52 - Authentication before filing, Section 40:55B-2 - Legislative finding; purpose of chapter, Section 40:55B-3 - Creation; official title, Section 40:55B-4 - Body corporate; number of members, Section 40:55B-8 - Purposes, functions, and additional powers, Section 40:55B-8.1 - Contracts relating to transfer of interest in real estate; veto by mayor, Section 40:55B-8.2 - Restrictions or conditions on real property sold or leased by commission, Section 40:55B-9 - Study of tax structure, Section 40:55B-10 - Limitations on powers; appropriations; records and reports. Section 40:23-8.9 - Volunteer fire companies; appropriation to aid; uniforms. Section 40:56-1.2 - Parking facilities as distinct work or in connection with parking authority. This website was designed to provide as much information as possible about your Police Department and to make access to our services easier and more user friendly. Section 40:55D-45.3 - Submission of general development plan. Above you will find the list of exams open for online filing only. Section 40:48-5.1 - Contracts with humane societies where no pound established; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:48-5.2 - Contracts for separation of grades at railroad crossings, Section 40:48-5.3 - Exhibitions of products and industries; poultry or agricultural exhibitions, Section 40:48-5.4 - Celebration of public event, anniversary or holiday, Section 40:48-5.10 - Amendment of permission granted by municipality to comply with federal regulations, Section 40:48-5.11 - Right of municipality to grant permission for interconnection of systems in operation prior to June 17, 1971, Section 40:48-6 - Records kept and business conducted in municipal building; vaults, Section 40:48-7 - Power of taxation; generally, Section 40:48-7.1 - Tax credit for properties with service charges payable to other municipality, Section 40:48-8.15 - Retail sales tax in fourth class cities. Section 40:55D-160 - Sale of development potential associated with development easement. Section 40:9A-4 - Standards for libraries. Section 40:55D-53a - Standardized form for performance guarantee, maintenance guarantee, letter of credit, Section 40:55D-53b - Acceptance of standardized form. Section 40:10C-1 - Establishment of municipal or county Hispanic advisory commission. Of the new Sergeants, 67 percent are minorities - about half of whom are Hispanic - while nearly 43 percent of the new lieutenants also identify as minorities. Section 40:48H-2 - Municipalities permitted to impose tax on rental of motor vehicles; definitions. ", Section 40:33-13.2j - "Service Contract Option. Section 40:56-1 - Local improvements; definition and enumeration, doing work as general improvement. Section 40:62-3 - Ordinance authorizing sale or lease; laws governing. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 as of September 26, 2022. nj title 40 police promotions - Section 40:45A-1 - Date, time of annual organization, reorganization meeting. Section 40:56-71.2 - "Downtown business improvement zone" designation. Section 40:66A-2 - Public interest and policy declared. U.s. Air Marshal SalaryMarshal salary in the United States is $88,863 New Jersey (Non-Civil Service/Title 40/NJ Chief's) Promotional Course Section 40:55D-27 - Citizens advisory committee; environmental commission. (A) The Chief of Police shall be the head of the Police Department and shall be directly responsible to the Township Committee for the Police Department's efficiency and day-to-day operations. Section 40:54D-19 - Dissolution of authority. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. Section 40:55D-69 - Zoning board of adjustment. Section 40:14B-23.1 - Definitions; host community benefit. Each person appointed as an officer to the Department shall first serve a probationary period of 12 months from the date of receipt of written certification by a certified police training academy within the state. Section 40:48F-2 - Provisions contained in ordinance. Section 40:54D-20 - Appointment of members. I don't know if this is real or fake, which is why I wouldn't post the Section 40:55D-40 - Discretionary contents of subdivision ordinance. Promotional Opportunities: Police. Middle Township Police Department - Cape May Court House, NJ Section 40:9B-4 - Counties or municipalities; annual appropriation for private centers. Section 40:56-1.4 - Clean energy special assessment, financing by municipality. It bans state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies from establishing arrest and citation quotas or using the data when "evaluating the performance of a law enforcement officer, or as a. Section 40:37-11.6 - Abolition of county park police force. Resources New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police: - - 856.334.8943 New Jersey State Police: - - 609.882.2000 ext. Section 40:54D-9 - Forwarding of tax assessment collected, filing returns; vendor liability. Section 40:8-3 - County airports; general powers. Section 40:48-2.59 - Municipal powers to abate graffiti. Section 40:14B-41 - Interest on unpaid service charges, Section 40:14B-42 - Lien for service charge, Section 40:14B-43 - Failure to pay service charge; shut off of service, Section 40:14B-44 - Failure to pay sewer service charge; shut off of water, Section 40:14B-45 - Enforcement of service charges, Section 40:14B-46 - Civil action to recover unpaid service charge, Section 40:14B-47 - Cumulative and concurrent rights and remedies, Section 40:14B-48 - Grant of utilities to authority, Section 40:14B-49 - Contracts for treatment and disposal of sewage or solid waste, Section 40:14B-50 - Effectuating terms of contracts, Section 40:14B-51 - Connections with or closing off other public facilities, Section 40:14B-53 - Availability of maps, plans, specifications, records, books and accounts, Section 40:14B-54 - Payment of service charges owed by public bodies, Section 40:14B-55 - Connections with sewerage system required, Section 40:14B-56 - Reports by water distributors within district, Section 40:14B-57 - Stoppage of water by water distributor, Section 40:14B-58 - Disposal or encumbrance of utility, Section 40:14B-60 - Discharge of sewage; discharges into sewage, solid waste or water systems; violations; injunction, Section 40:14B-61 - Approval of sewage disposal plants within district, Section 40:14B-62 - Investment in bonds of authority, Section 40:14B-64 - Guarantee of vested rights of bondholders, Section 40:14B-65 - Undertakings for deposits of municipal authority, Section 40:14B-67 - Filing of copy of bond resolution, Section 40:14B-71 - Findings, declarations relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-72 - Definitions relative to municipal review, approval of plans for utility improvements, Section 40:14B-73 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14B-74 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to municipal authority, Section 40:14B-75 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14B-76 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14B-77 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14B-78 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit. Section 40:41A-122 - Notice of district boundaries; publication, Section 40:41A-123 - Adjustments in district boundaries following census, Section 40:41A-124 - Schedule of installation of optional plan adopted. Section 40:55D-49 - Preliminary approval, extension. 2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes :: Title 40A - Section 40:37A-55.1 - Power of authority for purposes of redevelopment of blighted, deteriorated or deteriorating areas. Section 40:14-3 - Improvement of waterways; joint contracts. Section 40:55D-69.2 - Supplemental zoning boards of adjustment. PTC Rules/Act - New Jersey Office of Attorney General Police Training Commission RULES (04/13/16). $85.00. Section 40:69A-150 - Municipal elections; time. Section 40:12-15.3 - Propositions deemed approved by voters of county. Section 40:5-2.1 - General conflagration; appropriations to relieve loss from, Section 40:5-2.2 - Prerequisites to county's expending money to relieve losses from general conflagration, Section 40:5-2.3 - Boroughs, townships, cities, villages, etc., prerequisites to expending money to relieve loss from general conflagration, Section 40:5-2.4 - "General conflagration" defined, Section 40:5-2.5 - Raising and appropriating money to relieve loss from general conflagration by resolution, Section 40:5-2.6 - Notes or other obligations; raising funds to relieve loss from general conflagration, Section 40:5-2.8 - Inapplicable to conflagration occurring before April 1, 1941, Section 40:5-2.10 - Appropriations to carry out program, Section 40:5-2.10a - Rate for diagnostic services and treatment; payments to county; reimbursement. Section 40:48-9.4b - Account of expenditure of funds, Section 40:48-9.10 - Snow and ice removal; first aid and emergency or volunteer ambulance or rescue squad association or volunteer fire companies premises, Section 40:48-9.11 - Cost of snow and ice removal; option of municipality, Section 40:48-9.12 - Historic place or site; expenditure of federal aid to preserve or rehabilitate, Section 40:48-9.13 - Municipality with nuclear-powered electric generating facility; appropriation and grant to county or other municipality, Section 40:48-9.14 - Appropriations by municipality authorized. Section 40:15A-5 - Immunity from liability for certain civil damages. Section 40:16-1 - Construction of subtitle favorably to counties, Section 40:16-2 - Tenure of office unaffected, Section 40:18-1 - Corporate title; boundaries unaffected, Section 40:18-2 - County vested with all property; proceedings unaffected, Section 40:18-3 - Corporate powers; acquisition and sale of property, Section 40:18-4 - Acts creating counties and affecting the boundaries thereof, Section 40:18-4.1 - Camden, Atlantic and Gloucester counties; boundary lines, Section 40:18-4.2 - Annexation to borough of Matawan, Monmouth county, of part of township of Madison, Middlesex county, Section 40:18-4.3 - Monmouth and Middlesex counties; boundary lines, Section 40:19-2 - Resolution; submission to voters, Section 40:19-3 - Petition for resolution; resolution on initiative of board, Section 40:19-5 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:19-6 - Submission at general election; law applicable, Section 40:19-7 - Vote required for adoption; board to provide accommodations, Section 40:19-8 - Courts and county officers established in new county seat, Section 40:19A-1 - Counties of third class; establishment of offices outside county seat and county jail, Section 40:20-1 - Board of chosen freeholders, Section 40:20-1.1 - Quarterly fiscal reports, Section 40:20-2 - Membership; number and term; first election, Section 40:20-8 - Submission at presidential primary. Section 40:45-16 - Count of ballots; statement of returns; canvass. Morning sessions are held from 9:30am - 1:30pm. Section 40:8-2 - Municipal airports; general powers. Section 40:8-2.1 - Operation of airports as public utilities by municipalities. Section 40:54D-21.1 - Entrance into a marketing partnership; qualified business, authority, Section 40:54D-22 - Applicability of "Local Public Contracts Law.". Section 40:20-19 - Certain counties governed hereby, Section 40:20-20 - Membership; number; increase or decrease; proposition; submission to voters; petition; effective date, Section 40:20-20a - Terms of additional members, Section 40:20-20.4 - Proposition to change term of office, Section 40:20-20.5 - Election under adopted proposition, Section 40:20-21 - First election; terms of members first elected, Section 40:20-22 - Additional members in certain cases, Section 40:20-23 - Election; term; organization, Section 40:20-25 - Expiration of terms of existing members, Section 40:20-26 - Terms of officers; exceptions, Section 40:20-27 - Existing laws continued, Section 40:20-28 - Referendum; submission to voters, Section 40:20-29 - Petition for submission; sufficiency; filing, Section 40:20-30 - Petition; time for filing; notice of election, Section 40:20-31 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:20-33 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:20-35 - Certain counties governed hereby, Section 40:20-35.1 - Number of members; election; terms, Section 40:20-35.3 - Expiration of terms of existing members; filling of existing vacancies. Section 40:48-2.67 - List of municipal residents in need of special assistance. Section 40:23-6.44 - Rules and regulations by director of division on aging, Section 40:23-6.45 - Lands of county or county park commission; use as training grounds for firemen or police, Section 40:23-6.46 - Operation and improvement of properties for training purposes; appropriation and expenditure of funds, Section 40:23-6.47 - Office of consumer affairs; establishment by county or municipality; employees, Section 40:23-6.49 - Office of consumer affairs in county or municipality established prior to and in conformity with this act; validation of acts and proceedings, Section 40:23-6.50 - Surplus and surface waters on railroad property; construction of works to control by county. Section 40:8-6 - Control of airports; regulations; fees. Section 40:66A-7.2 - Certified copy of bond resolution proceedings; filing. Section 40:5-18 - Service charge for NSF checks; collection, Section 40:5-19 - Service charge on checks returned for insufficient funds; county imposition, fee, collection, Section 40:6A-1 - Costs of assignment of counsel or other related costs for defense of indigent person; notice; filing; duration of lien; service on defendant, Section 40:6A-3 - Remedies and collection of moneys due, Section 40:6A-4 - Compromise and settlement of claim, Section 40:7-1 - Liability of county or municipality; negligence of driver, Section 40:8-1 - Acquisition and use of lands for airports; lease to others. Section 40:54D-36 - Exemption from taxes, special assessments, Section 40:54D-38 - Investment of bond, note funds, Section 40:54D-42 - Contracts, etc.