T: 150 $95-$125. T: 40. T: 90+. Quality Inn, 1938 Stanton Way Lexington KY 40511. Contact: Sabatino Guerriero 908-268-1922. SH: 9am-2pm, T: 30+, A: $2. 31st Annual West Side Christian School Sports Cards and Collectible Show, 955 Westend NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Hagerstown Elks Lodge 378 11063 Robinwood Dr, Hagerstown, MD 21742. Mid-Atlantic Sports Collectibles and Memorabilia Show, Silver Spring Civic Center, 1 Veterans Pl., Silver Spring, MD 20910. Contact Bob Marcus 732-614-8757, June 30-July 2 NJ, Wildwood. SH: 9am-3pm. Check out a photographer's table for inspiration and grab their card if you really love their stuff. Address:Oakwood Mall, 4800 Golf Road, Eau Claire, WI, Time:Fri: 10am-8pmSat 10am-8pm Sun 11am-4pm, Address:The Hawkes Nest Sports, 523 Hemlock Street, Woodruff, WI, Address: Salvation Army Community Center, 8853 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154. T: $45. April 16 MA, Woburn, The Woburn Weekly Sports Card Show. A: $2. Contact: Dan info@FrontRowCardShow.com or visit www.FrontRowCardShow.com, Nov 10-11 NV, Las Vegas. SH: Fri 3pm-8pm; Sat 9am-3pm. Contact: Michael Christopher 804-704-4700, email:TidewaterCardsAndCollectibles@yahoo.com; Site: TidewaterCardsandCollectibles.com, April 16 VA, Spotsylvania Courthouse. Contact Mike Moldenhauer 219-229-0411, moldyestates@yahoo.com, June 25 IN, Plainfield. This is one of our favorite Michigan Fairs! A: Free. T: 40. Sportscard Show, Plainvlle VFW, 7 Northwest Dr., Plainvlle CT 06010. Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, Oct 7 TN, Murfreesboro. Church of the Holy Comforter 543 Beulah Rd, Vienna, VA 22180. Cincinnati Sports Cards & Memorabilia Show, Eastgate Mall, 4601 Eastgate Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45245. T: 150 ($95). Mar 16th - 19th, 2023. A: $6 Contact: Daniel TheFlipTradeShow@Gmail.com, June 10-11 AL, Huntsville. Nature Coast Sports Card, Memorabilia & Collectibles Show, Quality Inn, 5316 US 19 North, New Port Richey, FL 34652. A: Free. T: 20. SH: 9am-2pm. April 2 MA, Woburn, The Woburn Weekly Sports Card Show. Maugansville Goodwill Volunteer Fire Department,13729 Maugansville Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Iowa City Card & Collectibles Show, Johnson County Fairgrounds Building C, 4261 Oak Crest Hill Rd SE, Iowa City, IA 52246. SH: 9am-3pm. T: 40. 11am-7pm; Sun: 11am-6pm. SH: 10am-5pm. T: 40 (8 foot $40, 6ft $35) A: $2 (under 9 free). T: 85 ($95). Columbus Sports Card Show, Franklin Co Fairgrounds (Edwards Bldg), 4100 Columbia Street, Hilliard, OH 43026. The Great American Sports Memorabilia Show. A: Free. Aug 20 CT, Norwalk. A: free. Feb 17th - 19th, 2023. T: 150. Contact: Jeff 617-977-4869, March 26 MA, Methuen. Contact. Sports Card and Memorabilia Show, Hi-Five Sports, Eden Prairie Center Mall, 8251 Flying Cloud Dr., Eden Prairie, Mn. Contact Info: Anthony Vece 914-582-2188, brocards@yahoo.com. Contact: 203-879-1690, ftownsend@snet.net. Contact: Ned Skinnon 860-919-0879, Nskinnon@cox.net, Nov 4 CT, Enfield. Special Autograph Guests: Justin Fields, Chris Olave, Eddie George, Archie Griffin, Troy Smith, Kenny Pickkett, Rod Woodson & More. A: Free. 9am-4pm. The Orlando Card Show at The Bahia Shrine, 3101 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka, FlL 32703. A: Free. A: $2. SH: 9am-3pm. A: Free. Contact: GLSportsCards@yahoo.com or 214-642-4606, May 13 TX, Austin. T: 45. Contact Jeff Meyrose 317-504-8110, indyballcards@aol.com; jjallstarsportscards.com, March 18 IN, Michigan City. Contact: Eric Duchak 908-309-2191, http://www.woodbridgecardshow.com, March 5 NJ, Bordentown. T: 75. A:Free. Contact: John DeMorais 860-819-4343. Sports Card Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ 07722. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso PH: 203-265-1813, Email: kmrfdr@gmail.com. The trading card and collectible hobby saw new heights in 2021 and continues to evolve as we roll into 2022. Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, Oct 21 TN, Murfreesboro. T: 30. SH: 9am-2pm. SH: 10am-3pm. A: $5. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 40. Hagerstown Elks Lodge 378 11063 Robinwood Dr, Hagerstown, MD 21742. SH: 8:30am-2pm. T: 100. SH: 9am-2pm, T: 20+, A: $2. Contact: Izaak Hoffman Izaakh@mncardshow.com; website: Cardshowmn.com, April 29 MN, Rochester. T: 100. April 16 NJ, Bordentown. A: Free. Taylor Town Show. Georgia Collectibles Show, Holiday Inn & Suites, 4401 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee GA 30341. Contact: Michael Bochar mbochar@gmail.com 914-489-4718, Oct 7-8, NY, Syracuse. Contact: Michael Wilkes 573 429 5804. Contact: Tony Gordon 773-616-3705, abrandongordon@hotmail.com, www.fatdaddyssports.com, June 3 WI, Oak Creek. A: $1. south of the MI/IN state line is the train show at Das Dutchman Essenhaus on February 19th in Middlebury, IN. Quality Inn, 1938 Stanton Way Lexington KY 40511. Cincinnati Sports Cards & Memorabilia Show, Eastgate Mall, 4601 Eastgate Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45245. The Woodlands Resort, 1073 Highway 315. Dec 2 CT, Enfield. Contact: Derek Smith 908-380-2250, www.emucards.com. T: 60+. Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Salvation Army Community Center, 8853 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154. Coach Estes Sports Cards Show, Traders Mall, 6900 Benton Road, Paducah, KY 42003. SH: 10am-4pm. T: 50. Coventry High School Gymnasium, 40 Reservoir Rd, Coventry, RI 02816. A: $3. T: 100 A: Free; Contact: Brian Hurst 828-593-0604, site: statelinesportspromotions.com, April 16 GA, Chamblee. T: 180. Cards & Collectibles Show, Garfield Boys & Girls Club, 490 midland ave, Garfield, NJ 07026. Sports Card Show, Bloomington Armory, 3300 West 98th St., Bloomington, Mn. If you are a collector or dealer in worldwide postcards, paper collectables etc., and are looking for a POSTCARD SHOW close to where you live then this website is for you. Browse 2021 baseball card shows in the USA by State! Sports Card & Collectible Show, Chambers Memorial Hall, Wilmington. A: Free. A: Free. Collectibles on College Tempe Monthly, University Presbyterian Church, 139 E. Alameda Dr., Tempe, AZ 85281. T: 70. A: Free. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com. SH:8:30am-12:30PM T:30 ($40). Contact: Michael Wilkes573 429 5804. Nov 11 TX, Austin. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: CardcrazySportsLLC@gmail.com, Dec 8-10 NC, Raleigh. A: Free. Contact: Bob Garner 918-346-9224. A: Free. T: 30 ($100 for weekend). South Mall, 3300 Lehigh St., Allentown, PA 18103, SH: Fri 11am-7pm; Sat: 11am-7pm; Sun: 11am-5pm. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Springfield Mall, 1250 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA. 19064. Contact: Adam - Greenie Sports Cards 330-486-5159, cardshows@greeniesportscards.com; www.greeniesportscards.com, Mar 4-5 OK, Glenpool/Tulsa. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso 203-265-1813, kmrfdr@gmail.com, July 30 CT, Milford. 65804. March 15 NH, Plymouth. Contact: Call Newarkcardguy at 510-386-6383 for tables. Contact: Ron Estes 314-852-4543, estesbrenda@hotmail.com. CONTACT: www.iKARDSUSA.com, July 29 CO, Pueblo. Sports Cards and Memorabilia Show, Fellowship Hall, First Christian Church, 2602 S. Elm Place, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. A: $5. Sports Card & Collectible Show, Chambers Memorial Hall, Wilmington. A: $1. A: $3 (nder 10 free. A: Free. Contact: Terry 813-380-7676 or tampacardshow@gmail.com, March 11 FL, Jacksonville. T: 60. T: $45. Legends hosts their monthly Michigan card show on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 9 am to 3 pm. A: Free. T: 80 ($50). Oct 28 CT, Trumbull. In the past, if you purchased a ticket, you'd get a 10% discount at their restaurant. T: $50 (includes lunch). T: 70 ($70). Nov 26 CT, New Britain.
Collectible Card Show Sports, Pokemon, Magic Jan 2022 - MI Geek Scene Contact: Jim Daley 678-933-8568; jimdaley64@yahoo.com; facebook.com/pg/GeorgiaCollectibleShows, Nov 5 GA, Atlanta. Dec 16th - 18th, 2022. Contact: Wes Starkey 540-392-2884 email: wes@swva.net Site: insidepitchpromotions.com, Sept 23-24 NC, Mooresville. Contact: Ron Beatty 704-291-0674 vikes2@ctc.net, Sept 22-23 FL, Apopka. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso 203-265-1813, kmrfdr@gmail.com, March 25 CT, Portland. Sportscards & Collectibles Show, Jacksonville Mall, 375 Western Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28546. Plainfield Sports & non sports card show, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 5556 E US Highway 40, Plainfield, IN 46168. Contact: Dennis Nelvis 301-807-4680 dcollection8@gmail.com, https://www.doughboyzsportscardz.com/show-at-fairfax, Sept 23 VA, Stafford. SH: SAT: 10am-5pm. SH: SAT: 10am-5pm SUN: 11am-4pm. VB Cards Sports Card Show, VFW, 26 River Street Methuen, MA 01845. SH: 9am-3pm. (exit 260 From I-75), Atlanta 30339. Dec 16 CT, Plainvlle. Apr 29 IL, Countryside. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. T: 50 ($100). SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: Ken Ludington 937-671-0516, kenludington.southpaw@hotmail.com, July 8 OH, Hartville. T: 50 ($25). J&J Allstar Sportscards Shows, Our Mother of Sorrows, Lyons Hall, 774 Eastern Parkway, Louisville KY 40217. Trumbull Cards Show, Trinity Episcopal Church, 1734 Huntington Turnpike, Trumbull, CT 06611. Jacksonville Sports Cards & Collectibles Show, Ramada Conference Center, 3130 Hartley Rd. Contact: Alix Langlais 860-729-8408 idealcards14@aol.com, March 11 CT, Portland. SH: 9am-4pm. DE. T: 60+. Contact: CardcrazySportsLLC@gmail.com, Aug 19 NC, Hickory. T: $30. T:75 A:free. SH: 9am-3pm. A: $3 (12 & under free). SH: 9am-2pm. Magnolia Sports Cards Show, Brandon Public Library, 1975 W Government St, Brandon MS 39047. T: 100. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 40. T: $30. SH: 9am-1pm. East Bay Sports Cards, Memorabilia and Comic Book Show, Almeida VFW Post 237, 850 Hope St., Bristol RI 02809. SH: Sat: 10am-7pm; Sun: 11am-5pm. SH: 8:30am-2pm. July 15 NJ, Edison. Contact: Ray Falcoa 401-573-4046; EastBayCardShowsInfo@gmail.com, June 4 RI, Bristol. A: Free. Contact: Santos or Tito 408-286-2151, email: worldofsportsmem@yahoo.com. Cincinnati Sports Cards & Memorabilia Show, Eastgate Mall, 4601 Eastgate Blvd, Cincinnati, OH 45245. A: $2. June 24-25 OH, Hilliard. South, East Syracuse, NY 13057. Miner (Sikeston). The Port Saint Lucie Sports Cards & Collectibles Show, The St. Lucie Mets Convention Center, 8555 Commerce Centre Dr. Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Salvation Army Community Center, 8853 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154. Contact: Rob Gomberg 732-690-2476, Robg@RKSportsPromotions.com, www.RKSportsPromotions.com, Nov 5 NJ, Garfield. Shoff Promotions Sports Card Show, Annandale Fire House Expo Hall, 7128 Columbia Pike, Annandale VA 22003. 2022 Grand Rapids Devos Place. Contact: Ryan Thompson 919-740-2894; ryan.thom3789@gmail.com; facebook.com/pg/GainesvilleCardShow, June 18 GA, Chamblee. T: 50 A: Free. Contact: John DeMorais 860-819-4343. SH: 9am-3pm. Contact: Leroy Willis 256-412-2184, popandhoney@yahoo.com, April 1 AL, Scottsboro. SH: 9am-3pm. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. SH: SAT: 9am-4pm. Fishkill Saturday Sportscard and Memorabilia Show, Trinity Episcopal Church, 5 Elm Street (next to Taco Bell), Fishkill, NY, 12524. T: 40. The Michigan Fairgrounds show is one of the largest shows in the Midwest, and it attracts dealers and collectors from all over the country. T: 40. 38, Moorestown, NJ, 09057. White Eagle Hall Sports Card and Memorabilia Show, 487 Delaware Ave, Kingston, NY, 12401. Best Western New Englander, 1 Rainin Road, Woburn, MA 01801. Sheraton Hotel 706 John Nolan Dr, Madison WI 9a-3p. Contact: Michael Hawke 715-356-3123 Email: xhawke@frontier.com, www.hawkesnestsportscards.com, Nov 4 WI, Oak Creek. A: Free. Aug 12 NJ, Colts Neck. Contact: Bob "Pops" Woodward 727-678-0976 (call or text); Facebook: Gatorland Collectors Expo, March 25 FL, Lake Mary. Contact: Archie, archcli@att.net, June 17 IN, Michigan City. Website: https://www.tcscc.org, Sept 23 MN, Bloomington. SH: 10am-5pm. A: $5. Woodbridge Card Show, Hampton Inn Woodbridge, 370 Route 9 North, Woodbridge, NJ 07095. SH: 9am.-4pm. Contact: Karen or Fred Riso PH: 203-265-1813, Email: kmrfdr@gmail.com. Enfield Sportscard Show, American Legion Hall Post #80, 566 Enfield St ,Rt 5 Enfield Ct 06082. A: $1. T: 50. T: 20. A: Free. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Berkshire Mall, 1665 State Hill Road, Wyomissing, PA. 19610. SH: 9am3pm. Sports Card, Pokmon & Collectibles Show, Comfort Inn University Center, 11180 Fairfax Blvd, Fairfax, VA 22030. Contact: G. Sipos 732-849-5599, cardscollectibles.com, Aug 25-27 NJ, Wildwood. A: Free. SH: 9am-2pm. Ocean County Sports Card and Collectible Show, Manahawkin Moose Lodge, 120 NJ-72, Manahawkin, NJ 08050. SH: 9am-2pm. A: Free. SH: Fri and Sat 10am-8pm; Sunday 11am-6pm. A: Free. T: $30. SH: 9am-5pm. Eastbay Sports Card & Collectors Show presented by Tenth Inning Productions, Concord Plaza Hotel, 45 John Glenn Dr, Concord, CA. T: 35. Contact: Doug Keating at douglaskeating@gmail.com, July 23 MA, Methuen. T: 180. Contact: Kenny Woodall, 512-748-9718, Kennyscollectibles@gmail.com, www.kennyscards.net, Dec 9 TX, Austin. Contact: Joe Shedlock 412-601-0782 mr1035@aol.com, Aug 25-27 PA, North Wales. Contact: Kyle 917-745-2382 or Facebook Bay Area Card Show, Aug 12 FL, Palm Coast. Contact: Cole CollectiblesonCollege@gmail.com, Sept 2 AZ, Tempe (Phoenix). Sept 30 KY, Lexington. March 4 MD, West Ocean City. I highly suggest contacting them. A: $5. Sports Cards & Memorabilia Show, Rocky Top Sports World 1870 Sports World Blvd. A: $5. T: 62. SH:9am-2pm. Contact Larry Watt 859-619-0380. Contact: Bob Ferri 570-709-1372, June 2-4 PA, Springfield. SH:10am-4pm. A: Free. A free. Jackson Sports Collectibles Show, American Legion Post 29, 3200 Lansing Ave, Jackson, MI 49202. A:$2. Contact: Mike Barnes 330-417-1400, buckeyesportcards@gmail.com, Oct 21 OH, Cincinnati. 1 55 Ariadne Rd., Dedham, MA 02026. A: $10. A: Free. Contact: Glen Young 772-214-7980, cardshowpsl@gmail.com, June 9-10 FL, Clearwater. SH: 11am-9pm. A: $5 kids u12 free. Dec 16 MO, St. Louis. T: 30. When: April 30-May 1, 2022 and Oct. 8-9, 2022. Contact: John McGill 615-893-1140, Aug 5 TN, Murfreesboro. A: $5 kids u12 free. Fishkill Saturday Sportscard and Memorabilia Show, Trinity Episcopal Church, 5 Elm Street (next to Taco Bell), Fishkill, NY, 12524. A: $1. Richmond Sports Card, Pokmon & Collectibles Show, Four Points by Sheraton Richmond 9901 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23235. Aug 26 KY, Paducah. SH: Sat: 9am-4pm. SH: 9am3pm. SH: 9am-2pm. POSTCARD SHOWS provides the dates, places,directions and latest information on hundreds of different POSTCARD SHOWS . Our Cards & Collectibles Buy Sell Trade Expo, Old Bridge Elks Lodge, 67 Old Amboy Road, Old Bridge NJ, 08857. Contact: Michael Bochar mbochar@gmail.com 914-489-4718, April 8 NY, Kingston. Contact: Dan info@FrontRowCardShow.com or visit www.FrontRowCardShow.com, Aug 12-13 NV, Las Vegas. Twin Cities Sports Collectors Club, Time: Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm, Address: Maplewood Mall, 3001 White Bear Ave, St Paul, MN, Time: Friday: 10:00am-8:00pm Saturday: 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday: 11:00am-4:00pm, Address:Hinds Community College, Clyde Muse Center 515 Country PL PKWY. SH: Sat: 9am-2pm. T: 100. A: $4 early bird; $2 general. T: 25. SH: 9 am-3pm. T: 40. SH: Sat 9am-4pm;. Sportscard Show, Plainvlle VFW, 7 Northwest Dr., Plainvlle CT 06010. 63801. A: $15-$90 (10 & under free). The Orlando Card Show at The Bahia Shrine, 3101 E. Semoran Blvd, Apopka, FlL 32703. A: $2. A: Free. Plainfield Sports & non sports card show, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 5556 E US Highway 40, Plainfield, IN 46168. Coach Estes Sports Cards Show, Machinists Hall, 12365 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Louis, MO 63044. T: 25. Contact: Phil Showalter 717-903-3964, Oct 15 PA, Wilkes-Barre. SH: 9am-3pm. T: 50. Contact: Cole CollectiblesonCollege@gmail.com, Dec 2 AZ, Tempe (Phoenix). Neil Johnson 812-483-3064, Dec 16 IN, Indianapolis Fishers. T: 80. Contact Jeff Meyrose 317-504-8110, indyballcards@aol.com; jjallstarsportscards.com. A: Free. T: 20+ ($35, additional tables $25). T: 60+. T: 80. April 29 KY, Lexington. SH: 9am-4pm. A: $2. A: $1. Nov 4 KY, Paducah. SH: 8:30 am-2:30pm. Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Elks Lodge, 11 Amboy Rd (Exit 7 off NJ Turnpike), Bordentown, NJ 08505. SH: 9am-2pm. T: 65 ($50-60, free lunch for dealers). SH: 9am-4pm. The PRO's & Hoosier Sports Cards Show. T: 40. Ramada Inn, 1855 S. Church St., Murfreesboro TN 37129. SH: 10am-4pm. A: $5. T: 85 (sold out). Conway Sports Cards Show, ELITE Academy, 1400 Old Morrilton Hwy. SH: 9am till 2pm T:40 A:$3. A: Free. April 30 MA, Woburn, The Woburn Weekly Sports Card Show. T: 90+. A: Free. T: 50 ($25). SH: 9am-3pm. SH: Fri-Sat 10am-9pm; Sun 11am-4pm. A: Free. T: 48 ($35 for 1, $60 for 2). T: 100. SH: 9am-3pm. T: 30. T: 75. Contact Mike Moldenhauer 219-229-0411, moldyestates@yahoo.com, Aug 27 IN, Plainfield. T: 62. Sponsored by: Twin Cities Sports Collectors Club. SH: 9am-2pm. T: $59. Norwalk Sportscard Show, American Legion Post 12, 60 County St., Norwalk, Ct. 06851. Contact: Rob Gomberg 732-690-2476, Robg@RKSportsPromotions.com, www.RKSportsPromotions.com, Dec 17 NJ, Garfield. April 1 TN, Murfreesboro. T: 45. Contact: Michael Wilkes 573 429 5804. Time: 9:00AM. Contact: Ron Beatty 704-291-0674 vikes2@ctc.net, April 8 FL, The Villages. 47630. North Atlanta Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Holiday Inn of Atlanta/Roswell, 909 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell, GA 30076. Contact: Austin Carlson: 715-896-7757, Instagram: @carlson_cards, Facebook: @carlsoncards, July 1 WI, Oak Creek. SH: 9am-4pm. T: 20. Contact: Frank Bray (904)387-0260, email: jaxsportscards@aol.com, May 6 FL, Port Saint Lucie. T: 80. Check out the show! Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Elks Lodge, 11 Amboy Rd (Exit 7 off NJ Turnpike), Bordentown, NJ 08505. A: Free. T:40. T: 30+. A: $1. T: 300 ($150) A: $10 first hour; $7 after. NOTE: If you have a show listing, please follow the style above and send to jowens@aimmedia.com. SH: 9am- 3pm T: 75 A: free. S&B Sports Promotions Sports Card & Memorabilia Show, Willow Grove Mall, 2500 W. Moreland Road Willow Grove, PA. 19090. Collectorcon Card Show, New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center, 97 Sunfield Ave., Edison, NJ 08837. T: 70 ($70). T: 62. T: 80. Contact: CardcrazySportsLLC@gmail.com, July 15 NC, Mooresville. Contact: Lindsey Miragliotta 732-814-1820, betwithus.events@gmail.com, April 16-18 NJ, Moorestown Mall. SH: 8:30am-2pm. Contact: Derek Smith 908-380-2250, www.emucards.com. T: 40. SH: Fri and Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 11am-6pm. T: $50. A: free. T: 30. June 10 NJ, Colts Neck. A:$2. T: 30 ($100 for weekend). Sports Card Coin & Collectibles Show, Colts Neck Firehouse, 50 Conover Road, Colts Neck, NJ, 07722. Contact: Mike Leon: 215-359-7789 or sbsportscards1014@aol.com, Dec 10 PA, Wilkes-Barre. Contact: Bud Lowe 662-251-6452, wjblowe@gmail.com, Sept 30 MS, Brandon.