The chests have 1 salmon, shield of madness, 450 gold pennies, 350 gold pennies and 8000 gold pennies. Wake up and talk to Rona again. Now we need to return to wildwoods to rescue the first druid. Now refer the map to go to Wormrot. Follow his instructions carefully as he would tell you everything you need to know. You may also come back later to learn them, but for now you must get one at least. The in-game event will be triggered automatically and a secret passage is revealed. The enemies re-spawn here except for the main enemies (to be referred as boss from now onwards), so you can fight them over and over again just by exiting and re-entering the screen and level up your characters. Touch Vohu Manas soul to the frozen statue and see what he has to say. Talk to the queen and observe the conversation. From there, go through southwest route where you will find another cave entrance. Either you can give the statue to the elves in Oldwood which would help you complete three quests (return of the king, uncursing the city of Ejindro and bringing a ghost to haunt the vampress house at ghedahre). Ascend another ladder and enter the cave to your north. Fight the banshee and keep walking towards north. You will find Danny on the dining table! He will learn motion freeze, fast forward, trance, time storm, reality shift, gate extura and riptide from the time scroll; charm, backstab, poison, chicken curse, assassinate, rumor and whisper from elite mage book; implode, thermal storm, earthquake, bomb, absolute zero, annihilate and blast from annihilator book. Talk to everyone in the village. Go down a bit and you will see another cave, enter it and you will see that it was the same cave from where you exited via the hole. There are 4600 gold pennies, a book page, 6000 gold pennies, beast repellant, blessed shield, salmon and an elixir in this area and some locked in chests. The merchant will ask for the merchant card; show the merchant card to the trader, he will let you pass. Collect Rashnus soul and return to the church in Ghedahre. At this point you can visit Thais but the enemies are too difficult for your partys level, so we will come back over here later. Select the love potion from your inventory and see what happens! You will land up in point 2 in the next map. Select it from the inventory and you will find the speed of your party leader has increased. He failed. Talk to the tavern owner about adventurer club and he will register you in their membership if you have vampire corpses with you. Return to Aveyond. So after getting at level 60, you can use this goodie which would increase your levels to 90 at once. After her expression of kindness, make Rhen sleep in her rug. Three generations after Rhen and her party defeated the dark lord Ahriman, and she begain ruling in Thais, we focus our attention on Ean, a young elf who lives near the Oldwoods (familiar to Aveyond I fans). Go outside and enter the hole in the grave. Go to snow queen castle, which you had seen before while on your way to Aveyond in the northern isle. Have a question for Aveyond? . Walk along the path to the next tower. You may be randomly successful to steal the soul, if so then you will see the creatures soul shown in the lower tab of creatures in the game menu: The creatures will remain with you as long as Lars has the cloak equipped. You are given some instructions and the location of Rhens dads house. Climb up to face your first boss-Nanghaithya. A powerful deity, Ahriman, has opened the Demon Portal and dark creatures now threaten the great isles. Press the action button or enter and see what happens. Now make your way to the palace. I wont give the details of exploration but will give you the items retrieved from chests and dirt piles. Open it to get a pick lock (you have already purchased one). Report DMCA. You searched for talk:za32 Upgrade your partys armors. You will find Danny next at Sedona. Enter it to get a chest containing auquifolium extora. You will see a number of fairies fluttering. Our community has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the Aveyond saga, and it's heartwarming to see those resources shared with the world. There are many caves here, one leading to the other. a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:section_title;s:12:Aveyond Tips;s:12:section_body;s:111293:. Then go to the sandstone cave and refer the directions given before (refer sandstone cave guide) to find two blue chests. Stand on the blinking cube in the center of the room. 4. Enter the third hut and talk to the man behind the bars. use as Battering Ram get 3 fire stick. Exit the cave; here the troop of four monsters provides the maximum xp (7500) in this area so you can fight them to level up. Read the paper on the small table. The first house from the entrance has a blue chest containing the treasure map (the one we found from the T mark of Blasted Lands). Then continue walking from where you left off. Forums | Aveyond Studios Explore the Blasted Lands before reaching Thais. You will be standing in front of a cave. He is Harald, the principal. Now enter the point 8 passage. Enter Rhens room and you will find that its size has increased. From there go to Tea cup town. Take it and return to the art Dealer in Sedona. Agnes will not give you any reward! Get outside the house and talk to Lor, the guy standing there. Enter the ballroom and talk to Pemberlin. Now before we set forth for our final showdown lets get some errands done. Here go directly to your east and enter the cave first. Take the north eastern route. i beat aveyond 1 and now 10 hours into aveyond 2, A2 is not as good. If you chose guild goody then the entire range of spell books of all guild (time scroll, elite mage book, annihilator spell book) and then use it on Lars and so on. Buy at least 5 stakes and a garlic necklace from him. Make your way to the blue circle marked on the map. Make Lars learn the decompose spell. Walk beside the seamstress house and you will find Lars bullying another slave. Use the rune to get back to Thornkeep and exit the snow forest to the world map. Ignore the cave for now and climb up the stairs. 4 of this map: Dont forget to open the red chest (marked as R) before carrying on to the exit of this area. Give him 20 gold pennies and he will take you to the northern isle. Climb the ladder and cross two bridges. In Ghedahre, go to the house where the vampress was looking for a ghost to haunt her house. You can talk to Talia for more information. For the time being, youve not visited Veldarah yet, so you have to make your way to Veldarah through the wilderness. He unlocks the red chest, from which you get the merchant card. You will find two skudder parking points here, one will lead to a dragon and the other leads to the desert. After walking for a sometime you will come across an elevated platform with a chest. Use the sleeping dust on the ogre and rescue the priestess. Now there is a special trick if you dont want to fight the difficult monsters in this dungeon and also have sufficient levels to face the final boss. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. Follow the path, on your way you will find a solitary quail egg on ground; pick it up and carry on till you reach a river from where the road bifurcates into east and west. Its the ogre lair. Return by one screen and walk northwards and exit via another passage (no.7 in the map). Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest | Aveyond Wiki | Fandom Press that switch too. Also you will see a cloak lying on the ground on the right side of this valley. Follow the passage, it leads straightaway to another door. Enter the Item shop and buy both the wedding rings you see on the table. You will enter at point six of this map: Collect the book page (marked as P) and the other chests before the showdown. When you reach a bifurcation, walk to your right. Get back one screen and walk all the way down to point 7 in the map. We need go to the squirrels hideout in highlands. Follow it till you reach two sets of stairs, climb them and keep following the footsteps till you see a mule express. Get back to Ghedahre. Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest | Aveyond Studios Our walkthrough will give you the tips and tricks needed to defeat the evil Ahriman in no time. You are transported near another cave. Mad Marge gives you a quest (side quest no.25). Refer the map, first we will climb up the ladder near the central oasis to dig the dirt pile (referred as D in the map). Return to Gretchen, she will reward you a shovel. Go to veldarah into the queens palace to open the blue chest. When you are in the throne room talk to girl Liya inside. The fairies with you will join the others there and the prince will give you fairy dust in return. Now we will resume from where we left off. Walk back a few paces from there and you will see a cave passage. He is pirate john. Go south this time; retrieve the haunch from the chest on your way and carry on to the cavern exit. Walk to your east from there and then take the lower right path. Aveyond Tips Walkthrough - Gamezebo The game starts with a cutscene. Enter it; its the row boat dealers house. There are also some villagers who will either give you important information or are the key to some future quests. Mystery Manor: here rooms lead to other rooms. She demands that you do your chores. You are transported to another room. Similarly the exit route in the next room is very simple, so go onto the next room. Enter the cave entrance. The caves with the Moon Druid. It contains imperial armor. The chest found here contains-1 leather boot and 1 black oak staff. Watch the event. Now we need to go to the gentle children school. In your inventory click on the lamp to enter the Lamp world. The Annihilator guild is located here, if youve not already joined any other guild then you can join here. Theres a vampire and a chest in there. Grazila Bring sludgemaster 2000 (side quest no. I'd love to see someone post a walkthrough or faq or something for this game since it's a good game in my book.. 3ds friend code -- magicbay02 - 2380-3309-0613. Refer the screenshot to find your way to the next area: The next area has chest locations marked with white circles. Return to veldarah using the rune. Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. Then again into another cave into the next cavern. You will find a man in a boat. In order to get the good deed done you need bee wax and mirror. Answers. From the gates of the school go down to the sandstone cave (marked with a red box in lowlands map). Talk to the queen and give her what the mountain king has asked you to. Enter the thieves cave. Quest complete. Enter the unlocked door passage. If you give them the lionel statue then they will give you sticks of dynamite with which you can blow up cracks in the walls. You can instantly change back to the sword singers outfit after that! Enter the ice caverns and unlock the door with the crystal key (ignore the door to your left for now as that leads to the temple). Go to the Sandstone caves into the area which we named as Toad. You will find Tiny there. It is a mule express and it can take you to places where you have visited at least once. Or else you can give the statue to the militant squirrels in the highlands. Talk to the chef of the ball room and he will also give you a quest (side quest no.29). The squirrels will give you three sticks of dynamite with which you can blow up some cracked walls in different places: One of the walls will yield the absolute zero spell scroll (located in the highlands) which you can use only once in a battle. Enter it and talk to her. Visit the northern kingdom forests and then into the mines. We will get back to her later. Talk to her and she will join you as a guest (press escape key and you will see her under the friends section at the bottom of the menu). Buy some more stakes so that you can stake some more vampires at Ghedahre! On your way you will see a banshee dropping something in the water. Travel up north and then to your west from a bifurcation. Does anyone have or know of a walkthrough for this game?? Exit through the gate and youll find a chest containing studded armor. The gauss shield spell can be learnt by Lars and gives protection against strong enemy spells. This is the first title in the Aveyond series, following the prologue, Ahriman's Prophecy. Go to Lands End to Eldredth, the old woman who planted your bean seeds in the enchanted garden. Enter the cave to your north. Go back to your Rhens house in dads room, talk to dad and watch the conversation. Use the soul steal skill from Lars skill set before killing the creature. On exiting another short conversation will follow. Starting at the gate, walk up north, Walk to your right near the inn, cross the fences and keep walking to your right till you reach a blue roofed house (old mans house); go north from there and then to your left is the shadow wood academy. You can also buy some salmons from the fish seller. Buy 90 of each item from the item shop if youve collected enough cash from the cash cow (dont buy 99 as you may get these items from chests, so the ones you bought will be wasted as there can be only 99 number of each items in your inventory). He could have been born a hero. See the map if you are lost: Go down the first ladder you see. ThePHiLsTeR. Enter another cave inside this one and open the chest to retrieve a haunch. Talk to him, he will give you something. Now go to point 10 of map Z. you will end up in the lamp room. You will see another chest. But when the moon arises, so does the beast, what am I? 1. Lars gauss shield will prevent deadly damage to your party to some extent for which your party may not get wiped away totally at one go. At this point talk to Mad Marge of the Sour Ale tavern and she would like to join you for 2000 gold. Ahriman's Prophecy; Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. Aveyond 1, Rhen's Quest Build B Walkthrough | PDF - Scribd The location of this goodie is same as the guild goodie. Exit from there and re-enter Blackroot System. After that click on the lamp beside the queen, the genie will transfer to the fancy lamp. You can now make Teijal/Galalad wear it as an accessory, it will increase her attack and defense by 50%. Automatically there are changes made as per which goody you have installed. Ean's best friend Iya suddenly disappears, and his . As soon as you are on the world map, walk down by around 13-14 paces and take a right turn. Enter the ladder beside it to find another chest containing skull rapier. Talk to the one on the left, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.42). GOD-This is the goody of all goodies. After you do so, return to the queen of Veldt. Talk to the Fairy prince and he will give you a quest (side quest no.33). Exit highlands and go to lowlands, which is south of the highland on the western isle: Go to Brumwich first. If you do so then only you will have access to the kings treasure room on the right. If you choose the second option then you have to go to Thais with Dameon and talk to the old man in the palace. Elinis indra, Rhens Nightmare Flight spell and Lars decompose works wonders. if you have been there go to the king and see what happens. You are presented a ball puzzle. Enter that cave to find serpent amulet from a chest. Exit and now go to gentle childrens school. However I shall mention what you would get from all the chests in total from both the wilderness and the caves (this way you will enjoy the game and its dungeons without rigidly following the walkthrough)- 1 haunch, 20 gold pennies, 40 gold pennies, 10 wild berries, 1 apple, 25 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 60 gold pennies, 1 quail egg and a black oak staff. 2 2 of this map: Follow the arrow direction to the exit, the chests of this area has 700 gold pennies and 750 gold pennies. Take the northern path now. We need to fetch the cloak of undying loyalty if youve chosen the climbing guide when you rescued the last druid. Now lets get some important things done first. You enter the mountain through the gate marked as entrance in the screenshot: Follow the arrow direction to the next area. You will see a woman named Elini who would like to join you after you graduate. From there, walk to the bridge and cross it to the other side. If you select the climbing guide, go to your inventory and select it to learn the climbing skill. Now we will advance for our next quest. Make sure that you use the necromancer spell book from time to time to make Lars learn new spells after he levels up. Return by two screens as there is nothing more in this area. A new member will join your party and a new quest is added (side quest no.30). If no one has an answer while you're on, head over to Reddit to ask. The book shelf at Time masters guild has a book page. Follow the path in front of you and keep walking till you reach a chest. Then cross the long bridge and go up the ladder you first come across. Nick here. Press that switch and reach here: Observe the movements of the appearing and disappearing holes carefully, their positions are fixed so make your way through to reach the switch. Go to the shadow wood academy, talk to Harald and he will give you graduation certificate. You will get a student outfit. Aveyond 4: Shadow of the Mist | Aveyond Studios Pick it up and keep walking till you land up in another area. Similarly the next region is also marked with chest locations and dotted lines leading to the next area. We havent explored the area yet, so lets do it now. Enter it and follow the left route. Buy a spell each for Lars. After defeating him collect Eitheras soul and go to the stronghold temple of Demon caves in the deserts of southern isle (refer the map of demon cave). You can come back here whenever you are running short of gold pennies. If you want to chat informally with other gamers who are playing Aveyond & other games like Aveyond, head on over and join us! Now fight the main boss, Ahriman. Lets complete the queens quest before we go for our main quest.
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