All of this sure seems perfectly consistent with calling the same area the country (chra) of either the Gerasenes or the Gadarenes, after the two major cities. The Man Jesus Renamed | Reformed Theological Seminary 23, 24, viii. Gergesenes means "those who come from pilgrimage or fight.". This incident in the Gerasenes requires some entry understanding. One is that he was a fascinating man. They had heard what had happened to the pigs and knew the Jews considered Gentiles unclean, too. The demoniacs frightened the swine, and the transfer of demons from them to the swine was imagined. Although God's word does not name which cities were considered part of this region, Pliny's Natural History (c. 77 A.D.) lists these cities as Gerasa, Scythopolis, Hippos, Gadara, Pella, Philadelphia, Capitolias (Dion), Canatha, Raphana and Damascus. How do I connect these two faces together? Most people confessed to having the fear of things not working out, an inability to trust and others said they . Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Today, it is identified with El-Koursi or Kursi. But then also Christ will triumph, and finally put an end to the evil one and all his powers of darkness (Rev. She is a graduate of the Divinity School at Wake Forest University and Chicago Theological Seminary. Mark 5:1And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. Bill Maher says he's scared of former President Trump "on a very personal level" and "what he would do" to the comedian if he were to win the 2024 White House race. Finally, there is in demon possession a counterpart to the filling (or control) of the Holy Spirit. If it is a feminine spirit, the voice will be a feminine one, if masculine then very manly. Dave Armstrong Dave Armstrong is a full-time Catholic author and apologist, who has been actively proclaiming and defending Christianity since 1981. Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. It was like being attacked by two Hulks. They probably thought of quickly getting aboard ship and pushing off. Matt. Fallen people reject God not because they do not know His power. Life with him would be heaven on earth. Why would the Gerasene people beg Jesus to leave their region after He cast the demons into the pigs? e.g., Matt. There seems to be no excuse here for the charge of contradiction. July 2020 1) He Exposes Evil (v 28-30) . To date they have failed to respond in any way. Another reason they may have been afraid of Jesus was the realization that if they accepted Him, it would mean a radical change of lifestyle. November 2016 September 2022 Who Were The Gerasenes In The Bible? - Mastery Wiki Treasury of Scripture. recognizes the military background of the term, pointing out that in the imperial period a legion consisted of 6000 foot soldiers, 120 horsemen and technical personnel. Pigs were seen as unclean animals in the eyes of the people of Israel. . The nearby townspeople, upon hearing of the great miracle (and not wanting to suffer further economic loss), begged Christ to leave the Gadarenes and never come back! The pig shepherds had gone and spread the news of what had happened all around. Order Bulk SubscriptionsGet a discount on 6 or more copies sent to your parish, organization Another reason could be as Dr. R.C. This is when the storm arose which threatened to destroy the ship (Mark 4:35-41). As an alternative to confinement, the demons posed the option of being permitted to enter the pigs, some 2,000 in number, feeding nearby. First let us see what the Sacred Texts says: The swineherds ran off and told it in the city and in the country. 4, p. 102. Mark 5:16 says the thoughts of the people were on the swine. Matthew 8:28 - 29, 31, 34And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. What Does Luke 8:37 Mean? "And all the people of the country of the The Gospels use different names for the place where this occurred: This is supposedly a contradiction. Gerasa is (as we know) some 30-35 miles southeast of the Sea of Galilee, but may have also been the name of the larger region. December 2021 He shivered at the disturbing memory. October 2015 Thats just westernised interpretation which simply doesnt work when interpretating a Jewish book. Their first question is a rather pragmatic one, namely, How can demons possess animals? To this we must confess that we know too little to understand the mechanism of demon possession but the reality is very evident. For those who are shaken like leaves in the wind at the mention of demons, let us remember from this story that demons cannot even possess pigs without prior permission from our Lord. . The choice is to be free by submission to Christ (cf. How many demons possessed the man in Mark 5:6? (2) Anti-social behavior. As Jesus began to get back into the boat, the delivered demoniac pleaded with Him that he might accompany Him. May 2021 When Jesus and his disciples come to the mostly-Gentile region of the Gerasenes, they are met by a man whose life has been destroyed by demonic infestation. Was there some sort of unwritten rule that Darrow (or any non-Bellona) was supposed to throw the fight? 111 Edersheim maintains that it must have been late the same night of the storm: Most writers have, indeed, suggested, that the healing of the demonized on the other side took place at early dawn of the day following the storm on the lake. It hit them hard in the pocketbook. No! January 2016 The people were more terrified of Jesus and His authority than they were of this crazed and demonized man living among the tombs. Jesus did say to count the cost [Luke 14:28-33]. He felt Jesus' reassuring hand on his shoulder. Confusion, fear in moments after crash "There were many big pieces of steel," said Vassilis Polyzos, a local resident who said he was one of the first people on the scene. On the other hand, the scene gains in grandeurhas, so to speak, a fitting backgroundif we suppose the Saviour and His disciples to have landed on the other side late in the evening, when perhaps the silvery moon was shedding her pale light on the weird scene, and laying her halo around the shadows cast upon the sea by the steep cliff down which the herd of swine hurried and fell. Where did the demons go after they went into the pigs and caused them to jump to their death. Although demon-possession after that time no longer occurs on such a devastating and noticeable scale, the absolute form of demon-possession will appear at the end of the age in the Antichrist and in his followers (2 Thess. If they dare to open up their lives to Jesus what will happen? The best human analogy might be in the area of drug abuse. The occult and every front for demonic influence and activity should be avoided like the plague. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Horoscopes and astrological predictions are found in most major newspapers. This would also give time afterwards for the dispersion, not only into the city, but into the country of them who had fed the swine. 1 They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes. They all say country of (in the sense of region, not nation). Jesus asked Mary why she was crying at the grave site. The reference could hardly be to the better known Gerasa (Jerash) between thirty and forty miles southeast from the lake. Why are you Afraid? | Mark 4:35 - 5:20 | Who do you care more about, people or pigs? Jesus showed to the local population the inferiority of pagan life. As these people began to piece together the previous events, not only of the destruction of the pigs, but also the deliverance of Legion, they began to sense that there was One far more awesome, much more to be feared, than Legion. You might be thinking back to Easter and not recall very many hogs showing up except for at Easter supper. Jesus heals the Gerasene demoniac in Luke 8 | Psephizo His animal-like shrieks must have sent chills up the spines of any who were nearby. Yes, I know that Easter was weeks ago in April. (1) As Lord of all, God has the right to make use of His creation any way that He deems best, and this includes not only pigs, but people (cf. What would happen to them? David Noel Freedman, The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 991. The demons in the man recognize Jesus and the man bows before him. to sign up for our free Water Of The Word newsletter at the top of any page! Is there any archaeological evidence for Joshua entering Israel and conquering cities in the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age? No matter what men attempted to bind him with, he broke loose. People who have no appr Fallen people reject God not because they do not know His power. Here is one of the few times that a miracle drove people away, rather than to draw them to Jesus. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? This story is a little bit of an Easter story. Then people came to see what it was that had happened. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Jesus had actually helped them. monetization of National Catholic Register RSS feeds is strictly prohibited. But the city of Gadara owned some territory round about Khersa, so that the district and the pigs could properly also be called Gadarene. F. F. Bruce, Are the New Testament Documents Reliable? In both the accounts of Mark and Luke, the primary motivation is described as that of fear. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. Why did Jesus allow the demons to enter the herd of pigs? Cookie Notice 17, pp. Demonic influence further destroys mans reflection of God as originally designed.128 Demons have great spiritual insight and reluctantly submit to Jesus as Lord of all. For the reason why this is so we refer the reader to the introduction preceding the exposition of verses 33-7. 4. For more information about Glenn Davis see our About Glenn page and/or his Author's Page. I felt somewhat guilty, particularly fearing that I may have created an unintentional hardship for some classmate. Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. The man, who was naked when he saw Jesus, had the added ability of enduring both freezing and sweltering temperatures as well as pain he inflicted upon himself! Will they be rejected? Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. The commission of our Lord is considerably different from His instructions to the Israelites whom He had delivered. Jesus had simply sailed across the Lake of Galilee to the region of the Gerasenes. Who was afraid of Jesus and why? Gerasenes, Gadarenes, Pigs and "Contradictions" - NCR November 2022 It is something like the behavior and personality change in a man who is totally intoxicated. Perhaps they clenched their fists or picked up driftwood with which to defend themselves. If anything, that would have made them angry. And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another . seen it told them how the demon-possessed man had been healed. The lose of the pigs meant loose of partial income in the area. man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, 39 'Return home and tell how much God has done for you.' So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus (Luke 8:26-39, NIV) October 2022 November 2014. They valued their pigs more than they valued salvation. This reveals to us that demons have an intuitive knowledge of their impending doom.117. Read the Scripture: Mark 4:35 - 5:20. Then the SPCA would have been up in arms over such cruelty to animals. This name (Strong's #G3003) is a reference to a Roman military regiment that varied in soldier strength from 4,000 to 6,000. iv. Their influence and control leads to untold agony and destruction. So he got into the boat and left. Its ruins include two amphitheaters, a basilica, temple, a hippodrome, aqueducts and colonnades, showing its importance and stature. June 2020 It is ironic that while the demons didnt want to leave the country, the dwellers of that land didnt want the Messiah to stay. March 2018 And, Gerasene was one. His greatest impact would be on those who knew his former state. The people were gentiles who had not yet any interest in the Messiah. Author of The Gnostic Notebook series, stand-up comedian, and Gnostic. Why were the people of Gerasene afraid of the presence of Jesus among them? 31. The Demonized Man of the Garasenes (Luke 8:26-39) - JesusWalk That the unclean spirits were personal beings is evident from what is related about their leaving a possessed person, talking or crying out, possessing knowledge concerning Jesus, as well as other supernatural knowledgeshowing fear, and the like. Although Gadarenes and Gergesenes are derived from a different Greek word, they are essentially referring to the same area. 15; Mark ix. Renew or manage your subscription here. verse 5). For more information, please see our Such an entreaty can be addressed by them to only God. They look forward to their future with great dread. July 2017 April 2021 At the side of Kersa the shore is level, and there are no tombs. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 4 Reasons Jesus Cast Demons Into a Herd of Pigs 2. Why is this even an issue, I wonder? Why was Jesus going to walk past the disciples as they were rowing on the Sea of Galilee? And the people there were scared, they recognised this, but more, they realised the significance of this. Why do people like Jesus a lot? The spread of cholera was linked to the movements of . The Man from the Tombs: Christ Speaks to the Problem of Spiritual In Jewish thinking, spirit beings were assigned to certain geographical territories.120. December 2020 Asked October 24 2014 Significantly, the demons are called unclean spirits (verse 2,9). Those who had seen it told them how the man who had been demon-possessed had been healed. Here is where Satan can use a man to influence scores of people, blinding minds and hearts to the truths of the Word of God (2 Corinthians 4:4). They greatly desire to enter and control a physical body, whereby they may reflect their character and attributes. 2 Now a centurion had a servant 1 who was sick and at the point of death, who was highly valued by him. But, the pigs were a part of their economic wealth. Luke 8:37 Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Luke 8:26And they arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is over against Galilee. No matter where you are on life's journey you are welcome here! In Acts 8:1 we have the regions of Judaea and Samaria (KJV), and in Acts 16:6, Galatia alone. The exercising of authority over demons, in the land under another god, was a message. To understand this event, you need consider the incident at Babel, and Deuteronomy. vi. Then they began to beg Jesus to leave their neighbourhood. 14). French Monastery Survives War and Famine After 885 Years, the Basilica of St. Ambrose in Milan, and More Great Links! In the form of tongues as of fire, the Holy Spirit rests on the disciples on the morning of Pentecost and fills them with himself. (CCC 696). The spectrum ranges from those who seem to control the demonic powers to those who are utterly controlled by them. Earles comments are helpful: The difference in names for the destination on the east side of the take has caused considerable comment. As always, we must begin with the principle: Interpretation is one, application is many.
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