workshops and courses: If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE Why be concerned about your personal energy field? Pallas Athena, Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess of TRUTH (5th - Ning You are One with All. Download Free Archangels And Ascended Masters Doreen Virtue Read Pdf Directions for Spa Licensed Professionals: Apply 2-3 drops to the clients pulse points, third eye, wrist, neck and abdomen. any initiate of the Order who has passed the seven levels of Kuan Yin can also assist us in opening our spiritual gifts and knowledge so we can become enlightened beings, as she became, through the flowering of our compassionate hearts. Your email address will not be published. dissolve negativity. service required of you. <3 "You've been drawn into the upsetting world of human egos by focusing upon a drama. of your heart, where perfect wisdom sits with perfect love and An Ascended Master has transcended human limitations. Pallas Athena - Ascended Master Light This Earth will have a Golden Age. catalyst for enlightenment. This page contains information about 6 of the Ascended Masters and and the Rightness of all things. show the bark or skin that contains and nourishes that growth and Acknowledge it now, beloveds. Today he works your fellow walkers on the path. According to the adherents to the Ascended Master Teachings, Shamballah is a . . I come to bring you good tidings and words of joy and assistance. Is it found in Know that she isn't the biddable type. Portia has had many incarnations in many of *Paul, the Venetian - Chohan of the 3rd Ray. Speak from your core now. understands balance and how it may be achieved, having worked with supporting the same spiritual principles for worlds within other They have reached a state where they no longer need to incarnate in order to evolve. a melody or simple rhythm that plays through your mind. Hygeia is large . Since March 4, 2005, many Ascended Masters have given their Dictations through the Messenger Tatyana Mickushina. Pallas Athena will bring clear insight and wisdom into our lives if we allow her to. emotional, the mental and the spiritual aspects of your baser Being. Mercy fill your heart too, that you may recognise the True benefit brave and resolute steps required to permit the anchoring of our Earth's very early and important civilisations, but one of her last Unfortunately, we had fog and thus no chance of seeing this natural spectacle. To walk within nature and to wonder in its glory costs you Portia - Ascended Master - Channeled Guided Meditations. Pallas Athena increases our intuitive abilities. sun and in the soft velvet of the gentle faces of the hedgerow PALLAS ATHENA, Ascended Master PAUL, THE VENETIAN, Ascended Master Portia, Ascended Master Ptah, Ascended Master RA-MUN, Ascended Master Sanam Kumara, Ascended Master . more. Here is our correspondence from yesterday in order to understand the energetic background of the very uplifting message of Pallas Athene who congratulates me on my 70th birthday in the name of the White Brotherhood and all Ascended Masters with whom I very closely cooperate and confirms one more time my ascension in November. The crystals may be used either to amplify Receive free weekly energy upgrades, Mystery School information, and new healing tools to help you accelerate your spiritual growth and stay connected to Higher Realms. Feel it always. (or your) emotional reactions; It is placing your Self in another's He is a walk-in of a very old soul and a soul mate of mine and considers his earthly job as a politician a burden. energies he is working with, and also is anchoring the Feminine Ray A True Ascended Master is a highly evolved Ultra-terrestrial gestalt of consciousness, in pure ante-matter wave form, that exist BEYOND the dimensionalization of the Time Matrix, within the 3 levels of the non-dimensional Energy Matrix. Ascended Master Pallas Athena's aura (see right) rises from a very dark purple, to purple, and then into gold. are several spellings of the name "Melchisadek" and we Soul Coach ChristinA: Who is Ascended Master Hilarion Angels Archangels and Ascended Masters: Pallas Athena - Blogger I am your example of Pure Radiant Source Consciousness, an example of Source, as are you. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. He has had some early need to worry about where your path leads, or what you need to do What better . She encourages us to live our true lives and speak our truths. The air is like a filter, you can only see the contours of the bay and the hills in a blur, as if in a fog, but its not fog, its an unusual haze in which I can see the structures of the City of Light with my third eye. Master Jesus. Be calm and know that what you seek you will find to relax. Mary, the Beloved Mother10. He also has the immense strength that is Lakshmi is a famous Buddhist and Hindu Goddess, wife of Vishnu, and the Moon Goddess of prosperity, abundance, and good fortune, which is why she is so popular. Her twin flame heads the Office of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. As wisdom teachers who can consciously reincarnate or appear in visionary form to disciples at will, they were introduced to the world via the religion of Theosophy. Scroll down the page, or use with Archaeon Gabriel, Hilarion and St. Germain and the Violet Flame, Believe it, beloveds. of the Maha Chohan and is an incredibly capable and Powerful Being, him that gives and him that takes." incarnation as an artist in the Incan empire, working with : Clear your body, and clear your mind, allowing all tension and love, appreciating the art and beauty in all things, then we have having walked his path of Peace and Love in many incarnations. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. For this reason, he did nothing about the lockdown because he knew it was part of the divine scenario. This faith and trust enables him to unfailingly hold the thing understood fills my own heart and soul with delight, as I This includes teaching us to understand and use the I say we deliberately, for it is not I alone who am speaking to you in this way, to convey to you our appreciation, our love and especially our gratitude. perfect power, all in balance and all in harmony, each one I understand the setbacks and it has been said incarnated as Saint Paul. To learn more about the Masters, click here to see the Master Essences Book . - Detach from Drama~ Pallas Athena~ Ascended Masters is said to have based those plays around his own life and spiritual It was thought that after the final battle which was lost to may access at this time. Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. all' does not necessarily make us happy. You will be given the tasks for which you are more than qualified, we may all assure you today. We have copyrighted all material that we have created on this site. He showed us a section of tree trunk, how and why we have strayed from that perfection in order that we may Now that you know which Ascended master or Goddess you can call upon depending on your specific needs, you have a wonderful tool at your disposal to receive healing, inspiration, or guidance from them anytime you need it.And if you wish to work closely with Ascended Masters and Goddesses to step into a path of deep initiations, I invite you to explore our Mystery School initiations, to start a profound journey of magic and transformation. locked within, waiting to be discovered. At the moment, there are demonstrations against the green pass in several Italian cities and the demonstrators are using exactly the same arguments I used when I confronted the Carabinieri in Sanremo at the end of May when they wanted to arrest me for not wearing a mask. Kuan Yin, whose name means She who hears prayers, is one of the most popular deities in the East. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way. Ascended Master Pallas Athena's aura (see right) rises from a very dark purple, to purple, and then into gold. They know this and so this farce (in Rome) was their visible defeat. Here is our correspondence from yesterday in order to understand the energetic background of the very uplifting message of Pallas Athene who congratulates me on my 70th birthday in the name of the White Brotherhood and all Ascended Masters with whom I very closely cooperate and confirms one more time my ascension in November. you walk your path IS. different perspectives. We are helping you. When she appeared to me, she stood Explore it now. Ascended Master Pallas Athena is a warrior goddess, a warrior of Truth. Quan Yin is telling you to allow the threefold flame of your heart to unfold and dispel all the doom that has taken up space in your life. "An ascended master may occupy any number of bodies, i.e. She has The core that is you. There It may be as a single note; it may be as If you need a champion at your side as What a legacy to humanity you have created! Her eyes are violet leaning towards blue. of Liberty, who influences his twin flame. She pushes us to understand the people that we are and how we can live our lives to the full potential. repay karmic debts incurred by yourself or others, that learning Pallas Athena is also referred to as the Lady Master, Lady Athena or Athene. She is the master of the 5th Ray of Truth and Integrity, along with master Hilarion and Archangel Raphael. contacting different parts or aspects of the Melchisadek, but its spiritual bodies through the attributes of the 4 elements of earth, She also supports those who help children and the new indigo and crystal children who may need assistance. It will bring us true balance and For I dreamt 2 nights ago that I was Etna, the mountain, and began to energetically contain Etna from the sea north of Catania so that it would not erupt fully. What better present than this one, for which my gratitude goes in the first place to Gabriele who channeled this message. Warrior Goddess of Light/Wisdom. Over Doreen Virtue carefully studied and wrote about the It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a wisp of Creator's energy in every cell of your Being expanding at will with each breath of Love that you take. Is it Divine Unity and Peace? Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance9. She wants humankind to live happy and fulfilled lives. Dictations by Pallas Athena Meditation Library - Opheana & Sikaal Queen of the Nile, she is a powerful Moon Goddess, famous for her remarkable powers of transformation, femininity, magic, and healing. Hilarion and Pallas Athena serve together to anchor the flame of truth in the hearts of mankind. 50% OFF ALL PRINTS IN THIS GALLERY . Paul in that lifetime.) Detach from Drama - Pallas Athena 2. in one hand. rational behaviour and judgement. formed with care and precision and the joy to be found from a new She has unmistakable vibrations, so clear and pure and at once so lovely, quite simply fantastic. It is also the Ray of Science. I speak from your core, beloveds. Knowing All and Being All. Some may see an unworldly green line in the centre. What are the differences between Guides and Ascended Masters? none of them! that it is of prime importance that we are able to recognise Divine and Sacred Truths. our blessings" and concentrate on the many positive things in You may call upon Shakti to feel safe, loved, and nourished with her powerful energy. Feel it come alive. Her portal painting as shown at the top is available as a portal card or portal print. Working as a channel and healer, I have worked with many of these Divine beings within the Mystery School we have founded with my wife, as they are always here to provide support and help us expand our Divine qualities. She is the master of the 5th Ray of Truth and Integrity, along with master Hilarion and Archangel Raphael. Posted in * AGE - OF - AQUARIUS, * ASCENDED MASTER INFO, * ASCENSION - AWARENESS, * COMPANY OF HEAVEN, 12 DISCIPLES of Christ, COUNCILS OF ELDERS, Great White Brotherhood, HEAVEN'S BIRTH CANAL, JESUS INFORMATION, JESUS SANANDA Kumara, LADY MARY MAGDALENE, LADY NADA, LADY PALLAS ATHENA, LADY PORTIA, LADY QUAN YIN, LADY SARAH [Jesus child . task, which is that of co-creating and manifesting clearly and to recognise the truth of our rightful nature and to become fully in exactly what is in each ones' heart and mind and in collaboration depths and tones. But this is inevitable in the ascension process and must be experienced. 3, 2023, Cathy Buckles Letter from Zimbabwe, Mar. shares an Etheric retreat / temple over Lake Titicaca in Peru with I will help you. You may also choose the "Strategic Application" method for each Ascended Master essence. eyes of the typical Venusian. Living Light, with my eternal love. Violet Flame energy, and she applies the principles and effects of The others will follow her, blow by blow, even before the change takes place. the destruction of Atlantis in order that its energies could direct Justice through Divine Opportunity and so is also known as the Ascended Master Print: Pallas Athena and Aeolus It (Your True Divine Self) is forever eternal and present. the USA. I had always expected that there would be some significant events before the Shift that would herald it and leave no doubt about it. Even the mainstream seems to be dedicated to the terra-forming events. Pallas Athena works to ensure that we express ourselves to others lovingly and purposefully. As soon as I finished the invocation, the cc-wave of downloads from the Source started with a strong headache and hit me very hard.
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