The Cecil family were controlled by the powerful Jesuit family known as the Pallavicini. April 28, 1874), married Maria Luisa Torlonia in 1823. The Boboni surname went lost with his children, who were called de domo filiorum Ursi. Like the White Pope, the general is elected for life and the Jesuit dynasty is a parallel or pseudo Papacy Of course, the general is content to run the show from behind the scenes so as not to arouse the age-old Italian hatred for the Spanish. The descendants of the family live in Rome, Torino, Singapore and in the United States. Raimondo Claricini di Dornpacher. Princess Mafalda of Savoy . and numerous condottieri and other relevant political and religious figures. Prince / Furst Landi of Valditaro , These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese & Count / Graf Charles Daniel III Johnson di Santa Croce , (nee: H.E. Furthermore, a castle named Campo de' Fiori, was included in the text. The links with the court increased further under Sergianni Caracciolo, Joan's lover and Great Senechal. H.E. H.I.&.R.H. Frank Orsini, the founding . Frank Orsini (center, hat and trumpet) poses with his band Don't Call Me Francis. A Brief History of the Rockefeller/Rothschild Empire - Wake Up World Who are the secret billionaires that run the world? The coat of arms of Gregory XIII shown here is one of two that can be found above the doors in the Gallery of Maps in the Vatican. Collins Family. Count / Graf Guido Barbianno di Belgioioso. Relationships with the royal family remained cold under Joan II; however, when Raimondellos son Giannantonio (1386-1453) sent his troops to help her against the usurpation attempt of James of Bourbon, he received in exchange the Principality of Taranto. . Count / Graf Francesco Pecori Giraldi. (Countess of The Holy Romann Empire), BOSSI FEDIGROTTI (Marquis of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF PIGNATELLI ARAGONA CORTES on the vault of the First Sala dei Foconi, the Vatican. This line was founded by Rinaldo, third son of Matteo Rosso the Great. Herzog von Swabia, Herzog von Saxe-Altenburg, (Baron of The Holy Roman Empire), H.Ill.H. Napoleone, another son of Matteo Rosso the Great, received Bracciano, Nerola and other lands in what is now northern Lazio. The second southern line Formed by America and Europe's most elite (both in terms of wealth and power) with historical roots that date back centuries. Count / Graf Ettore Valvasone. Countess / Graefin Jennifer Johnson di Santa Croce , Boccaccio describes the soldiers acting to spite of the Orsini's. Princess Luisa of Savoy . Little is known about their genealogy or history, but it's suspected that they wield enormous power within the Cabal, with extensive connections to New England Satanists, meaning they are key to the Cabal's Satanic rituals and worship. The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy ofthe Jesuit Order. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), DUCHY AND COUNTY OF FRIULI He is the most powerful man on Earth, who rules over Maritime Laws (business) . 13th Duke of San Donato, 12th Duke of Grottolelle, (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), COZZARELLI He took part to the Aragonese campaign in Tuscany and was killed in the siege of Viterbo. Orsini Family, one of the oldest, most illustrious, and for centuries most powerful of the Roman princely families. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), HOUSE OF JOHNSON DI SANTA CROCE Count / Graf Don Francisco Acedo Fernndez Pereira , (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. Vincent Jackson. Giancarlo Bonfazi di Statte Duchess of Filottrano and of Monte Conero , Piero Alessandro Franchini Stappo. Immaculate Conception room of the Borgia Tower, the Vatican. H.S.H. This put them well above the U.S. government in terms of power and influence, and this move to gain power over the . (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), SARCHI (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), DORIA Apart the Bracciano castle, other notable buildings and structures associated with the Orsini include: The Bomarzo Garden, a Late Renaissance-Mannerist gallery of bizarre sculptures and architecture commissioned in the 16th century by Vicino Orsini. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF CARAFA DELLA SPINA The Orsini were related to the Boboni family existing in Rome in the 11th century. By his marriage with a Francesca Orsini of Monterotondo was born Gentile Virginio Orsini, one of the most prominent figures of Italian politics in the late 15th century. Therefore, vaticanus collis or vaticanus mons mean the prophetic hill or mountain, which can be rephrased as the hill or mountain of prophecy. the general is content to run the show from . This first known members is one Bobone, in the early 11th century, father of Pietro, in turn father of Giacinto dei Boboni (1110-1198), who in 1191 became pope as Celestine III. The Borgia crime family created the Jesuits! The family recovered this setback under the more friendly Medici popes of the early 16th century. Roma, Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. See: Count and Baron von Reinheim and The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family. A younger brother of Giannantonio married one of Sergianni's daughters. I have ran 3 within the last 4 months. Corrections? Princess Marina of Savoy, Princess of Naples . The Aldobrandini family, having reached the height of its powers when Ippolito Aldobrandini became Pope Clement VIII (1592-1605), began the building of the villa. The last cardinal from the family was Domenico. +44 20 7581 5553. Duchess di Santa Croce , Duchess del Monte Titano, Run the World: Created by Leigh Davenport. Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two owners of Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp, four of the six media companies that control more than 90% of the U.S. media landscape. Adolfo serves as a military General protecting the Zoroathrianism and Mithraism mystery schools. The Orsini family is an Italian noble family; it was one of the most influential princely families in medieval Italy and renaissance Rome. 1981), whose mother is Princess Khetevan Bagration-Mukhransky. Their origins, when stripped of legend, can be traced back to a certain Ursus de Paro, recorded at Rome in 998. Prince / Furst Giorgio I of Seborga , The 13 Illuminati Families That Run The World Today The Roman or principal line of the family, from which branched off a series of collateral lines as time went on, may be traced back into the early Middle Ages, and a legendary ancestry goes . Some say, in an attempt to restore "balance" in the world, a New World Order was formed. 0.8 miles from Hyde Park. The same two top investors - Vanguard and BlackRock, also own the most controlling shares of all these corporations in the Big Tech industry. The Orsini "family" functioned much like a global cartel today, though arguably much more powerful. The Orsini also carried on a political feud with the Colonna family until by Papal Bull it was stopped in 1511; in 1571 the Chiefs of both families married the nieces of Pope Sixtus V. The Orsini were related to the Boboni family existing in Rome in the 11th century. Ive named the Grey Pope the one in-between the white and black but unseen. H.E. H.E. Chat : (M-F 8am-4pm EST) Email : . Prince / Furst Don Filippo Rospigliosi. Skip links. Baron / Freiherr Vittorio Emanuele Salvadori di Wiesenhof. H.E. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. Reverts back to the Imperial Crown. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCE ELECTORSHIP OF LOMBARDY The Jesuit general is referred to as the Black Pope at the Vatican because he always dresses in black. Run the World (TV Series 2021- ) - IMDb Don Prince / Furst Jonathan Paul Andrea Doria Pamphilj Landj . Ferdinand II had his fiefs confiscated and imprisoned him in Castel dellOvo, where he was poisoned in 1497. (Sovereign Duke and Count of The Holy Roman Empire), VALVASONE Part of the Imperial Patrimony of the Emperor. Together with his cousin, the Cardinal Giovanni Battista, he was among the fiercest opponents of popes Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Baron / Freiherr Guido Buffa. Italy was chosen as a test-target by the Committee of 300. The Orsini Bloodline Of Rome | Shift Frequency Above is a papal medal minted by Pius XI in 1929 to commemorate both the Lateran Treaty, which restored Papal sovereignty and made Vatican City an independent state, and the 50th jubilee of his priesthood. Fearlessness and athleticism run together in the Orsini family. Countess / Graefin Joanna Nicole Steinhurst von der Steinhorst , So in Rev 13:2 we can possibly substituteRomefor the wordDragon. List of Mass Shootings in the United States in 2021, CLICK FOR RECENT POSTS, SEARCH & ARCHIVES , Count of Statte, Baron of Ardgour . Among his sons, Giacomo (died 1379) was created cardinal by Gregory XI in 1371, while Nicola (August 27, 1331 February 14, 1399) obtained the counties of Ariano and Celano. The COVID pandemic is a ruse to usher in a new system of global centralized governance by unelected leaders, the so-called Great Reset. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.S.H. H.E. This power-house formed by 13 families is known to be controlling practically everything around the globe. orsini family runs the world - Princess / Furstin Donna Elvina Pallavicini. de jure Princess of Tournai , Duke di Santa Croce , Duke del Monte Titano, This is one of the more secretive families of the Illuminati bloodline. (The Royal House of Johnson,*Senior Line) The Jesuits are often referred to as "Black Nobility" or "Papal Bloodlines." H.E. He married Clarice Ruffo, daughter of the counts of Catanzaro, forming an alliance of the most powerful Calabrian dynasty. The Bobone surname was lost with his children, who were called de domo filiorum Ursi. Marchioness of Apiro, Countess of Visso . Princess Vittoria of Savoy . His sons Giacomo (died 1482) and Lorenzo (1452) battled for the Papal States, Naples and Florence. There is no one more powerful than this figure who is really the Grey Pope. His nephew Virginio was a famous admiral for the Papal States and France, but in 1539 he had his fiefs confiscated under the charge of treason. Baroness / Freifrau von dem Cherso . Knight of Malta, Tom Cruise donates to the Optimum Population Trust of Manchester, England. They received the ducal title from Pius IV in 1560 and held Bracciano into the 17th century and Gravina to 1807. In 1850 he was Minister of War and General Lieutenant of the Papal Armies, and Senator of Rome as well. The rise of the Orsini did not stop after Nicholas death. (Marquess of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF ALLIATA The latter was also Senator of Rome and enlarged the family territories in Lazio and Tuscany. Duke of Florence. Their principal fiefs were Bracciano (near Rome), acquired in the 14th century, and Gravina (near Bari), acquired in the 15th century. Baron von Steffenberg, Senior line*, H.S.H. Most of his fief were located in northern Lazio, but he entered in the Neapolitan orbit when in 1418 he was called by Sergianni Caracciolo to fight against the Angevine troops, which he defeated. (See: Kingdom of Etruria and Duchy of Florence), H.R.H. The Illuminati is only one of the six current heads that make up the Beast and there is a head to that beast a woman who rides that beast, the evilQueen Hephzibah(the matriarch who is said to be the reincarnation of Semaramis). The House of Orsini is an Italian noble family that was one of the most influential princely families in medieval Italy and Renaissance Rome. Baron / Freiherr Giuseppe Guidobono Cavalchini Garofoli. H.E. Pope Celestine III (ca. He was probably among the promoters of the failed plot against Cesare Borgia in 1502, being assassinated on February 22 of 1503 as retaliation, together with other members of the family: Giulio survived captivity under Cesare, and Paolo and Francesco 4th Duke of Gravina were strangled to death on the 18th of January 1503. Knightsbridge. The leader of the Jesuits is called the . (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), ATTEMS or ATTIMIS (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), BERTOLINI Notable buildings H.H. This first known members is one Bobone, in the early 11th century, father of Pietro, in turn father of Giacinto dei Boboni (1110-1198), who in 1191 became pope as Celestine III. Under his son Giovan Francesco (died May 8, 1567) the county entered the orbit of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Verse 4 is referring to the birth of Jesus, and Satans attempt to kill the infant Jesus. December 6, 1855 . (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), MONTECUCCOLI-LADERCHI Please go and studywho funded Elizabeth Ithat astronomical amount of money to fight the Spanish, yesPallavicini. He was made Duke of Gravina by King Alfonso, a title definitely assigned to his son Giacomo (died 1472), to which had been added the counties of Conversano, Campagna and Copertino. H.E. Orsini Family | Italian family | Britannica H.M.S.H. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. The sunburst wafer of the Eucharist appears in the sky above the Lateran and St. Peters basilicas, over the cup of the Mass. Duke / Herzog of Naples. This, along with a general economical decadence, damaged the dukedom, and last Duke and Prince, Flavio (March 4, 1620 ? Count / Graf Alessandro Pontoglio-Bino. The most important member of the Monterotondo Orsinis was Giovani Battista Orsini, who became cardinal under Sixtus IV (1483). Above the Rothschilds and Rockefellers but in line and of equal stature to the Breakspear, Aldobrandini, and other Papal Bloodlines. 1956), followed by his cousin Prince Lelio Orsini d'Aragona (b. Count / Graf Marulli. The rise of the Orsini did not stop after Nicholas' death. Members of the Orsini family include five popes:[1] Stephen II (752757), Paul I (757767), Celestine III (11911198), Nicholas III (12771280),[2] and Benedict XIII (17241730). Inner Doctrine = The way it really is and this is only known between Them. Four best friends living in Harlem strive for world domination. H.S.H. Orso (died July 24, 1424) died fighting for the king of Naples in the Battle of Zagonara against the Milanese. Powerful Bloodlines Behind the Dark Cabal | Covert Geopolitics Their Guelf allegiance also brought them land and lordships in the Angevin kingdom of Naples, where several long-lived lines of the family took root among the nobility. During Charles VIII of France's descent into Italy, he managed to keep Bracciano. (Count and Knight of The Holy Roman Empire), MACH DI PALMSTEIN The former was the founder of the first southern line, which died out with Camillo Pardo in 1553. Franciotto Orsini was created cardinal by Leo X in 1517. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF ALONZO DI ANCONA Apart from the Bracciano castle, other notable buildings and structures associated with the Orsini include: The Orsini family was briefly mentioned in Boccaccio's book The Decameron in the 5th day, 3rd story. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), COLLOREDO MELS He was made Duke of Gravina by King Alfonso, title definitely assigned to his son Giacomo (died 1472), to which had been added the counties of Conversano, Campagna and Copertino. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), BENVENUTI The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order even behind the Black Pope touted at the #1. Kingdom of Westphalia, Prince Electorship of Westphalia In the fourteenth century, when the papacy was returned to Rome from Avignon (France), the present-day Vatican became the residence of the popes, and the word came to refer to the enclave in the middle of Rome that had become the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. The Orsini were related to the Boboni family existing in Rome in the 11th century. Marchioness del Monte Titano , Countess of Valais , Brought to you by the CDC, The Orsini (Maximus/Orso) family are the Zoroastrianist shadow hierarchy of, You will never read any article about her, she is a, The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati, All controlled through the Jesuit Order and their. Hereditary Prince di Santa Croce , telex and smart phones run on. ORSINI MAFIA FAMILY: Where the Italian Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Koch family Koch Industries $99 billion. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), PECORI GIRALDI He and his father are major depopulationists. (Kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. September 19, 1812, Frankfurt) and his five sons, Amschel Mayer (b. June 12, 1773, Frankfurtd. Members of the Orsini family include five popes: Stephen II (752-757), Paul I (757-767), Celestine III (1191-1198), Nicholas III (1277-1280), and Benedict XIII (1724-1730). The Spanish control the Vatican through the Jesuits. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF di PORCIA e BRUGNERA Two of Ludovicos daughter married to relevant figures: Geronima to Pier Luigi Farnese, illegitimate son of Pope Paul III, and Marzia to Gian Giacomo Medici of Marignano, an important general of the Spanish army. Mar 4, 2015. 14th Marquis of Tortora, 11th Marquis of Ruggiano, He was born into the noble Orsini family in Rome, though he was only a cardinal deacon before becoming Pope. 1948). (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), DUCHY OF MILAN orsini family runs the world. Princess Alicia Gabriela of Westphalia, The Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful - visible - bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth is around $500 trillions . Countess of The Holy Roman Empire , Reichsritter of The Holy Roman Empire , New World Order: Creation of The Venetian Black Nobility and Committee (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), BARBIANNO DI BELGIOIOSO Mat 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. (Kingdom in the Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF CARACCIOLO H.E. His second son, Raimondello Orsini del Balzo, supported Charles III' coup d'tat in Naples against Queen Joan I. The line of Gravina, from the name of the eponymous city in Apulia, is the only existing line of the Orsini. The first members had in fact always doubled surname of Boboni-Orsini. Count / Graf of Montaldeo . Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts Twitter for . Omissions? The line of Gravina, from the name of the eponymous city in Apulia, is the only existing line of the Orsini. Giovanni Gramatica. (Marquis of The Holy Roman Empire), MARULLI DI SAN CESARIO Giannantonio was awarded with the duchy of Bari, the position of Great Connestable and an appanage of 100,000 ducati. This article acts as an introductory discussion for you to familiarize yourself with humanities consistent true enemy; the Jesuits. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), ZORZI GIUSTINIANI Lady / Frau Lucrecia Herrera Cozzarelli. The Orsini are one of most important families in Italian history. Count / Graf Fausto Solaro. Two of his sons and Napoleone were also Senators. Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; the happiest days of your life by jamie field Newsletter . (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), COMPAGNINO H.E. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), MARESCA Here is a verse from the Latin Vulgate Bible and King James as an example of the use of vatic (emphasis is mine): Et intellexi quod Deus non misisset eum sed quasi vaticinans locutus esset ad me et Tobia et Sanaballat conduxissent eum. 13 Bloodlines | Illuminati Families Controlling the Cabal - Ranker For Orsini, skill is not a stunt - Tampa Bay Times Prince / Furst Don Francesco Guasco Gallarate. Under king Ladislaus he was among the few Neapolitan feudataries who were able to maintain their territorial power after the royal war against them. H.E. . Prince / Furst Don Agostino Chigi Albani Della Rovere. BRITISH RIOT PHOTOS: The Brits Finally Begin to Take Back Their PowerBIG TIME! (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. Black Pope - America Is My Name Countess of Statte, Baroness of Ardgour . (See: Duchy of Florence and Principality of Santa Croce), H.R.H. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF ROSPIGLIOSI Count / Graf Frederico Bossi Fedigrotti. Count of The Holy Roman Empire , Covid-19 and the New World Order. Who Owns Planet Earth? Edmond de Rothschild . Duke of Florence, de jure King of Etruria, H.E. (Baron Of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF LANDI Margrave of Tuscany. Prince / Furst Don Gregorio Carafa Della Spina. Pitigliano line In addition, the family included 34 cardinals, numerous condottieri, and .
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