Fla. Entomol. A List of the Ants of Florida with Descriptions of New Forms. The colonies typically include a central "parent" colony surrounded and supplemented by smaller satellite colonies. A. Common exterior nesting sites include: old drywood termite galleries and wooden objects that have had previous damage from other organisms including insects or fungi; rotting tree stumps and tree holes or crotches between limbs; under old leaf petioles in palms, especially in and around the inflorescence of coconut palms; under bark, in roots of trees, especially citrus trees; in old wooden fences, sheds, old wooden decks, bamboo poles (even thin or short pieces) or tree supports, debris of almost any kind, coconuts left on the ground, under mulch, inside logs or wooden borders in gardens, railroad ties, old shoes, in voids in ceramic or concrete decorations, walls or support pillars, in expansion joints either not filled in or filled with rubbery materials, under stones, in home exterior coverings, especially wood panels, and so on. The female alates mate in the air once then ground themselves to search for a location to establish a new colony. Tschinkel, W.R. 2015. Between full sisters, the coefficient of relatedness is r > 0.75 (due to their haplodiploid genetic system). Atchison R. A., J. Hulcr, and A. Epperson, D.M. A., and R. Whitehouse. Male alates of this species are more concolorous, primarily ranging in the rusty to cider oranges. Animal Behaviour. Head, excluding the mandibles, about twice as long as broad, with straight, parallel sides and short evenly rounded postocular portion. (LogOut/ A small amount of insecticidal dust or spray applied directly to the nest area is usually successful. [17], Relatedness is the probability that a gene in one individual is an identical copy, by descent, of a gene in another individual. and J.C. Daniels. Deyrup MA. Gochnour, B.M., Suiter, D.R., Booher, D. 2019. Tall trees touching structures cause "bridges" which provide foraging access into buildings. How to Get Rid of Florida Carpenter Ants | Truly Nolen login or register to post comments. It is common to mistake winged ants for winged termites. Mandibles opaque, very finely striated and sparsely punctate; teeth smooth and shining. (GATA)4]. Clypeus like that of the worker major. CF Egg replicate 2 (HiSeq) SRA: Camponotus floridanus; 1: GPL14137; GSE31576; GSE31577; CF Major replicate 1 (GA) camponotus for sale: Search Result | eBay Winged reproductives fly in the evening or night during the rainy season (May through November). [citation needed], Carpenter ants have been known to construct extensive underground tunneling systems. Different worker castes also perform different roles in the colony, with the smaller workers caring for the brood and queen, maintaining the nest and foraging for food. Nearctic Region: United States (type locality). Camponotus sansabeanus are ruby red with hints of black on their thoraxes. This very abundant species lives in almost all disturbed and natural habitats in Florida. Bits of debris, called frass, are often ejected from nesting sites. Temperature In Captivity:75-77 degrees farenheit for cool side, and 81-86 degrees fahrenheit for warm side is optimal.Camponotus floridanus are sub-tropical and like a certain amount of heat. Both male and female alates are attracted to bright white lights and can be found en masse around street, court, and field lights. Unusual nest sites have included a computer printer, a radio, and a pay phone. Survey of Formicidae attracted to protein baits on Georgias Barrier Island dunes. Distribution: Southeastern United States.Very abundant throughout the state of Florida. There is a good chance that this complex once occurred around the Gulf of Mexico, and was later separated into eastern and western populations. Outside of deadwood, colonies may be found nesting underground within the base of a living tree or inside tree cavities. (carpenter ants) Showing 1-12 of 30 results. Legs moderately long and robust; middle and hind tibiae neither compressed nor sulcate, elliptical in cross section. Carpenter ants are social hymenopteran insects. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna 5: 363-382. 23: 313-325. The unusual aggression of this Camponotus species may be an adaptation in response to its nesting habits, as they commonly inhabit extensively rotted deadwood that can easily be broken apart by hand. The workers will then feed the queen and the larvae by consuming the food they have found, and regurgitating (trophallaxis) the food at the nest. Endler A, Liebig J, Hlldobler B (2006) Queen fertility, egg marking and colony size in the ant Camponotus floridanus. Carpenter ants seem to prefer voids for nesting which have these characteristics: They will hollow out wood softened by moisture and/or fungi to create nests. One stomach is for themselves, and the second stomach stores extra food reserves to feed brood and other colony members.5. Assessing the proteomic activity of the venom of the ant, Trinh, T., Ouellette, R., de Bekker, C. 2021. [9] (1995) found only a few instances where other ants, including imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren), crazy ant (Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille), ghost ant (Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabr. 2014. Sequence Read Archive Nucleotide BLAST. Common interior nesting sites include: wall voids (especially walls that have moisture seepage), under attic insulation and usually near the eaves where they are very difficult to reach, under bath tubs, very common under windows and door frames which have moisture intrusion from rain or sprinklers, around skylights, in boxes or paper bags, in closets which are not often used, under appliances, especially dish washers, in flat roofs (one of the most difficult problems due to lack of adequate access), behind wood panels, in wood furniture, cracks in floors, under bathroom fixtures, and many other places! As a result, they forgo reproduction to donate energy and help the fertile individuals reproduce. PDF Nestmate recognition in ants is possible without tactile interaction [12], Contrary to popular belief, carpenter ants do not actually eat wood because they are unable to digest cellulose. These ants stand out! Petiole in profile cuneate, with similar, feebly convex anterior and posterior surfaces; seen from behind, evenly rounded above, with rather blunt border. While this is probably not an exhaustive list, it should make the process a bit easier when attempting to find new queen ants. Common foods for them include insect parts, "honeydew" produced by aphids, or extrafloral nectar from plants. They can release their contents suicidally by performing autothysis, thereby rupturing the ant's body and spraying toxic substance from the head, which gives these species the common name "exploding ants". I. Myrmecophilous hirsutelloid species. Differences between ants and termites are given below: Figure 10. 1910d: 325 (redescription); Deyrup. Journal of Insect Science. Workers and queens are bicolored, having a reddish-orange head and a bright to dullish orange colored mesosoma and legs, contrasted sharply by a deep black gaster. Exotic Ants of the Florida Keys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). ); Wheeler, W.M. Science (Washington, D. C.). 2018. Peeler. Journal of Ethology 27, 475481. wikipedia.en/Behavioral_epigenetics.md at main - github.com The bases of the antennae are separated from the clypeal border by a distance of at least the antennal scape's maximum diameter. The architecture of subterranean ant nests: beauty and mystery underfoot. Wilson E. O., and A. Francoeur. Syst. 1979. I am in the market for one right now and live an hour way from Orlando proper. Camponotus floridanus queen? - Camponotus tortuganus - BugGuide.Net 2018).In addition, worker subcastes, termed major and minor due to size differences, are determined in late larval . Atchison & Lucky (2022) found that this species does not remove seeds. Information on a queen's fertility is thus encoded in the hydrocarbon profile of her eggs. Draft. Mating takes place in flight during late evenings until sunrise. Some aggressive interactions have been known to take place between queens, but not necessarily through workers. Pheromonal cues from ovipositing queens have a stronger effect on worker ants than those of virgin queens. Occurrence and structural organization of the exocrine glands in the Systematic Biology 53(1):95-110, Del Toro, I. Food Preference, Foraging, Competition Activity and Control of The Carpenter ant - Wikipedia Major workers have been known to draw blood at times, due to large powerful mandibles. Similarly, they are fond of sweet floral nectars and honeydews produced by sucking insects, especially aphids, scales, and mealybugs. winged reproductives are often found in homes in such places as along window ledges and near sliding glass doors. Wheeler W. M. 1913. ADW: Camponotus pennsylvanicus: INFORMATION - Animal Diversity Web An experienced pest control operator, or a determined homeowner, can usually follow a trail of ants back to the ants' nesting site and treat it (see Management below). login or register to post comments. Significance of chemical recognition cues is context dependent in ants A side-by-side comparison of an ant and termite alate. . These tunneling systems also often exist in trees. Camponotus floridanus is found widely distributed throughout Florida and some neighboring states, while C. tortuganus is limited to central and southern portions of Florida. Southeastern Naturalist 17(4): 645-653. It is one of the most . Florida Entomologist 55: 129-142. 2015. Enter an SRA accession (experiment, study, or submission), title, the scientific name or tax id. They build nests inside wood consisting of galleries chewed out with their mandibles or jaws, preferably in dead, damp wood. Kr-h1 maintains distinct caste-specific neurotranscriptomes in response to socially regulated hormones. Florida Entomologist 57: 115-116. W. C. 2002. The Queen can live for 10-12 years. Oswalt, D.A. A report submitted to Spring Island Nature Preserve, May 2015. However, unlike termites, they do not consume wood, discarding a material that resembles sawdust outside their nest. Ecology 60(6): 1211-1224. Klotz, J.H., Greenberg, L., Reid, B.L., Davis, L. 1998. sometimes incorrectly learn, is caused by Florida carpenter ants. You can see this tiny world seen up close. ), and pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis (L.)) were more frequently Camponotus floridanus - Wikipedia The Florida Entomologist. Camponotus floridanus (Buckley) in the subgenus Myrmothrix, is an average to large sized ant ranging in size from about 6.5 to 11 mm in overall length. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Clypeus carinate, its border produced as a prominent lobe with sharp corners, between which the median edge is angularly excised. A report submitted to the Gulf Islands National Seashore. The chemistry remains unknown, but correlational evidence suggests that in the ant Camponotus floridanus, queen-specific compounds provide information to allow workers to discriminate eggs as well as to monitor the queen's presence and fertility. 1326, Agricultural Research Service. Master of Science, Auburn University. Structure-Invading Ants of Florida. Ann. Managed fire frequency significantly influences the litter arthropod community in longleaf pine flatwoods. Look for areas of higher ant population density indicating closer proximity to the nest. 2009. Zool. A preliminary list of the ants of Florida. Camponotus floridanus primarily forages at night, though workers from larger colonies may be seen foraging during the day in areas with lots of shade. 2023 California Academy of Sciences. . Trible et al. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 144(2): 347-357. Queen Ant Camponotus Pennsylvanicus 1 Worker ( Shipping Within MN Only! ) [34], Carpenter ants and their larvae are eaten in various parts of the world. Complaints are numerous during the spring swarm season, usually between April and June, when Camponotus Queen 2yr HilariousTrickle. MacGown J. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with WordPress.com. Vinyl tubing can act as fresh air vents. Urban Entomol. [citation needed], Eusocial insects tend to present low genetic diversity within colonies, which can increase with the co-occurrence of multiple queens (polygyny) or with multiple mating by a single queen (polyandry). Even artificial structures such as hollow poles or fencing may be taken residence. Scientific Name: Camponotus floridanusCommon Name(s): Florida Carpenter AntGenus- CamponotusOrder- HymenopteraFamily- Formicidae, Average Size In Millimeters:Workers are polymorphic and vary in size.Queen: 16mm-20mmMinor Worker: 5.5mm-7mmMajor Worker: 8mm-12mmDrone: 7mm-12mm. Another Amazing Southern Carpenter queen! Florida carpenter ant workers, Camponatus floridanus (Buckley), from neighboring colonies fighting. Female alate (reproductive) of the Florida carpenter ant, Camponatus floridanus (Buckley). Mandibles 5- to 6-toothed. Ichinose, K., Lenoir, A. B.Colyott, firsthand observation over a several year period. ; 2.0 2.1; ; Mga sumpay ha . Safe from predators such as birds and lizards, Safe from flooding, heat, and other environmental stresses, Easily accessible (for them, but inaccessible for the Pest Control Manager!). Florida Entomologist 14: 1-6. Observation of foragers entering voids is the best means of finding the nest. Whitcomb W. H., H. A. Denmark, A. P. Bhatkar, and G. L. Greene. Certain parts of a house, such as around and under windows, roof eaves, decks and porches, are more likely to be infested by carpenter ants because these areas are most vulnerable to moisture. New York Many PCOs and seasoned entomologists have resigned to failure after not being able to treat hidden nesting sites, sometimes after years of trying! Watch for signs of mold or excessive condensation buildup. Ant Tower Large Deluxe. Annotated Ant Species List Ordway-Swisher Biological Station. Carpenter ants of Mississippi. The mesosoma in profile usually forms a continuous curve from the pronotum through to the propodeum. Photograph by Rudolf H. Scheffrahn, University of Florida. Camponotus floridanus The Florida Carpenter Ant has a gemstone ruby- red head with an orange thorax ,and full black abdomen. Common in Florida nesting in old stumps and logs. Additional Observations/Personal Notes:1. Southeastern Naturalist 12(2): 367-378. Background: Camponotus floridanus ant colonies are comprised of a single reproductive queen and thousands of sterile female offspring that consist of two morphologically distinct castes: smaller minors and larger majors. Wien 36: 419-464 (page 423, queen, male described, Combination in Camponotus, Variety of atriceps, Senior synonym of yankee). AGGRESSIVE IN LARGE NUMBERS! This means the relatedness between offspring and parents is disproportionate. Palomeque, T., O. Sanllorente, X. Maside, J. Vela, P. Mora, M. I. Torres, G. Periquet, and P. Lorite. 1932. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1158: 1-35. In these close-ups, we can see a huge variety of shapes and colors of these amazing creatures. Sponsored. Sociobiol. Insectes Sociaux 61, 5155. Report on the ants collected on Spring Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The colony will continue to grow and populations may reach several thousand workers. More often, they develop a systemic way to visit the food source with alternating trips by different individual ants or groups. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Little Ohoopee River Dunes, Emanuel County, Georgia. Bite/Sting Information:Not an aggressive species unless disturbed. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species. Figure 2. These nests are called primary nests. Moved. The Florida Entomologist 30(4): 57-67, Van Pelt A. F. 1956. Direct contact on skin can cause redness, itching, swelling, burning, and pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101: 2945-2950. This phenomenon, called social immunity, exists in carpenter ants. [7], Carpenter ants are considered both predators and scavengers. The North American ants of the genus Camponotus Mayr. Carpenter ants, like many social insect species, have mechanisms by which individuals determine whether others are nestmates or not. The larger the value, the more two individuals are "related". van Elst, T., Eriksson, T.H., Gadau, J., Johnson, R.A., Rabeling, C., Taylor, J.E., Borowiec, M.L. 2015. Olfactory sensitivity differentiates morphologically distinct worker Providing community sourced care sheets for ant keepers. A latitudinal gradient in rates of ant predation. Camponotus Floridanus Queen : antkeeping The brain of ants: Neuronal organization and visual projections. Half the nest should remain cool so the ants can adjust when needed. Queens lose their wings once they establish a new colony. Native and exotic ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) nesting in red mangroves (Malpighiales: Rhizophora mangle) of eastern Florida. [13], Some carpenter ant species can obtain nitrogen by feeding on urine or urine-stained sand. MacGown, J.A., Booher, D., Richter, H., Wetterer, J.K., Hill, J.G. American Midland Naturalist 56: 358-387. PDF Social isolation and brain development in the ant Camponotus floridanus Patterns of co-occurrence and body size overlap among ants in Florida's upland ecosystems. Scientific Name: Camponotus floridanus Common Name: Florida Carpenter Ant, Bulldog Ant, or Tree Ant. Change). Mississippi Entomological Museum Report #2015-02. More phylogenetic and biochemical analysis is needed to determine the evolutionary history between C. floridanus and C. atriceps and in order ascertain the former's status as a separate species or a subspecies. Current Biology, 3213, 2942-2947.e4, Seid, M.A., Junge, E. 2016. Zool. AntFlights.com - Camponotus sp. nuptial flight stats Smith M. R. 1930. Proc. Verh. Colonies prefer shaded areas in which to nest, such as in dense woodlands, though any area with many trees that provide adequate shade is potential suitable habitat. 1866. Specific characters for C. floridanus include legs and antennal scapes with numerous long, coarse brown to golden erect hairs, shorter than those on the body. With their massive size and a large diet of insects and sweets, they will thrive. Further work on the taxonomy of this section of Camponotus is needed before we will be happy with either the nomenclature or provenance of the Florida species. Figure 5. "A chromatin link to caste identity in the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus", "Nutritional upgrading for omnivorous carpenter ants by the endosymbiont Blochmannia", "Bacteriocyte dynamics during development of a holometabolous insect, the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Camponotus_floridanus&oldid=1138133581, University of Florida Entomology & Nematology Department web page on, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 05:20. Communities in context: the influences of multiscale environmental variation on local ant community structure. Queen size: 12-14mm. During the flight season, carpenter ants can often be found in alarming numbers. Florida Entomologist 89(1): 69-74, Sargent J. M., Benson. Camponotus floridanus do not require a hibernation period. Queens are fully claustral and colonies are monogynous (contain one queen). The glue bursts out and entangles and immobilizes all nearby victims. smith) (hymenoptera: formicidae) chong kim fung Like other Camponotus, they have their own species of symbiotic bacteria in the genus Blochmannia that inhabit bacteriocytes in their midgut to supplement their nitrogen-poor diets. [citation needed], The process of recognition for carpenter ants requires two events. Major workers however only defend the nest and do not venture far, unless travelling to and from the numerous satellite nests the colony occupies. When conditions are warm and humid, winged males and females participate in a nuptial flight. Camponotus floridanus 0 Camponotus florius 0 Camponotus foersteri . Larvae are maggot-like, and pupae reside in silk cocoons and are often mistaken for eggs. Figure 6. Figure 7. Camponotus floridanus Ant Colony Beautiful Starter Colony Roughly 20-40 Workers & Majors. Foraging proceeds in very loosely defined trails or by individual ants that seem to wander aimlessly. A survey of ground-dwelling ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Georgia. MacGown, J. Camponotus floridanus Confirm - Camponotus floridanus Explore "Camponotus" posts on Pholder | See more posts about Antkeeping, Ants and Entomology. These newly fertilized queens discard their wings and search for new areas to establish primary nests. Ants of Horn Island, Jackson County, Mississippi, Michigan State University, The Albert J. Cook Arthropod Research Collection. Camponotus floridanus can be distinguished from its visually similar, but smaller relative Camponotus tortuganus by its wider than long head, smaller but stockier legs relative to the body, and overall stouter build. Photograph by Rudolf H. Scheffrahn, University of Florida. Family: Formicidae. 2006). [24], Polygyny often is associated with many social insect species, and usually is characterized by limited mating flights, small queen size, and other characteristics. [4] The ant is widespread in Florida and occurs as far north as North Carolina and as far west as Mississippi. A unique facet of C. floridanus colonies is that they are characterized by a rigid caste system wherein the colony reproduction depends exclusively on a single queen (Opachaloemphan et al. Technical Bulletin No. The adults that emerge from this brood will be small ants called minums, and they take over the queen's brood-tending functions so she can concentrate on laying eggs. Wilson E. O. [18], According to Hamilton's rule for relatedness, for relative-specific interactions to occur, such as kin altruism, a high level of relatedness is necessary between two individuals. Nevertheless, their ability to excavate wood helps in forest decomposition. Age-dependent and task-related volume changes in the mushroom bodies of visually guided desert ants,Cataglyphis bicolor. Behav. An Camponotus floridanus in nahilalakip ha genus nga Camponotus, ngan familia nga formicidae. Spiesman B. J. and G. S. Cumming. Thorax, gaster and legs moderately shining, more superficially shagreened. 227 best Camponotus images on Pholder | Antkeeping, Ants and Entomology Entomol. encountered in buildings than carpenter ants. 2022. A dealate is a reproductive that has shed its wings. nuptial flight stats EU Cookie Consent To use this Website we are using Cookies and collecting some Data. See for yourself how different the heads of ants are by viewing them in large magnification photos. A small amount of insecticidal dust or spray applied directly to the nest area is usually successful. The liquids are applied in areas where foraging ants are likely to pick the material up and spread the poison to the colony upon returning. Flights are triggered after heavy rains have raised the humidity of the air to 80-90% and temperatures around 80+F are present half an hour after sunset. For the cricket, see, Colony Size and Polygyny in Carpenter Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Roger D. Akre, Laurel D. Hansen and Elizabeth A. Myhre Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society , Vol. Exploring whether and how ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) affect reproductive fitness in Senna mexicana var. Trophallaxis: the functions and evolution of social fluid exchange in ant colonies (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 165 pages. When a sizable number of workers follows this trail, the strength of the cue increases and a foraging trail is established. Antennae short, scapes flattened at the base but not dilated, enlarged towards their tips, which do not extend beyond the posterior corners of the head. They cut "galleries" into the wood grain to provide passageways to allow for movement between different sections of the nest. There are several inclusive fitness factors that can select for . Camponotus vagus colony, queen and 2-5 workers 27.99 . Hmu if you want to buy any. They build nests inside wood consisting of galleries chewed out with their mandibles or jaws, preferably in dead, damp wood. 2005. Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists, References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics, Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World, Atchison, R. A., Lucky, A. 1989. 1986. Die Formiciden der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Some pheromones have been known to calm workers, while others have been known to excite them. Queen fertility, egg marking and colony size in the ant Camponotus Comprehensive phylogeny of Myrmecocystus honey ants highlights cryptic diversity and infers evolution during aridification of the American Southwest. Palomeque et al. 242 pages. The waist consists of one petiolar segment. Camponotus floridanus queen - YouTube I'll do an update video when she has workers in a few weeks. It willl defiantly stand out! Integration of morphological and molecular taxonomic characters for identification of. Camponotus floridanus ant colonies are comprised of a single reproductive queen and thousands of sterile female offspring that consist of two morphologically distinct castes: smaller minors and larger majors. (, Hashmi, A. I do not ship. Carpenter ant galleries are smooth and very different from termite-damaged areas, which have mud packed into the hollowed-out areas. A Review of the Ants of the Florida Keys. An annotated list of Camponotus of Israel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a key and descriptions of new species. 1910d: 325 (s.). Help. Distribution:Southeastern United StatesPrimarily abundant in the state of Florida. 1988. 14, No. Myrmecological News 31: 1-30, Morel, L., Vander Meer, R.K., Lavine, B.K. 59 : 490-499. [19] Social carpenter ants recognize their kin in many ways. 1991. Cuticular body hairs mediate clumping of small, Wheeler, W. M. 1910g. XL, No. [21] This allows acceptance of nestmates and rejection of non-nestmates. Other concerns are that these ants sting (they do not) and bite (they do). Kempf, W.W. 1972. Citation: AntWeb. Mechanisms behind the madness: How do zombie-making fungal entomopathogens affect host behavior to increase transmission? Ant Tending of Miami Blue Butterfly Larvae (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): Partner Diversity and Effects on Larval Performance. 2021. The Queen can live for 10-12 years. Cuvillier-Hot, V., Salin, K., Devers, S., Tasiemski, A., Schaffner, P., Boulay, R., Billiard, S., Lenoir, A. Different worker castes also perform different roles in the colony, with the smaller workers caring for the brood and queen, maintaining the nest and foraging for food. Try to follow the foragers back to the nest and then treat the nest. 2012. Occasionally, the ants bring the chitinous head of the insect back to the nest, where they also extract its inner tissue. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. H.G. 67, No. Ant phylogenomics reveals a natural selection hotspot preceding the origin of complex eusociality. Baseline surveys for ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the western Everglades, Collier County, Florida. 2016. [citation needed], Most species of carpenter ants forage at night. Wheeler WM. The Florida Entomologist 92(3):474-482, Van Pelt A. F. 1948. Both minor and major workers are capable of biting. Head ferruginous red; mandibles, antennal scapes and anterior border of cheeks and clypeus darker. [11], Although carpenter ants do not tend to be extremely aggressive, they have developed mechanisms to maximize their provision from a food source when that same food source is visited by a competing organism.
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