So, do I have "drama" - yup! MadameNoire is a sophisticated lifestyle publication that gives African-American women the latest in fashion trends, We only contact through a talking portal online, where everything is recorded for the judge. Wear high-waisted, lightly acid-washed jeans around the house. It is unacceptable for her to be calling for utter nonsense, the only time she should be calling would be in an emergency with the kids. Help! My Man Calls Me 'Mama' in Bed! | Is This Petty? The Mother Of My Boyfriend's Child Texts And Calls At Log in to reply. And I loved him. List of Jump Rope Rhymes & Skipping Songs | Elite SRS Anyways, Last night when I had told him Good night a few hours later I got a text (that I later woke up to) saying, "Night baby mama" I'm not sure how to react to this because 1. we don't have a child together. You aren't doing anything other than wasting time. Baby mom's are psychotic, that is my conclusion after my hellish weekend due to my own drama. Show him you have self respect and know your worth. 2. 9 Signs Your Man Isn't Over His Baby Mama - Pucker Mob This is not a good way to start anything with a cheater! What say you? If he doesnt stop saying it after youve asked him to, thats when you do have a problem. But if hes saying it now, you can be pretty sure hes going to be calling you his baby mama if you do have a child together! Seeing as there are a number of reasons why a guy might call you mama it is important to consider the body language signals that he showed and the context of how he said it. I don't even have child support on the guy. But if he's in love why did he cheat or why is she so understanding to what he wants and waiting on him like this I did cuz I was a kid then I think were 25 n hell he 28 this year n shes 30 so I dont get this love triangle but I'm out of it. Why? Theres no need to meet her. But there are some that do get over the relationship and the love. We talk things through, always thanking each other for existing and being good to each other, going out to eat, sleeping at each others houses all the time. Understand and keep this in the forefront of your mindit's not about you or your relationship with your man. He's lying about this.. You'll know in your gut whether or not your guy still has eyes for his ex . About a week after he was texting me that he needs me, he loves me and wed be in each others arms soon. Why dose my boyfriend call me his little baby? - I dont understand why Hey , I'm female currently dealing with a sitution with a guy I knew for about three years. It is really not the most common term of endearment, but calling someone "baby mama" or "baby daddy" is a pet name of sorts. Another less likely option is that it is a new term to him and he didn't quite . They move here first, leave the wife and kid behind, when they get their citizenship they have the wife move here. But he tried to tel me I set him up wow I said to him. I love my daughter with all my heart. It would not matter where I am at in life or who I am with, if she would give things another shot I would drop anything and everyone to do just that. I know for sure once he gets a girlfriend he won't spend as much time with his daughter because even if he wants her over he tells me to come too because I watch her while he play video games. 9. Know your worth. I said dont forget you blocked me of all access to you. If that is the case then it would be likely that he would have shown signs of attraction around you and that he would only have said it once. I'm only 24 and he's 35 , and his bm is 25 , everyone say I need to move on and let go. Easier said than done. She knows all about me and I know all about her but we never met in person and when I tried to reach out to her myself she told my bf that I messaged her .. she blocked me too. Why waste your time with someone that wouldn't be proud to be with you and let the world know it? But that's after his mom died and even though I even wiped her when she peed herself fed her slept on the floor with him for the whole 30 days in the hospital I caught a attitude cuz he yelled at me and I said some shit to the extent in the argument that I'd go get some bomb ass dick. He thinks he's always right. As far as love goes I love him to the degree that my daughter loves him and he's important to her so since I love her I care about him. I wouldn't piss on my ex if he were on fire. I wish I was smart enough to leave when I could without having any drama or genetic attachments. I just have on question can my spouse has kids from a previous relationship( has to Baby mama's ) and they call him he hold conversations with them I don't know if it's about the kids because he will say things like yea she called me earlier today talking about this and that but if it was my daughter father calling me it's a problem but you can hold full blown conversations with both you bm's not to mention his 11 yrs older then me at times I don't know what to do or say to him without sounding childish or ridiculous but I hate the feeling that he's doing things behind myou back. cuz u know u have to deal with the drama that his baby mama will cuz. It's a classic story. I hate it. And is it normal to have a family day if technically we aren't a family? Your better off alone! No I'm not one of those crazy baby mamas because I don't get strung along lol. Yes I agree she shouldn't call late at night, but the bigger picture is this.what's really in between the calls? However, the difference is she knew he had a fiance, she was just living in hope that she's never make it over to England, because it took about 3 years. You can read more about me and my website here. He spent the night and asked me to drop him home in the morning. Honestly, you just need to be single for a while, finish school, and work on yourself and your child. I can relate! If neither the child or mother of the child know you something is up! It would be particularly likely that he would get anxious when youre with other men, get defensive when other men are around, make plans based on yours, point his feet at you and have dilated pupils when he is with you. But anywho this guy was actually being an awesome gentle, but just wasn't for me. Because your over your baby mama, that's why you don't talk about hercorrect? Because the sex is amazing and its something we both want. but had you been on birth control he wouldn't have been able to "trap" you as you call it. What does it take to stop running into these types of people? Yes and no, in mature relationships mom and dad get along for their child. My boyfriend and I have been together for over two years now and I like to think we have a strong relationship. So what, am I not supposed to answer?. I really don't give two craps about the father of my daughters. Miss Lucy had a baby And she named him Tiny Tim. Step 1. My baby daddy cheated on me we been together three years he now has another baby by another female when every she leave him with nothing an fly back to Germany he always run back to me what should I do. How is that possible when I dont know the girl who knows your wife? I was in a position where I supported him and always made sure he was there for them. Calling a girlfriend "mom" may signify one of three things: an affection, as a praise that you make him feel good; an insult, he is telling you that you are treating him like a mother hen; or a habit, he grew up around others who did it, so he believes it's a good thing. Whenever you get called mom, guy's are insinuating that you're treating them like their mom does. If you are happy with that ranking, then great carry on, but if you have aspirations of being more than his OW, then you need to cut this guy loose. i feel after 3 yrs she has to grow up. However he still talks to her and they seem close. I feel like I am [his second choice] but he tells me that he loves me and that I'm his one and only. She put me in a really dark place.then one day she left at 4 am while i was working.and continued acting single chasing anything involving parties.So with that said how can i love someone so abusive. Blogging about a wide range of topics to help facilitate a better future. This the girl that swing a knife to his neck most I did was prly scream to the top of my lungs lol. 1. Lmao ok that makes sense. Ok he might be saving you from years of harAskMent from a person who has nothing to lose. I and my boyfriend rekindled and we are back together. I have been off and on with my child's father for 11 years, we were married for 2.5 and really did love each other, but when we got divorced he got a groupie girl (she has been hanging on him in the background and hoping to be with him for years) pregnant but didn't want to be with her. If your eyes and ears are telling you that things between your man and his "baby mama" are not over and done, then no matter what he's telling you, you know what the truth is. I'm feeling lost here with all these responses. Based on what you have said, it appears that you may be an unknowing other woman. "If she constantly asks intrusive questions, your partner needs to be able to reply: 'That is not up for discussion.'". Cut your losses now. If your bf/gf left the baby daddy/momma then I would assume they don't want them! Even if you did you still have no right to judge them. If he resists, then you know he still hasn't moved on. Please Help. These deep conversations not only mean that he may . I know t's an old post but I guess you definitely did not feel secure in your relationship. the cop out story only works on idiots. He spent all last week at my house and of course we are physically attracted to each other so we have been having sex the whole time. Treat each other with respect. I was once in a relationship with someone who has two kids. We were in an 18yr relationship which eventually ended last year. Um - each situation is different I guess. Surely there's another. Crazy Baby Mama Stories and How to Deal With Your Boyfriend - HubPages The best way to handle a situation involving a child's life and the mum's is to talk to your man about it. When he talks to his baby mama in secret - Dr. Zoe Shaw Have you bought cars or apartments for any of your exes? It's pretty ****in annoying to b honest like I don't have nothing against the kid but my chest hurts everytime I see him granted he had a lot of kids I was looking forward to having his first son of anything! Ive been with this guy for approximately four months now and I feel as if hes still hung up on his sons mother. Trust your instincts. He had a girlfriend here in the UK, but his fiance was back home, awaiting immigration stuff. That's life things happen people make mistakes. no reasons. But because my daughters health depends on her mother I'm still a slave to the mom. He may be meaning something more than he likes you by saying it, youre going to have to ask him what exactly he means. Where i tell the woman i choose to mess with the truth of how i feel. If I choose to deal with himnever his decision. She said, "He'll marry him a quiet girl who doesn't give him problems." So that broke the camels back. Why do you feel the need to prove your worth? Performance & security by Cloudflare. I'm trying to move on, but its hard. Is It a Good Sign that Your Boyfriend Is Committed to You? My daughter is almost 2 1/2 and calls her aunt "Uncle Meghan," and everyone thinks it's hilarious. I recently filed for, That's what I'm afraid of I been with my dude for 9 years when I met him he had 3 kids all girls and When I was stuck in a different country for for a year he made a forth and too my luck it turned out to be a boy. by the women who had his last daughter. I melt inside everytime I see her which is twice a week. All that you wrote went in one ear and came out the next. Even though he and I are divorced we have remained friends. He wants to keep you locked down. A time log then bring it up to him only once if he doesn't correct the situation with the BM then there's your point he wants both of them or there's a possible affair going on between the two of them and if he does not my advice is move forward its not just about the baggage he will bring its the drama he will keep take care and good luck. Additional troubleshooting information here. I'll remove myself because he already blames me he can't be with anyone because I'll always try with him . Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Not Over His Baby Mama (21 Sure Signs to My boyfriend cheated on me with his baby mama and now she is pregnant but I still love him HELP!! But he's careless . For me, yes. Thanks, See my bf and I have been dating and his ex/baby mama is about to give birth any day now to his son his son was not planned he was drunk that one night and she cheated on him multiple times but I still feel like the other women even though the only connection to her is his son which I except the baby just not her but I feel like crap because she could give him his first child and I cant Im scared I might lose to him to her In the future even though the only time they talk is about the baby about to be born I just dont know what to do anytime his mom calls she tell him about the baby but dislikes me because she feels Im the barrier between him and his ex getting back together and that I ruined a childs family future and everyone pissed at him for hooking up with me instead of being with her because they want the baby to have both parents and not parents with separate lovers so this entire time I feel like the devil in this situation the other women. I tell him, "Either call me my name, M's momma, or just don't say shit at all. Yeap! I've been loyal to my husband! Bro, I understand what you mean. hes proly tryna stop a fight from happening. If they are not together as a couple anymore then why hide you? What you did wrong was allow his behavior in the first place. 10 Signs You Have A Controlling Boyfriend - Women's Health Your the one he chose to have kids with. I totally agree with you! I found this post as I was looking to try and understand why my ex baby daddy was texting me that he wanted to get back together when he's in a relationship and to my knowledge has been in a relationship with the girl he cheatred on me with. All the best beautiful mothers . It all depends on the context and how its used. Unless there was not a relationship prior and the woman got pregnant by accident. And if it's the other way around then I definitely wouldn't be worried about it bc if they still wanted your current bf/gf then they wouldn't have left them! Or, if you do or say things that make him distrustful of you, if he knows too much about you, how you move, stuff like that. It pisses me off and it's little things she so to get under my skin. It's different. Both of my kids have gone through the same as yours, and I cemented the fact that my name was not "Mommy" by jokingly saying, "I-AIN'T-CHE-MAMA!" He is a cake eater. You could really end up completely hurting a person dating them halfheartedly. Meldee09 Follow. If hes answering the calls and discussing her hairdresser with her then why is it her nessicarily causing the problem. Shes happy and I try to be civil with the step parent even tho I wanna rip his head off lol. So, what does it mean when a guy calls you mama? No need to take it personally. This is not for you my dear you need to find a man who wants you 100%, and will love you for and not play games like this. My boyfriend and I've been together for a year now, I dnt have any problem with him having kids. I thought we moved on with our lives, so then he calls me every three months, getting upset. I'm just a honest guy who doesn't play games and I want a good woman to be with that I can trust. When It Comes To Baby Mama Entitlement - Get Over Yourself! He'd talk bad about me; get into it with them; call me with them in the background telling them "Bitch you ain't shit. He said he didn't know how to , but he was gonna tell me , he had to tell me. 6 Dealbreaker Signs You're Dating a Mama's Boy Best Life Plus upon me getting pregnant, I was going to school myself, working towards my dream. People are telling me that he will come back, but I do not know if I should be hopeful. He does what he wants and when we actually suggest him to do something he goes why is everyone forcing to change me or make me do something. This is the beginning of her trying to make the relationship hell if he doesn't put a stop to it now it will continue to happen. She may not be as bad as she's been made out to be. If you have been dating him for a while then the reason that he calls you mama could be that he thinks that you are his girlfriend. I will always care/love him because he is my daughters father and that's it. And i always gave in because i love him. He Means it in a Romantic Way. It was a boy; he text me the pics. I just wanted to move on. Last summer we had a bad falling out that lead me to move on with someone else. As we're in Miami , a friend hits me up and ask if I was still dealing with the guy and if I'm pregnant . 10 Signs You Know He's Smitten | HuffPost Life The same situation I was in She believed every lie he told her. I have always loved my children's father and I always will; but we're friends now and that's what counts. I have never met his baby mama. Doesn't make any sense that he did that because he left me and our daughter for some new girl he met up at his work. seek information on a wide variety of topics including African-American hair care, health issues, relationship Usually it is a term of endearment for guys that go out a lot and see beautiful women, I imagine a Latino man says it maybe but probably not a white guy. These things are complicated and painful, and I will get over it eventually and find someone that matches me more and treats me better, but I wasted a lot of time and she probably has too because he doesn't love her still (he doesn't love himself and has deeper issues).
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