The rewards and reinforcers you use to shape her behavior are based on which early school of psychology? B. Rogers believed that providing genuineness, empathy, and ________ in the therapeutic environment for his clients was critical to their being able to deal with their problems. The correct answer is (B). If Marco is interested in changes in reasoning and thinking that occur during adolescence, he should specialize in ________ psychology. A psychologist is interested in observing and recording infants' temperaments for changes and stability as the children age to young adulthood. Which questions would a biopsychologist most likely address when studying depression? How were science and religion mainly viewed during the Renaissance period? __________ describes a management framework that incorporates a variety of insights from Japanese management models into North American management practices. You are the manager of a cancer unit. His point of view is most closely associated with. Who was he? 48. Two people may look at the identical image but perceive different things. This fits in with conservative beliefs in lower taxes and less regulation. Interest dates back to ancient Greece, Egypt, China, and India. Political Participation >> It called for a system of check. His teacher noticed that he wasn't focusing in class and mistakenly thought he was being lazy. The division of the American Counseling Association that most closely aligns with the interests of a counselor who specializes in testing is: _____. This scenario most closely aligns with which of the following goals of data analysis? 61. The ________ places less emphasis on research and more emphasis on application of therapeutic skills. Each person seeks after power, and therapy is needed to fully In fact, the truth was that Mario's family couldn't afford enough food to feed their family and therefore, he regularly goes to school without any breakfast. Replace the weak verb set in boldface in given sentence. to them later with the "Go To First Skipped Question" button. Which of the following statements provides an incorrect description of learning organisations? Expert Answer. The Enlightenment - Practice Test Questions & Chapter Exam | 47. They also believe that schools should be funded at the state and local levels, not at the federal level, so answer (C) is incorrect. Many conservatives believe that some environmental regulations are excessive, and harmful to the economy, so answer (A) is incorrect. Snow White Parrot Fish, Each person is inherently good and motivated to be a Each person seeks after power, and therapy is needed to fully develop a healthy personality. The operant conditioning chamber (a.k.a. Solved 3. Private health insurance - Comparison of plans and - Chegg A series of dots arranged in the shape of a face will be perceived as a face, not a series of dots. Click it to see your results. Jim interviewed for a job in which kind of organisation? Its emphasis on Greek and Roman art helped to draw attention away from the religious ideas that were dominant at the time. This is a student-centered philosophy that Question: Which of the following statements most closely aligns with the humanistic approach? The __________ principle, as defined by Henri Fayol, states that each person should receive orders from only one boss. However, stretching can improve . Most states along the Mexican border are politically neutral. humanistic approach? Most means more than half; in no year did most voters identify with either political party. Values are constant, but actions can be negotiated in the resolution process. Questions 7-8 refer to the table below. 11. Which quote can be best attributed to Gestalt Psychology? C. The poll should disaggregate the data based on male and female responses. Adding the two percentages together in a given year yields a sum between 60 and 70 percent each year. Good luck! Other public opinion polls show that seniors are overwhelmingly in favor of redistribution of wealth. 18. the behavioral approach the psychodynamic approach he humanistic approach the cognitive approach 23. 11. humanism: perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans, Cognitive psychology is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT, Early Schools of Psychology: Still Active and Advanced Beyond Early IdeasSchool of PsychologyDescriptionEarliest PeriodHistorically Important PeoplePsychodynamic PsychologyFocuses on the role of the unconscious and childhood experiences in affecting conscious behavior.Very late 19th to Early 20th CenturySigmund Freud, Erik EriksonBehaviorismFocuses on observing and controlling behavior through what is observable. __________ and the new directions of __________ are important keys to personal and organisational performance. Describing the economy Predicting the future Quantifying relationships Testing hypotheses Points: 1 / 1 Close Explanation Explanation: One important goal of data analysis by economists is forecasting, or the use of data in predicting future events. The correct answer is (C). back Mario has not been doing well in his third grade classroom. You were correct. 10. A Catholic immigrant living in a rural area, An evangelical Protestant living in the suburbs. Each person can be negatively affected by unconscious thoughts, Transcribed image text: Now that you've taken a closer look at the differences between these types of plans, consider the following statements. Automatically remove your image background. Why is an undergraduate education in psychology so helpful in a number of different lines of work? Which of the following statements most closely aligns with Francis Bacon's beliefs? When you have completed the practice exam, a green submit button will Provides program management and oversight of various design and construction activities. Deep South states support a strong national government. B. b. Temperament, as seen in expression of personality traits, is independent of wisdom. and motives are important in understanding human behavior and that more than just observable actions should be studied. behaviorism: focus on observing and controlling behavior Proponents of the early school of ________ psychology argue that our thoughts, feelings, and motive are unimportant in understanding human behavior and that only observable actions should be studied. The question is not about presidential elections, so answers (A) and (B) are irrelevant. 8. Complete the sentences below sensibly by filling in each blank with one of the following modals: *can*, *could*, *might*, *may*, or *must*. A. motivate workers by encouraging them to work in small groups. Therefore, answers (A) and (B) may be eliminated. I am applying the principles of ________ in an attempt to modify Ralph's behavior. Because our minds could not have thought up something so perfect without a real thing to inspire it. cognitive. In addition, you have the responsibility for the functions and outcomes of the cancer unit. clinical psychology: area of psychology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior. Puts an emphasis on learning and conditioning.Early 20th CenturyIvan Pavlov, John B. Watson, B. F. SkinnerHumanistic PsychologyEmphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans and rejects that psychology should focus on problems and disorders.1950sAbraham Maslow, Carl RogersCognitive PsychologyFocuses not just on behavior, but on on mental processes and internal mental states.1960s[1]Ulric Neisser, Noam Chomsky, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky. The assumption that people are rational and primarily interested in economic incentives from their work is the underlying assumption of which approach to management thought? 60. Independents expressed an opinion 78 percent of the time, which means they were either neutral or unsure 22 percent of the time. It is a well-known fact that the Social Security trust fund is running out of money, so answer (C) is wrong. The environment is a critical element in the openperspective on organisations because. The percentage of Democrats decreased in the 1970s and fluctuated in the 1980s. In what ways was the New Order in Asia similar to the New Order in Europe? Which of the following statements most closely aligns with humanism? Which of the following degrees would be the minimum required to teach psychology courses in high school? C. Linear programming is used to help allocate service personnel or workstations to minimise customer waiting time and service cost. 32. A. is one of the most important insights of accumulated management history. Premium members get access to this practice exam along with our entire library of lessons taught by subject matter experts. proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior. By travelgirl (not verified) on 01 Nov 2009 #permalink. Which psychological domain would include a study of motivation and gender? Which school of thought examined mental processes that are in the unconscious mind to explain behavior? Each person seeks after power, and therapy is needed to fully perspective that asserts that biology, psychology, and social factors interact to determine an individual's health. 84. Due to Hobbes' belief that man was inherently selfish and in need of a strong governmental hand, he concluded that the only correct form of government is _____. A. society's economic development and growth. The object does not exist in and of itself, only its properties exist. Independents were neutral or unsure 22 percent of the time. Which psychological domain would include a study of memory and intelligence? Democrats (A) are liberal on both economic and social issues. Values are constant, but actions can be negotiated in the resolution process. Keep it simple and practical. According to Descartes, why must God exist? Many nonvoters may participate in the public opinion polls, so answer (B) may also be eliminated. . 7. Which psychological domain would include a study of motivation and gender? The correct answer is (B). Quickly understand key changes and actionable concepts, written by ITIL 4 contributors. According to systems thinking, the organisation is viewed as. Which field would be the most appropriate for studying this situation? The behavioural (or human resource) approach to management basically assumes that. Perspective that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans. Julie Nicholson Forgiveness, The view that regards human reason as the primary means of discovering knowledge and determining what is true or false is called: Which view perceives the relationship between government and the governed as a sort of binding contract, and suggests that if government fails to meet its obligations, the people have the right to install a new government? D. Religion. How was Locke's political philosophy revolutionary? Humanistic psychology focuses on each individual's potential and stresses the importance of growth and self-actualization. acknowledge the existence of internal mental states. He was a monk who sparked an anti-Catholic movement in 1517, and wrote. 6. 38. The question has been evaluated. In part, what aspect of psychology was the behaviorist approach to psychology a reaction to? Nature is a sacred mistress; it is unholy to pry into her mysteries. See Page 1. The correct answer is (D). Douglas McGregor would describe managers who tend to be directive in their relationships with others and who take a command-and-control orientation as __________ managers. Why was the Renaissance so important in setting the stage for the Enlightenment? A researcher interested in how changes in the cells of the hippocampus (a structure in the brain related to learning and memory) are related to memory formation would be most likely to identify as a(n) ________ psychologist. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Because for evil to exist, there must also be a balancing good (God). E. The studies were started to identify the influence that 'social factors' had on productivity. 39. You were correct. natural selection: a process by which heritable traits conferring survival and reproductive advantage to individuals tend to be passed on to succeeding generations and become more frequent in a population. View Test Prep - test 7 342 from CHFD 342 at American Public University. Psychology is a social science discipline. Which of the following statements accurately describe quantitative approaches to management? In fact, the truth was that Mario's family couldn't afford enough food to feed their family and therefore, he regularly goes to school without any breakfast. You can skip questions if you would like and come All of the following statements are true about the Humanistic Movement in counseling EXCEPT _____ a. This phenomenon is studied by Bookmark. While all four options are agents of political socialization, the family has the greatest influence an individuals political beliefs. In general, it would allow someone to work in a more independent or supervisory capacity. Which of the following are the best examples of skills that psychology students will develop during their course of study? 41. 9. which of the following statements most closely aligns with humanism? The Hawthorne Studies refer to __________ that was conducted at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company (predecessor to today's Lucent Technologies). Functionalism True or false: Sigmund afreud who developed the psychodynamic approach believed that it is possible to help a person experiencing anxiety or depression if the person could remember unconscious early childhood memories True Psychoanalytic theory Focus on the role of the unconscious in affecting conscious behavior . The correct answer is (C). 4. People who do not vote do not usually participate in public opinion polls. Exam 4 Flashcards | Quizlet They believe that a minimum wage discourages employers from hiring these unskilled workers, leaving them with no wage at all (and no way to gain work experience). The question has been evaluated. functioning individual. HUMINISTIC APPROACH : HUMINISTIC approach depicts the personal worth of the individual and active nature of human bein. interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors, As a sprinter on the track and field team, Shaun knows that the way he visualizes and thinks about his race can have a major impact on his performance. 80. 13. The poll should not have unsure as an option. She's amused to see that McKenzie's eyes seem to be moving around under her eyelids. As it's own scientific discipline, began in German and American labs with foundations in Structuralism and Functionalism. The Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education (AACE) Jordan's history aligns most closely with which diagnosis? Republicans (B) are conservative on both economic and social issues. Ch. 10 Case Studies - Challenges of Nursing Management and 56. ________ psychology focuses on the causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of different types of behavioral and emotional disorders. 89. Exit All of the following are true statements about Christopher Columbus EXCEPT A. he was Italian. Exit polls are most reliable because voters are asked who they voted for immediately after they leave the polling place. 45. PSY101 - Module 1 - Week 1 Psychological Foundations Flashcards - Quizlet Which view holds that the universe and everything in it operates according to principles that are discernible and found in nature? 65. Assessments | University Quiz - Quizizz Neutral (Predicted), Neutral (Actual) Neutral (Predicted), Super Sad (Actual) A mediator is a person that attempts two opposing parties to come to an agreement. forensic psychology: area of psychology that applies the science and practice of psychology to issues within and related to the justice system The Sea World animal trainers use rewards (reinforcements) to teach whales, sea lions and dolphins to perform tricks. The correct answer is (D). 69. Select the term that describes the act of focusing parties' attention on tangible actions and conditions within a conflict, rather than perceived innate qualities of the parties. Susanna's parents give her an allowance every day that her bed is made and her room is picked up. Does stress or lack of exercise affect the nervous system and hormones to activate or progress Alzheimer's disease? What type of government was most common throughout Europe at the time of the Enlightenment? Independents do not usually have an opinion on most issues. structuralism: understanding the conscious experience through introspection. 66. How did the object of study in psychology change over the history of the field since the 19th century? __________ was based on the viewpoint that managers who used good human relations in the workplace would achieve productivity. All rights reserved. B. de-emphasise the role of product delivery to customers or clients. The West Coast states (A) are very blue, which means they vote Democratic. Catholic believed in science while protestants believed in religion. Science must be based on certainty, not probability. Which school of thought emphasized how people process information? The Hawthorne Studies shifted the attention of managers and scholars away from the technical and structural concerns emphasised by the classical management approach and toward, C. the study of social and human concerns as keys to productivity. Progress iteratively with feedback. According to Henri Fayol, the five rules of management are. Efficiency in the utilisation of resources and fairness in the treatment of employees and clients are potential advantages of. ________ focused on examining the physiology of one's behavior and other psychological aspects of the mind. Which level of need would best describe what is going on with Mario? Expert Answer Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. The poll should provide more than two options along with a Likert scale. B. respond best when managers provide different managerial strategies and job opportunities to deal with the individual differences among workers. How Old Was Shaq When He Graduated High School, Which psychological domain would include a study of learning and conditioning? Because that was what Aristotle advocated for. Socialists are considered to be further to the left than Democrats. If someone wanted to become a psychology professor at a 4-year college, then they would probably need a ________ degree in psychology. Flashcards - Management 4 - FreezingBlue Which of the following statements most closely aligns with the B. a need at any level only becomes activated when the next lowerneed has been satisfied. ology: suffix that denotes "scientific study of" Modern management approaches maintain that people have multiple and varied needs, that their needs change over time, that they possess many talents and capabilities which can be developed, and that they. Max Weber was concerned that people in nineteenth century organisations were in positions of authority because of __________ rather than because of __________. houses. She is in which stage of sleep?, Individual differences in circadian rhythms are known as a person . Cite evidence to support your answer. Behaviorists studied objectively observable behavior partly in reaction to the psychologists of the mind who were studying things that were not observable. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. Select the type of plan to which each statement most closely aligns. A person's conscious and voice of reason and goodness is the. 77. Which question(s) would a biopsychologist most likely address when studying Alzheimer's disease? Which psychological domain would include a study of neuroscience? Think and work holistically. _________ concern the needs for love, affection, and belongingness in one's relationships with other people. ________ psychologists might help a judge decide which parent should have custody of a child or evaluate a defendant's mental competence to stand trial. Southern men and people living in the suburbs are more likely to be conservative, so answer (C) is incorrect. All of the following are examples of subsystems in a typical organisation EXCEPT, 67. Which researcher was more likely to use recording devices and objective measures to examine the mind? A poll of 1,024 adults is enough to have statistically reliable data, so answer (B) may also be eliminated. biopsychology: study of how biology influences behavior Deep South have a history or racial problems. A perennialist classroom aims to be a closely organized and well-disciplined environment, which develops in students a lifelong quest for the truth. 29. I punish him by squirting him with a squirt gun when he does something I don't like. to them later with the "Go To First Skipped Question" button. Which researcher studied types of conditioned reflexes? In using any quantitative approach to management, mathematical solutions to problems must be supported by. Doing the 'right' things would include all of the following EXCEPT. how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. The poll should use a larger sample size. In particular the deception and potential emotional harm to participants that are not fully apprised of the purpose of the study. What Belief System Most Closely Matches Your Own values? copyright 2003-2023 The fundamental belief of humanistic psychology is that people are innately good and that mental and social problems result from deviations from this natural tendency. 24. Our ancestors figured out the truths of nature. Aligns resources with Installation priorities to meet mission requirements within . The work of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth on motion studies provided the basis for later advances in which of the following management areas? 87. In the late 1800s, this approach examined how the mind operates and how conscious thoughts in the mind have continually evolved since the beginning of time. The correct answer is (B). The correct answer is (A). The Science of Well-Being Coursera Quiz & Assignment Answer Which of the following was an intellectual movement emphasizing reason, individualism, skepticism, and science that took place between the late 17th to early 19th century? Question 2. ________ was a German psychologist who argued that psychology is independent from philosophy and that the conscious elements of the mind should be scientifically studied and classified. True or false: Sigmund afreud who developed the psychodynamic approach believed that it is possible to help a person experiencing anxiety or depression if the person could remember unconscious early childhood memories, Focus on the role of the unconscious in affecting conscious behavior, What researcher studied types of conditioned reflexes. D. contingency thinking. Mom or Dad --- see that the car is inspected before the sticker date expires. Lucy wants to study changes in cognitive skills, moral reasoning, and social behavior across the lifespan. A manager is overheard to say: 'The best way to manage is to make sure that your response is appropriate to the demands and characteristics of the situation at hand.' Rosenblatt concludes that "we do not even really believe that the man in the water lost his fight [with nature]." The poll should use a larger sample size. Free Download . 34. Which school of thought emphasized the use of introspection to categorize and break down sensations into basic elements? studying thoughts and their relationship to our experiences and actions. Katie likely has a, a person's conscious and the voice of reason and goodness. Therefore, answer (A) is incorrect. It is related to generosity, compassion and concern in valuing human attributes and achievements. He develops a tentative explanation that people are too focused on their conversation to be distracted by an outside passerby. Tea Party supporters do not support tax increases that would be required to redistribute wealth. 1. Who is considered the 'Father of Classical Liberalism'? TNT Express Delivery Service makes use of calibrated productivity standards as well as the timing of package sorting, delivery, and pickup to keep productivity at the highest level per employee. In using a value chain philosophy, Pacific Rim Gasket and Seal would most likely do all of the following EXCEPT. McGregor believed that managers holding either Theory X or Theory Y assumptions could create situations in which employees acted as expected. Who gets Alzheimer's disease? ECO202 Wk 1 Quiz - Week one quiz - Wk 1 Quiz 2. Determining - StuDocu ________ psychology seeks to study the ultimate biological causes of a behavior. They also want to reduce welfare benefits for able-bodied adults, which eliminates answer (D). Which field would be the most appropriate for studying this situation? __________ to management focus on applying mathematical techniques for management problem solving. __________ to management focus on the systems view of organisations and contingency thinking in a dynamic and complex environment. The environment at Redbone Co. most closely aligns with C. he believed most of the earth was cover by land. Which perspective within psychology emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all people? D. sacrificing profitability goals for corporate social responsibility commitments. What are the personality characteristics displayed by a person with Alzheimer's disease? Management science; operations research. Jordan is now 19-years old. Please wait while the activity loads. Hispanics are more likely to be liberal than conservative, but business owners are frequently conservative, so (B) could go either way. CC-BY-NC-SA.School of PsychologyDescriptionHistorically Important PeopleStructuralismFocused on understanding the conscious experience through introspectionWilhelm WundtFunctionalismEmphasized how mental activities helped an organism adapt to its environmentWilliam James.